Tag: happenings (page 1 of 2)

Galactic Goddess

As the energies from the Galactic Center intensify, it is important for the people to be aware of the Galactic Goddess. In the past, people were aware of the masculine energies from the Galactic Center, which manifest as Galactic superwaves, capable of shifting planetary poles, triggering drastic climate changes and making species extinct. It is time now to become aware of the Galactic Goddess, the feminine aspect of the Galactic superwave, which will manifest itself as Love, never before known on this planet.
This energy will ease our breakthrough at the time of the Event and effectively cancel out the vast majority of negativity at the peak of the transition.
More than people are aware of this energy and are able to channel it through their energy fields and their bodies, more it will be able to soften our global collective path.
This is one example how it can manifest:
It would be good if as many Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible are formed worldwide to channel this Galactic energy. If you would like to form a group in your area, you can go here:
The following groups are not directly connected with the Sisterhood of the Rose but are very well aligned with the essence of the Goddess and are a good example how Sisterhood of the Rose groups could operate:
The Cabal is very well aware of the power of the Goddess energy in manifesting the Event and although we are not in the Middle Ages anymore, they are still suppressing it:
Most likely you have noticed that no significant intel was released in the last few weeks. Most reliable intel sources have not received anything significant or have been asked not to release anything significant until certain operations of the Light forces are completed. This has made room for heaps of disinfo and blogosphere is full of speculations which are mainly not based on reality, and also full of people accusing each other of being »AI / mind programmed«. Please be aware that on this planet obviously everybody is mind programmed to a certain degree and yet most people are good in their essence and they try to do their best to improve the situation. This is where our focus should be. 
The situation is expected to improve in a week or two as a certain phase is completed, new intel is released and happenings from behind the scenes finally get released into the blogosphere. 
The Breakthrough is near!

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The Ghost of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, built in 1868, is considered a historical landmark in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It’s also rumored to be haunted, and its alleged resident ghost has a bizarre origin story.
In 1886, plans were made to construct a new tower for the church. Two Swedish stonemasons were hired for the job, but they both mysteriously disappeared before the tower was finished. Because of this setback, the tower went unfinished until 1927.
The problem was the unexplained eerie happenings that started to occur inside the church, along with sightings of a mysterious ghostly figure. Whenever construction was planned on the tower, workers often became too frightened to finish the job. The workmen were even granted permission to build a private isolated room to accommodate their ghostly friend.
Decades later, Reverend Eugene Todd was serving as pastor at St. Mark’s when he received a surprise explanation for these supernatural occurrences. He had been summoned to a nursing home in Denver, where an elderly dying patient had requested confession with him. The man claimed he was one of the two Swedish stonemasons who had mysteriously vanished while working on the church many years ago.
Apparently, the other stonemason had accidentally fallen to his death in the unfinished bell tower. His partner was terrified that he would be blamed for the death, so he decided to entomb the body under cement inside an unfinished wall section before fleeing the area. Although the missing stonemason’s body has never been found, many people found the old man’s story credible and believe that the stonemason’s ghost haunts the church.

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Heaven Letters May-19-2013

Heavenletter #4559 How Many Verses Would You Sing? , May 19, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
How shall I say this? I will say it this way: You

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Heavenletter #4186 Know Yourself as Beloved , May 11, 2012


God said:

Of course, you would choose only happiness. Who wouldn't? You cannot take it to heart, yet, nevertheless, the happiness I speak of is something independent of what falls into your lap. The happiness I speak of is not...

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The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: 3D Earth Timelines and the Help we Have Been Giving


8 November 2011

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Dearest souls of one of the infinite realities that make up your Earth sphere, we are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral planes. We watch over you all and your world at all ...

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Dr. Steven Greer on World Puja Network

Please post and circulate widely!

View Online at: http://www.disclosureproject.org/email-update-july-7-2010.shtml

World Puja Network Show - July 9, 2010 and CSETI Upcoming Events

World Puja Network Show - Ju...

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Dealing with Change

a message from Christina Lunden

Tuesday, 6 July, 2010 

Can you believe we are half way through the year already?  There is a lot going on with Mother Earth and with our own paths as we mov...

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Oneness of All, Arcturians July 6th, 2010

Greetings to all. 

We come today to tell you of much that is about to occur.  We are seeing many of you very confused by  happenings on earth at this time.  What is happening is that you are evolving;  seeing and experienc...

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SaLuSa 05-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

This particular time in the Western calendar is one where there is much introspection, as the celebration of Easter is in remembrance of Jesus. It is perhaps sad that it focuses more on the crucifixion, and less on the works that this great soul achieved in his lifetime. Your history shows that periodically a leader emerges from within your midst, who is a Wayshower with teachings appropriate for the time. Jesus came not to start a religion, but show by his example the way Man should live. He was the perfect example of One who lived his word, and when he preached love that is exactly what he was - Love Incarnate. There is nothing else in your lives that is of such importance, and it starts by loving Self and then others. Since you are All One, why would you treat another part of yourself any differently from anyone else. Your principle lesson is to be able to express Unconditional Love, and when you can do so you can claim to have found the Way. We know that it is not easy to suddenly view life quite differently to what you have been used to, but if you are to progress you will need to change your beliefs.

You can stand still and even go backwards, but with the experience gained you will eventually go forward. The nature of duality is to help you confront what you call good or evil, so that you understand what it is like to experience lack and separation. These challenges further your spiritual evolution, and through your understanding you rise above your limitations. You too can then become a living example of the truth in action, and be assured that others will take note of it. Humans are surrounded by examples of falsehoods and outright lies, and there is a feeling that it is acceptable to achieve success in this manner. Even those you look up to and revere are often prone to giving out less than the truth, and honesty becomes a rare attribute. Try it dear Ones, go through a day without speaking other than the truth, it is far more difficult than you can imagine. Yet if you wish to rise up and attract the pure vibrations to yourself, you will need to aim for nothing less than a truthful relationship with all you meet.

We of the Galactic Federation have no such problems, because we have long gone beyond the ways of Humans. It may sound odd to you, but at our level only the truth can exist, because anything less is “felt” by a change in the energies accompanying the spoken word. It is also seen within your aura, as the purity of the colours looses its brilliance. This also applies to telepathic contact with each other, which is our normal means of communication. Do you see now that when we talk with your government officials, we cannot be fooled by any deceitful intent on their part? Most of your representatives have broken their oaths to serve you, and we are totally aware as to the ones amongst you who have your best interests at heart. When the governmental changes are made, as they will very soon, you may be sure that only those who are spiritually motivated will be reappointed.

Many of you wish to join us but that is not as simple as at may appear. You can do it through your application to raise your vibrations, in the manner we have informed you previously. As unless you can match the vibrations of the higher dimensions, you cannot move into them. Where it is your intent to do so you will be given every help, and in that event you would almost certainly be successful. Each of you has the potential to ascend but the desire has to be strong. You cannot approach it half heartedly, and it does require some work on your part to achieve your goal. It does not matter if you do not succeed this time round, as any progress you make will place your feet firmly on the next path to Ascension. The cycles of life continually give you the opportunity to evolve as no experience is ever wasted.

Theses times are exciting if you look at what lies ahead, because out the chaos will come a definite plan that all will understand. Once it gets going there will be one change after another all aimed at bringing in the New Age. You have a lot to catch up on, and it will lift your spirits in next to no time. The goals will be quite clear and you will be given sufficient information to help you understand. Anyone who follows the messages about Ascension will already have a good idea as where everything is leading. After many promises of action we can say that matters are coming to a head. The dark continue to be weakened by their lack of cohesion and power. For a time this makes them dangerous, as like a cornered animal they will lash out. However, we monitor their activities and do not expect any dramatic happenings. Our allies are well placed to contain any sudden move.

Let this period be one where you reflect upon your achievements to date, and if you take time to look at yourself open and honestly, you will know how far you have to go to be prepared for Ascension. Apply yourself to the task of going further with your preparations, as the rewards are so great. Right from the time you first dropped into the lower dimensions, you knew this period would release you from duality. So take it with both hands, knowing that you will not do have to do this journey again. Let the distractions pass you by, as they have no pull upon you unless you allow it. Indeed, you should by now have a strong defence against them, knowing that your willpower is all-powerful.

Dear Ones, you are generally so patient, and we still have some time to go before we can announce details of our presence. It is not that we consider it urgent, as there is already so much acceptance of us. However, a whole string of events are lined up, and once they become public knowledge they will go speeding ahead. We are in what you might call “nearly times” because on a number occasions we have been so near to making our announcements. Keep your eyes open and you will get wind of when something important is about to break.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the amount of Light on Earth has grown immensely just lately. So you can rest easy knowing that the vibration is rising as necessary to bring Ascension about. The shadows are dispersing as the Light penetrates every corner and transmutes the dark energies. Keep up your wonderful work, as you are all needed and much loved.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Keys to Higher Consciousness: Interpreting your Life as Symbol

Channeler: DL Zeta

An important part of opening to channel is sharpening your skill at interpreting the downloads you receive. There's a part of you that works at the subconscious level to transfer the energetic impulses of a download into words and images that hold meaning for you.

This part of you will use your knowledge, understandings and experiences to help you translate the information you channel. The conscious mind of a channel routinely colors and filters the information received. The less filtering and coloring of intuitive downloads, the more “pure” the channel. The more adept you are at understanding symbols, the less you need to work with channeled information from a conscious perspective. It in other words, once you're able to consciously understand symbols, your inner translator is able to give you raw, unedited downloads encoded in symbols. By becoming fluent in the messages your inner translator sends you, you become adept at the language of your subconscious -- the language of your soul.

This fluency over time helps you become telepathic with your higher self. It can be compared to learning a person’s native language in order to gain deeper insights into who they are and what they are about. It’s easy to see how this fluency is more productive that using gestures and broken sentences to get your message across. Fluency allows you to better understand the context and subtle meanings contained in a message. It is not unlike remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams. As you look at each person, each location, each object in a dream, you expand your understanding and the subtle complexities of the message reveal themselves to you.

To become adept in the language of your soul, practice remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams. In addition, at the end of each day, write down happenings of your day that stand out in your mind and interpret these just as you would the images of your nightly dreams. Both practices will yield important information and insights for your daily life. They will also help you develop an ongoing dialog with your higher self and become adept at understanding the downloads it sends you.

Excerpt from Channeling into the Next Dimension: A Handbook for Opening Your Psychic Senses by DL Zeta & Peter Phalam http://www.celestialvision.org/channeling-into-the-next-dimen/
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

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Your Joy is Screaming to be Free!

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 11:23 AM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Joyce Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Let us review what has happened in the last couple of weeks, and extrapolate from those happenings what is going to be happening in the next few months.

You have long heard that open communication, joy, peace and love are the end points of your movement into the New Age. And you have meditated, discussed and read about what you need to do to reach that goal. We will tell you to throw your books away. Stop meditating. And stop your discussions. All of the aforementioned activities merely continue your thoughts that someone out there somewhere has answers that you do not. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are a fully contained, unique individual who does not require anyone or anything to direct you to your individual joy. If each person is an individual, how can anyone – no matter what their credentials are or how many books they have sold – tell you how to achieve your goals? Freedom is not just an isolated word in your vocabulary that you spout when appropriate, it is your life on earth and in all other realms. Freedom is who you are. Now, it is true that others can give you tips or help you access feelings you have o’t allowed yourself to access. But they cannot live your life for you or tell you how to live your life. It is YOUR life.

You have heard this concept from others in many different ways from, “You are God.” to “Act on your feelings.” But because your need to blend is so deeply ingrained in your being, you continue to think that this person or that person holds the key to your joy and thereby, your life. We must be very direct with you. Some people take great joy in finding joy. Others, are more comfortable for whatever reason, in finding pain. And still others, find a great deal of satisfaction in directing the lives of others. None is right nor wrong. How can any be if freedom is the direction you are all searching for?

By the same token, joy to one person might be pain to another. You can no longer define your feelings as how you have defined them in the past. This New Age is a revolution of immense proportions. What was is no longer. And what will be is in the formation stages – including how you define your feelings.

In the past, others told you what joy meant to them and expected you to not only agree with them, but to define your feelings in a similar fashion. If you doubt our thoughts, please review how each culture teaches feelings as readily as they do colors. “This is a RED ball. This is a HAPPY moment for you.”

Many of you will disagree. But before you totally negate our thoughts, think back to what you found joyful as a child. A pretty new dress perhaps? A new toy car? Now why did those items give you joy? Were you nude? Did you not have any toys?  If you look closely at history, you will find that joy has been defined by the culture rather than by the individual. Does a two-year find more pleasure in a new truck than a set of old pans? Of course not. It has been the culture who defined joy.

Which means that you now have to start at ‘ground zero’ to determine what truly gives you joy. Does that mean you will throw your clothes out the window? Maybe or maybe not. It is your joy you are defining. What gives you joy? Not what should give you joy. Define your unique joy and your path to the New Age will be rapid and so much fun.

Many of the New Age, new energy materials you are accessing define your joy according to what gives the author joy or what he or she believes they should do to access joy. Perhaps you love meditating. That is wonderful. But if you are meditating because you have read that you should and you believe that you will not attract a mate or whatever it is that you want without it, you are wasting your time. Meditation will not work for you. Joy is your only access point for creating the life you are dreaming of. Does it feel delightful to think about your new life as you cross a busy street in Manhattan? Then that is as much of a meditation for you as is the sitting in a specific position in a silent room is for someone else.

Listen to your joy. It is screaming to be freed of all of the restrictions you have placed on it since birth. Joy is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week – as it always has been. Now that the New Age has dawned it is time for you to remove the restrictions and rules you have placed on your joy. More importantly, it is time for you to know that you, and only you, truly know what gives you joy. That giggle, that laugh of recognition, that beacon is yours and yours alone.

No one can tell you how to be, anymore than they can tell you where to live. This is your life. This is your joy. And you have the freedom and responsibility to claim both. Take that freedom and revel in it knowing that others will be less and less inclined to care about your life, as they become enamoured of their own. This is the New Age. Claim your being and then live your life in joy – your unique joy. So be it. Amen.

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Adele’s March Message

I hear it every day…where has all the time went…I have lost the last fifteen years. When looking back over all the years that have passed you by …all the years that you have already lived…all the years that have gone and shall never be back again…Think of all that you gained from those years…Time is not lost to you…you have just started to find that which makes time stand still…...

When we look back onto our lives it is the measures you have made in that time. What have you accomplished and what did you learn? Was it not to do the same thing over and over again or was it to give you the comfort to keep moving on?

When I look back I see a world of experience with every step I took, sure there were times that I made one mistake or another. But those mistakes took me on a journey to find who I am. And that I would not give up for anything in the world.

You know being able to see those in the spiritual worlds that live around us each moment of our lives is not what everyone wants. I was always considered weird or individuals would feel uncomfortable….well..that has not changed much (smile) but it also had me at one point trying to be just like those who I was choosing to be around. Once when I figured out that they are no better than me, it was all in their own mind in how they needed to be liked by everyone. I learned that it is perfectly normal to be me and if there was not anyone who liked me because of what I could do... then…It did not matter. Because I liked me and I liked that I could be a part of what no one else could.

But those were also the days that so much pressure is placed upon someone, so much to be liked or not liked, so much to be a part of what was going on in the neighborhood or area in which we lived.

I also found that the mistake I might have made, gave me a look at why it was a mistake and by whose opinion. You know what I found? I found that a mistake that another individual makes is judge by whom and what society says is a mistake. The shame that is placed upon an individual by those whose views say it is a mistake …is the mistake.

You see how can we judge another individual in their learning growth and development on this planet of Mother Earth? When one understands about Soul Contracts then one can clearly see the life learning lessons that each individuals is here to learn for the Soul’s growth. As the soul evolves in this learning phase then you have contracts that are finished as long as the individual then learns the lesson and moves on to not re-do that lesson again. Evolving at a rate in time that right now is going to push you to look back and examine all that you have lived. This is why so many have that question....Where did my life go? Where did all those years go?…Well…. they went to evolving your beautiful soul to the level to recognize this. To grow in your light of love with humanity, to look at all that has ever been placed upon you from so long ago and truly, truly start to live.

To journey back in time to see your own growth and development is a plus, do not knock yourself down before you pull yourself up.

And right now the energies are pulling everyone up… up… and up…That is why you are feeling this and feeling as if you have someplace to be, but where that is you do not know or understand…It is to let go of that which is behind you and move forward to that which awaits you.

Let go of your own self judgments. Why is it that so many are judging others? I have to add this as it keeps coming up time and time again, from so many who write to me. Many do not want to look at their own self, they believe they have all that there is and they are doing it all in the light. And so many cannot see pass the light that they say they walk in, to see they too, are being judgmental of others for not being the way they expect them to be Wow…what a statement, I know. You see when we look at others in their journey, their struggles and comment on them to get over it…well, is that not their journey to walk? that is their time to work through that which is in front of them, why is it so hard for you to say you live compassionately but have no compassion for another to work through their own stuff? So when you are trying to tell them to get over it, you are also placing yourself in a protective net of not seeing that you may have the same issue and you may need to work on it so you too can get over it. That which is reflected in our own surroundings may too be that which we need to look at see within our own self….

Dear Ones do not be hard on yourself as these energies are lifting to show you once again the beauty that is within you and which lies before you in your journey. We have all been in this energy for some time that each has grabbed a hold of and claimed as their own. As this energy is lifting away, it will be like a blanket that is being pulled away from you, the more you tug it back the more you are saying that you do not want to let go of something that was not yours from the beginning. DO not lay claim to that which is holding you back…Allow your fingers to let go and walk into this energy that is before us. It will surround you with so much more accomplishments and love than ever before.

As we are in the middle of March the energy is here to lift you up, keep your eyes on the sky as there will be an illumination soon which you cannot ignore and will be that which brings much light to many and a few heartaches to some. Keep your arms open wide and embrace those with Love all around you. As there is no time to waste as it has been said before, watch the happenings at the Vatican and all the religious and political organizations that are around us. As each day new doors are opening for you to see the light that is shining through as it grows stronger and stronger. New discoveries are being reported each day…these my friends are the Akashic doors which have been opening little by little for each time we make a discovery to bring us closer to the answers of humanity , the Akashic is exposed brighter and brighter. But Just as these doors are opening so too, is that which is given to each of us to then be the bearers of illumination. The responsibilities lie upon our shoulders, so do not look for when the discoveries will be made…Know they are being made each moment of our existence.

May your days be filled with wonder, may you always see for what it truly is and may you find peace in your heart to accept those around you with the love you have for self…

Time has not lost you …you have found that which makes time stand still…...you hold it in your hands each day…you hold it in your heart every second…you hold it in your mind to recognize….now send it freely to where it needs to go…………..

Love, laughter & Light, Adele Copyright 2010 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones http://www.angelicwiseones.com This material is free for public use to copy, distribute, and display if abided by these terms.  Credit must be given to the author Adele Linsalata and the work must be used in its entirety.  The work may not be altered, added on to or edited in any way.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.  Any of these conditions may be waived if permission from the copyright holder and author are given.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.  Contact Adele Linsalata at adele@angelicwiseones.com

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The Truth Revealed

Freedom is what we all seek in our lives, no matter how we each define it. There is no question that it is a universal desire regardless of our culture, religion, beliefs, status, wealth, diversity and uniqueness. Everyone wants freedom and is either fighting for the freedom of others in some way, or yearning for the right to express themselves in a way that is uninhibited and free of judgement. Which ever way we look at it, we all want to experience the joy in the freedom of being (the same thing that unconditional love affords us), yet feel that our freedom is being compromised by a variety of external influences.

While many of us are still relying on the happenings in our outer circumstances to determine how we feel, we are now at a stage in our evolution to know better. Our journey together has reached a point where we are heading into unchartered waters where the level of freedom we experience in the future is determined by the present liberation we feel inside. Actually, we are still defining what freedom really means and we have become so attached to the dramas of life that complete freedom can be a scary proposition for many. Who am I without the addiction to my – and everyone else’s - dramas?

The truth on all levels is now being revealed to the masses as the dense energies of deceit and injustice are being exposed to clear the way for a new experience of being with each other. The darker side of humanity is showing us that we each need to look in the mirror of our own reality to determine what limitations and judgments we continue to chain ourselves to from the past that inhibit our sense of freedom. While we now have access to higher frequencies of energy that lead to a reality of total freedom, any fears we are still clinging to will present themselves to us for the opportunity to transcend them and experience the freedom we so desire.

Those of us who are awake to our true nature have been anticipating the arrival of this time on the planet for what seems like an eternity and now we must move from waiting to full participation. It is not our role to focus on who is still caught up in the old way, but instead to integrate all we have learned and know to be true so we can unite in the light of the new world. The prophecy of separating the wheat from the chaff is happening now. We must recognize the truth in every situation we are experiencing or witnessing and apply what we know so we are not pulled back into the trenches through the temptations of the old ways. The only domain we have control over in this universe is our own. Our purpose is not to interfere with the lessons others need to learn, but to learn what we need to from others by recognizing ourselves in the other. Therein lies the gift of self reflection.

The ever-present NOW is calling for us to be true to ourselves at all levels. We must embrace every opportunity that we are given to serve and hold the highest frequency of light that we are capable of holding without compromising our own well-being. We can no longer slow down our vibration to wait for others to “catch up” as that is the ego playing games and fighting to hang on to control. It is time to let go and trust that everyone is exactly where they need to be and choose to take the opportunity to jump into the higher dimensional experience once and for all.

The portal to the fifth dimension is inside of us and can only be accessed through becoming that which we already are. As we move through the portal of the heart - unconditional love - we discover the spiritual kingdom we so yearn for and can manifest the new world in whatever way we choose to experience. So go forth and create what it is you desire to experience and others of like mind will show up to support you!

Our external reality is a means to fine-tune our inner selves by owning our creations, releasing our judgments and allowing others the same courtesy without prejudice or a feeling of righteousness. That behavior is also the ever-masterful ego finding clever ways to distract us from the centre of our own Being in a desperate bid to cling onto its existence. Because of this we need to pay attention to our intentions, motives and agendas as it is here the ego lies lurking to catch us off guard when we innocently stray from our authenticity. The difference now is very subtle, so we must tune-in to remain centered and connected to our mission and purpose at all times.

On one hand, the initial journey home is a solitary one and yet we are ultimately joining together as the ascension wave gains momentum through sharing love and understanding like never before. It’s becoming more obvious as we look around and see the many beautiful souls who are gathering and connecting from all over the planet to indicate that the new world is taking form. Those who choose to stay in the illusion of the old world are fading fast from our everyday lives as two distinct worlds are now in place. The thing is, we can’t control who partakes in which reality, for in truth, only one reality exists: our own.

When we find ourselves confronted with a person or situation that challenges us or pushes our buttons, we can celebrate in the opportunity it presents for us to heal, evolve and anchor the highest frequencies of light possible. For it is in our external experiences that the truth of our inner state of being is revealed.

Our ticket to paradise comes at a price: it will cost us everything we “thought” we knew and our attachments to “things” and life as we know it. The pay-off is that the unknown, which is ever-present, will become our ally where we have the freedom to be and create in ways that we can not yet comprehend. Creation will be spontaneous when born from love and the expression of that love is a gift that all of creation will celebrate and cherish.

We have such incredible support from the higher realms in ways we still cannot see. Now that the veils between the worlds have been dissolved, the real truth is revealed for all to see who are ready. Life will take on a form which is so “out of this world”, we will rejoice together in having played our role in the overall unfolding of the Divine Plan.

It is a new beginning and quite literally, only the sky is the limit!

Dean Noblett

© 2010 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. www.heartlight.ca - www.deannoblett.com/
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