Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future”
incarnation of self in the emerging NOW of the 5D is the focus of the
coming months, especially July.  The incoming solar waves will be strong
and blow through; clearing much that is clutter, distraction and a
distortion of your field out!  This is challenging to say the
least and depending on the role each of you is playing in the ascension
drama—which is what it feels like lately {Smile!  …hang in
there}–your experience will be different.

Oriented to the
moment of unfolding is the nearly tireless and seemingly endless energy
of your ascended masters and the transition team from the heavens, the
Council of Light and the Council of Michael, the Cosmic Christ Council
and the many Galactic teams who stand holding open energy vortexes,
supporting and amplifying the new holographic framework and making
themselves available to you as needed for inspiration, clarity and
support.  Ground upward and tap into this amazing array of your star
family assembled for this incredibly counting down of the timelines and
the aligning of the geometries within you and your sphere which are
accelerating and moving forward the key aspects of Gaia’s ascension.

Normalizing this process will be a challenge for the emerging new is
not the norm, nor has it been
.  Meaning: what is emerging as the
new is continually changing; in flux and not stable for any period of
time which is especially noticeable for you increasingly plugged into
the earth grid as your chakra system and your DNA system are aligning,
reconnected and flowing the collective energies of the unified field. 
Although you may look out your window and see the same street, trees and
cars drive by as though all is the same, more and more of you know
this is not the case.  And as you are plugged in to the unified field
energetically and structurally—not just by joining unified consciousness
with your focus, but physically experiencing the structural changes in
your bodies, the awakening of your cellular memories which are
revealing and activating awareness of the confluencing timelines—this
process is becoming more disorienting rather than blissful!  Bliss
being your prior experience with Unity Consciousness…and it will be
again, but understand that as you tap into the essence– which is ALL
that will be going through the portal between the 8th and the 9th
octaves of creation—you are feeling the journey from an increasingly
un-buffered, vulnerable state and your experience reflects that.

is nothing to be afraid of, it’s like you got out of a luxury
vehicle—a car like a Cadillac, or a Lexus that drives like it is
floating above the road—and into a Porsche or another highly tuned
roadster that is low to the ground and as you drive, becomes one
with the road

You and the road have merged…and you feel
this, and there is too a loss of control you experience as though the
gas pedal was not under your control, there is really and truly no
brakes and the road is unpredictable.  Exciting, stimulating and full
of surprises and something that at this pace can be quite exhausting
and tiring…I think I’ve mentioned the idea before, but I’ll say it
again: view the whole thing as a roller coaster.  Put your hands up in
the air, feel the wind in your face and trust that the whole thing is
safe and try to enjoy yourselves.

Once the ride is over, you’ll
stand up again, feet on the ground and you can even be still if you
want!  A little wobbly from being turned entirely upside down and
everything being dumped out of your pockets, but feeling wildly alive
and likely a little hungry and ready for a feast.

Sit down with
your closest friends, look at “pictures of your faces” and remember all
the ways you felt and feel delighted with yourself for not hesitating
to get on the ride and give it a go.  After all—life is supposed to be
fun; an adventure!  Right?  And you are going for the ride of your

Okay, so you’ve had enough?  We hear you.  Oh my beloved
ones hang in there.  The journey is long, but you are no longer alone
and living in your private, secluded caves as you were during the time
up until the beginning of 2010.  You have come together and are sharing
the experience more and more and these meetings are moving past the
internet and into phone calls and physical get-togethers and more and
more you feel part of different tribes who are soul-groups reassembling
for the work at hand and the activation of your collective memories.

You will find yourself drawn to certain experiences and memories,
books, messages, people, places, and the resonance will lead you to
connect the dots as more and more of the parallel realities in which
key versions of yourself reside bleed-through into this experience as
we approach the narrow opening into infinity and emerge whole within
the new holographic framework, the thought-form of the New Gaia, Terra
Nova that we co-created together.  You will find physical changes in
your bodies which amaze you no less than the emergence of cultures and
places you imagined only to exist in the past or in another dimension;
as diversification and the elevated frequency of the earth make
inhabitation possible for many who long to return or to be here in that

Standing alongside you are legions of light filled beings;
transmitting LOVE and carrying for you whatever you are not yet ready
to carry yourselves.  As your bodies evolve you anchor and integrate
more and more.  All of this is part of the journey.  And anchoring more
often involves releasing more first—as though it’s creating space, but
truly it is more that that which is out of alignment with your rapidly
ascending and stabilizing and ascending and stabilizing frequency gets
dropped from your energy and thus your perspective.

It is a
credit truly to your willingness to go with the flow that the current
times are so challenging; for it is simply because of your willingness
to open, release, re-align and transform that you are taking in such
large quantities of light = information that you experience these
trying and we KNOW exhausting moments and the physical and emotional
pain of feeling you are being stripped bare of all that you know, trust
and love.  Be not afraid.

It’s a lot to metamorphosize, as
anyone who understands what happens to the caterpillar once he follows
his inner urgings and spins himself into that vessel into which he
dissolves, merges, becomes one with and then ultimately pops out of well
understands, and you might reflect on this.  And remember, the
caterpillar then emerges: specific and unique once again, and totally
transformed and, need we say it?  With wings. {Smile!}

It is a
cliché it is such a well-used metaphor, but we remind you in this
situation the comparison is well, a bit more LITERAL.  It is therefore
fitting to remind you of the beauty of that journey, and that your own
journey is no less.  And collectively, far more influential. {Smile}

I hope I got you to smile a little bit!

Take more baths. 
Nap more.  Eat ice cream on the 4th of July—all you Americans…and
anyone else who feels like a little treat.  Just be nice to
  This is a gristly moment of the journey and recognize
it as such and just hang on!  Or rather: let go…

I AM the
Archangel Michael and I protect you; so know that the mechanics who care
for your vessel are trustworthy and you are safe…and may I remind
you how profoundly loved you each eternally ARE.  Namaste.


To continue the festive-love-yourself-vibe, join the Expect Wonderful
Lightworker Collective Event featuring the Archangel Michael, Dolphin
energy and more.  July 11…for details click

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful |
Modern Paradise Publications
– You are free to
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