Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Gift of Grounding

Since the last update, we are definitely still grounding, grounding,
grounding.  Ouch.

We are basically being drilled into the earth…hence all the
unbelievable leg, back & neck pains… while experiencing earth
activations and the opening of major chakras and higher octaves of
universal intelligence…all of which is providing us with the option to
openly reveal our true nature as fully integrated beings of love.

Roughly speaking, in the space of time provided for the finalization of
these major activations, many of us will be presented with swift and
grand opportunities to align with our next level creations and share our
gifts and expertise with the world.

In the mere moments ahead… mainly the time cycle that is presenting
itself through the remainder of this sacred season of completion (from
the equinox until the summer solstice)…those with contracts to serve
the higher good in physical ways are quickening and beginning to put
their newly acquired universal intelligence into tangible form.

From this perspective, those who have had limited access to the earthly
dimensions, the grounded energies and applications needed to live a
fulfilling life, will be once again in the throes of great earthly
support and forward movement.

New Earth Rules of Conduct

There is a celestial timeline of completion rapidly approaching that
will sever all energetic ties to the lower dimensional field matrices
for those who have completed their "inner" work.  These souls will be
freed from disharmonious energies and aligned with the source of greater
potential to apply their "inner" work to the "outer" world.

Those who have completed the journey into oneness … the forerunners in
ascended consciousness…will not necessarily be provided with "rules
of conduct" for new earth living, however.  (mostly because we make this
part up) This is notable because for those of you who have completed
the "work", honored your personal evolution and the sacred laws of
creation, you will be progressing at speeds and levels previously
unknown to the human experience.  In fact, this quickening process may
have already begun for you.

I am hearing that this information is not to warn or discourage us from
forward movement, but to make us aware of how effortlessly and fast
energy works in alignment with "right timing" and without karmic
resistance in the upper realms of human consciousness.  This fast moving
energy is the energy of a fully reconnected being.  Pretty exciting
stuff….well, except for all those lingering physical symptoms….

Creative Surges
The next level of creation…the physical manifestation phase…is what
we have been tirelessly working toward for so so so freaking long.  It
is the proverbial reaping of our meticulously cultivated crops.  This
stage of creation will be an acute reflection of the mastery that we
honed through relentless hardship and in many ways, will feel like the
next logical step on your journey.  This phase gives us the key to
unlock the gates to the ripening fruits of all our divine labors.

There are many opportunities beginning to surface for us to explore new
potentials in physcial form… a plethora of new ideas will be gifted to
those tapped into the new matrix and through the reunion of soul
family, these ideas will begin to quickly materialize in astonishing

All this information coming at us can be a bit overwhelming if you are
in tune with these surges of creativity. They can come on sudden and
strong, so you may find it helpful to rely on the earthy energies
surrounding us at this time to keep balanced and at peace with these
tidal waves of new and exciting ideas. For the next few weeks there will
literally be a multitude of creative endeavors swimming in the hearts
and minds of awakened souls everywhere.  These ideas will inevitably
bring the physical framework and new earth structures into full form and
it will be the first wave of partcipating souls who will have the role
of relaying these concepts to the world for the next act in this
r-evolutionary play.

The Script-less Play

Each of us has a unique part in this divine play, but the beauty in its
creation comes from our ability to write it as we live it…real
time creation.  This is because there is nothing in place here…no
rules, no guidelines, no structure, no format…only the fluid fields of
creative potential waiting to manifest through us, into form.

The pioneers who will lay the laws of this new land…the purified
vessels of Source creation…are the first to have access to it and are
arriving now to announce and proclaim our individual visions of this
beautiful new earth.  As each of us applies our individualized vision of
perfection in this fertile soil, we will be awestruck at the rate and
ease by which things grow.

What Now?

Right now we are finishing up a particularly arduous and physically
painful cycle of grounding and detox, and while learning how to master
the application of our new perceptions in the physical world. 
Everything now is about bringing our point of perceptual awareness to
the physical realms of creation and learning how our expanded potential
fits into our cellular form.

This new framework by which we are learning to operate is familiar, yet
new…operational, yet dormant…mundane, yet other-wordly.  It is the
juxtaposition of these energies that are now merging into one…where
spirit meets matter… with the sobering realization that we have come
full-circle and that nothing, yet everything, has changed.  Our outward
life may or may not look the same, but suddenly the eyes we are looking
thru are not.

This grounding business is almost like waking from a dream by which we
were removed from reality and tortured for a decade and then popped back
into our life again to make sense of it all.  It can be confusing,
foreign and strange…you may be wondering "where you have been" and
"why you were even on this journey" as you look around you with no
connection to what is your so-called-life.

Undoubtedly, life is growing increasingly more surreal by the
moment…very Truman-show-esque…but this will pass as we settle into
ourselves fully.  During the early stages of awakening we are
deliberately removed from life-as-usual as all of our energy is focused
on developing the upper energy centers, expanding our consciousness and
developing our higher aspects.

As we complete the reconnection phase we drop back down into our lives
and bodies and begin to work within the physical dimensions
again…albeit with our new and expanded sense of self.  This is why it
may seem that we are waking from a dream because tho we were on
the earth during the last several years, we were not fully
participating in it.

It will definitely take some acclimating to understand how all of our
inner-schooling will apply to the outer-world, right now we  just need
to take one step at a time and help our still-morphing-bods to catch
up.  As we begin to practice using our authentic selves in our daily
living, things will get interesting…for sure.  We will realize that we
bump up against familiar situtions, people and places…but with a new
way of seeing, being and experiencing.  We will notice a significant
increase in confidence, a surety we haven’t had in a VERY long time…or

As we climb back into these changing bodies we are starting to see the
magnitude of what we have accomplished…mainly because we finally have a
context for it now that we can relate to the outside world.  In fact,
we are beginning to see this whole remembering-our-divinity game as more
real and as a result, those around us will now begin to respond to us
in different ways.

Because we are becoming more certain and assured of who we are, where
we’ve been and where we are going, we will now have a greater impact and
believability as the masters we truly are.  In other words, we are
beginning to really SEE, understand & know ourselves…the whole of
who we are…for the first time.   This new clarity is also enabling us
to understand more fully how others see and relate to us…whereas for
the last several years, we were so immersed in the process, we couldn’t
see outside of it. 

Practically Speaking

We are at a major crossroads…a turning point…and literally bumping
elbows with our new lives.  Many of us are about to take a serious step
in the direction of our long held dreams and heartfelt desires…and
once we do, there will be no turning back to the life we knew.  Amen to

This means a lot of "spring cleaning" and practical, down to earth
biz…a time to bring old projects to completion and to hone new
projects to perfection.  It is also a time to harness the multitude of
incoming ideas and information (at the very least, write them down) for
our new beginnings and the start of a brand new life.  A time of review
is also upon us with Mercury going retrograde on the 17th and will best
be put to use thru reorganizing and restructuring our foundations once
more before building the new framework upon it.

We are being completely supported to create a radically different life
for ourselves…one that is based on the full integration of our
authenticity, but very grounded in earthly structure with the blessing
of the divine masculine energy here now to support the free-flowing
energy of the divine feminine that we have been nursing for so long.

Renaissance Revival

Those who will be utilizing the new earth freqeucny codes for the
purposes of enjoying a better way to live will be those who are
providing others with the inspiration, scope and understanding of whats
possible as a whole and integrated being.  We are not only approaching a
time of inspired work, but a time of inspired play…a time to make
life beautiful and fun again…a time to resort to our childish ways of
playfulness, imaginative creativity and to induldge in the deeply
physical and sensual pleasures of life.

Beginning at the end of April… and in light of our renewed physical
desires… there will be strong celestial support for beauty and
healing.  Akin to a modern Renaissance period we will begin to witness
new levels and highly inspired creations of art, architecture, music and
even some creative sciences at the fore.  

We are being supported to integrate new systems that support uninhibited
creation, love and beauty, reconnecting with our bodies again, and
working from the sacred connection between spirit & matter…a time
to honor our own power…to  finally and fully create a beautiful and
abundant life here on earth. 

In addition to all this feel-good stuff, many new gifts of our
multidimensional aspects are beginning to pop through, and in some cases
are taking us to greater levels of expertise in our known field or
talents.  These gifts may come as a complete surprise, or may be a part
of you that you were vaguely in tune with…either way, they are now
surfacing for us to fully explore and share.

What Next?

Planetarily and numerologically speaking… if April is all about
stillness & inner exploration, then May will be about stepping
further out into action. Our inner renewal process will wind-up (after
Mercury goes direct) and our outer transformations will begin to
solidify…maybe even through the ability to adhere to a
routine!…remember what that is?  

We will continue to have access to really supportive earth energy that
is grounding, stable and practical and we should be able to move into a
new life-rhythm with greater ease.  The new moon last night was a potent
(and really painful) blast of the energy that is literally pushing us
on our new path.  This energy can be felt in every cell of our bodies
and is restructuring our daily lives on fundamental levels, helping us
to create new balanced systems for living…both personally and

From now until July we will have the opportunity and support to continue
tying up our loose ends, finish up our healing, resolve any unresolved
personal issues and while simultaneously launching the first phase of
our new-level lives and creations.

Physical Symptoms

See the last 100 energy updates.

In Closing

The unseens are hammering two things in my brain:

1) A great divide will soon be very noticeable in the world and those
who are activated and cleared are beginning to hold a very bright light
for newly awakening souls.
2) This cycle we are entering is a time of great power… but also great
responsibility.  Those with pure hearts and minds will feel driven in
ways that will uplift and inspire large masses of people during the
continuation of great planetary dismantling.  It is their wish that
those with the gifts of ascended earth use them wisely and consciously
to prepare the foundation of a new society based in love, sovereignty
and with strong structures of support for the many who will need it.

…now on to filing those damn taxes… : ((


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