24 Mar 2010 11:23 AM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Joyce Hoffman for Life Tapestry

Dear Ones,

Let us review what has happened in the last couple of weeks, and extrapolate
from those happenings what is going to be happening in the next few months.

You have long heard that open communication, joy, peace and love are the end
points of your movement into the New Age. And you have meditated, discussed and
read about what you need to do to reach that goal. We will tell you to throw
your books away. Stop meditating. And stop your discussions. All of the
aforementioned activities merely continue your thoughts that someone out there
somewhere has answers that you do not. Nothing could be further from the

You are a fully contained, unique individual who does not require
anyone or
anything to direct you to your individual joy. If each person is an
how can anyone – no matter what their credentials are or how many books
have sold – tell you how to achieve your goals? Freedom is not just an
word in your vocabulary that you spout when appropriate, it is your life
earth and in all other realms. Freedom is who you are. Now, it is true
others can give you tips or help you access feelings you have o’t
yourself to access. But they cannot live your life for you or tell you
how to
live your life. It is YOUR life.

You have heard this concept from others in many different ways from,
“You are
God.” to “Act on your feelings.” But because your need to blend is so
ingrained in your being, you continue to think that this person or that
holds the key to your joy and thereby, your life. We must be very direct
you. Some people take great joy in finding joy. Others, are more
comfortable for
whatever reason, in finding pain. And still others, find a great deal of
satisfaction in directing the lives of others. None is right nor wrong.
How can
any be if freedom is the direction you are all searching for?

By the same token, joy to one person might be pain to another. You
can no
longer define your feelings as how you have defined them in the past.
This New
Age is a revolution of immense proportions. What was is no longer. And
what will
be is in the formation stages – including how you define your feelings.

In the past, others told you what joy meant to them and expected you
to not
only agree with them, but to define your feelings in a similar fashion.
If you
doubt our thoughts, please review how each culture teaches feelings as
as they do colors. “This is a RED ball. This is a HAPPY moment for you.”

Many of you will disagree. But before you totally negate our
thoughts, think
back to what you found joyful as a child. A pretty new dress perhaps? A
new toy
car? Now why did those items give you joy? Were you nude? Did you not
have any
toys?  If you look closely at history, you will find that joy has been
by the culture rather than by the individual. Does a two-year find more
in a new truck than a set of old pans? Of course not. It has been the
who defined joy.

Which means that you now have to start at ‘ground zero’ to determine
truly gives you joy. Does that mean you will throw your clothes out the
Maybe or maybe not. It is your joy you are defining. What gives you joy?
what should give you joy. Define your unique joy and your path to the
New Age
will be rapid and so much fun.

Many of the New Age, new energy materials you are accessing define
your joy
according to what gives the author joy or what he or she believes they
should do
to access joy. Perhaps you love meditating. That is wonderful. But if
you are
meditating because you have read that you should and you believe that
you will
not attract a mate or whatever it is that you want without it, you are
your time. Meditation will not work for you. Joy is your only access
point for
creating the life you are dreaming of. Does it feel delightful to think
your new life as you cross a busy street in Manhattan? Then that is as
much of a
meditation for you as is the sitting in a specific position in a silent
room is
for someone else.

Listen to your joy. It is screaming to be freed of all of the
you have placed on it since birth. Joy is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a
week – as it always has been. Now that the New Age has dawned it is time
for you
to remove the restrictions and rules you have placed on your joy. More
importantly, it is time for you to know that you, and only you, truly
know what
gives you joy. That giggle, that laugh of recognition, that beacon is
yours and
yours alone.

No one can tell you how to be, anymore than they can tell you where
to live.
This is your life. This is your joy. And you have the freedom and
to claim both. Take that freedom and revel in it knowing that others
will be
less and less inclined to care about your life, as they become enamoured
their own. This is the New Age. Claim your being and then live your life
in joy
– your unique joy. So be it. Amen.

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