Category: Architecture (page 1 of 7)

UFO Headline News Weekend of Saturday October 7th/Sunday October 8th, 2017

In case you missed it here is the UFO Headline News for today

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The Magdalene Portal in Venice

By Mercedes Kirkel   In early June I began my most recent journey to Europe, traveling with my close friend, Martine.   On our first flight we had two remarkable experiences. The first involved a woman who I saw several times prior to boarding and who seemed familiar to me. To my surprise, we ended […]

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Discernment and Awareness

Although drastic action was taken, the situation with directed energy weapon attacks upon Lightworkers and Lightwarriors is far from being resolved and the following article still needs to go viral, translated in as many languages as possible and posted on blogs worldwide:

Here I need to repeat again that the main reason the Light forces do not intervene more directly are plasma toplet bombs:

As plasma strangelet bombs have already been removed successfully, so will be plasma toplet bombs and that will lead to the Event. As soon as the presence of plasma toplet bombs falls below a certain threshold, the Light forces will address the directed energy weapons situation very drastically if it does not get resolved more peacefully until then.

On top of those weaponized attacks, a massive disinformation campaign against the key Lightwarriors on the planet has been engineered by the etheric and plasma Archons,manipulating personality weaknesses of certain people, "suggesting" them to attack. It started immediately after I published this article about directed energy weapons:

A certain individual that „has no idea of what he is talking about“, has released a public attack against me, and there was enough awareness to quickly put that into perspective:

To put it again very simply: I have released the directed energy weapons article to bring awareness, NOT to spread fear. Only awareness can transmute such situations. Denial will not make them go away. In fact denial which led to passive allowance is the main reason why concentration camps in World War 2 were even possible.

A few days later, a similar attack targeted Corey Goode and that was quickly put into perspective too:

It is true that Corey Goode and David Wilcock were not very open to cooperation, but they still did a huge contribution towards the planetary liberation. Although together with my network I am powerful enough to positively influence the planetary situation, imagine what we could do all together if we would cooperate!

To help clarifying the issues, the Resistance has asked me to briefly provide my perspective on Corey Goode's intel.

Through my sources I can confirm: existence of secret space programs, spheres in the Solar System, extensive ancient ruins throughout the Solar System, ruins in Antarctica (and also in Amazon delta, gulf of Aden, bay of Bengal, north of Long Island...), giants in stasis

Through my sources I can NOT confirm: existence of Anshar, Corey Goode's recent experiences beyond the surface of this planet

I also know beyond any shadow of doubt that main Atlantis civilization was in the middle of Atlantic ocean, with precise location revealed in this post:

All this is a lesson for many people in the Lightwarrior and Lightworker community to start using discernment. True discernment is not possible on mental level, it can only appear when you make contact with your Soul, your higher self. Then you simply KNOW.

Until then, the following two articles can help:

If we focus again on the planetary situation, the North Korean conflict node still needs to be dissolved:

I would also like to bring massive abuse of basic human rights in North Korea to public awareness:

There is now a strong worldwide campaign to expose the Cabal. The following genuine testimony has reached over 1 million people:

Evidence about a child abuse ring extending all way up to UK royal family has been recently released:

Also, Russian mainstream media now talk openly about Trump being controlled by the deep state:

Jared Kushner is identified as being his handler:

Probably you already know that Kushner owns this building:

But most likely you did not know that 666 Fifth Avenue is the home address of Rockefeller Grand Lodge, the main masonic lodge of the Rockefeller faction of the Cabal (link in Spanish, you can google translate):

The Eastern Alliance is now speeding up their preparations for the Reset:

Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Zimbabwean Dollar are NOT the key currencies in the coming financial Reset.

People are becoming more and more aware that taxation is theft:

The idea of universal basic income is getting more and more support, and now even Cabal is considering using it in their own version of the partial, fake Reset:

Needless to say, only full Reset with abundance to all humanity is an option.

Victory of the Light!

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Sanskrit Writings Reveal UFOs Visited India More than 6000 Years Ago

Christina Sarich, ContributorDid you know that NASA recently brought together scientists, philosophers and theologians from all over the planet to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact?? You can read more about that here.India’s greatest writings, the Vedas, talk about ‘flying ships’ or UFOs that visited the continent likely more than 6000 years ago.NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan recently said:“I think we’re going to [...]

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My Cappuccino Passion

My passion for all things Italian began in the Summer of 1989. At that time I had been living in Manhattan for several years and I wanted to go to Italy.  All of my friends had already been or couldn’t go with, so I decided to go by myself. I flew from New York to […]

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Search for ET’s Finds Distant Stars Pulsing in Time with the Golden Ratio

Michael Whitehouse, Staff WriterAs of this writing, the tiny man-made space probe New Horizons is gathering data on one of the last unexplored major bodies of our solar system – Pluto. Depending who you agree with, Pluto is the last of the classical planets that human probes have reached, yet, still, no smoking gun for the presence of alien life. Those hoping for such a discovery need not be too downhearted, there is always hope for what may lie in the icy depths [...]

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South Africa Adds The Following Strategic Value To Brics

Originally Posted HereSouth Africa’s comparative advantage within BRICS pertains to the country’s considerable non-energy in situ mineral wealth. In a recent report commissioned by the US-based Citigroup bank, South Africa was ranked as the world’s richest country in terms of its mineral reserves, worth an estimated US$2,5 trillion. South Africa is the world’s largest producer of platinum, chrome, vanadium and manganese, the third-largest gold-miner, and offers hig [...]

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The Mandala and the Tao: Imagining the Unimaginable

Peter Patrick Barreda, GuestEyes look but cannot see it.Ears listen but cannot hear it.Hands grasp but cannot touch it.Beyond the senses lies the great Unity--invisible, inaudible, intangible.--Tao Te ChingTo understand the soul of the mandala is to gaze into the heart of truth and see the essence of reality. That truth is an intricate landscape of ebb and flow, light and dark, yin and yang—it is the Tao. The Tao as described by the Chinese since ancient days is the ungraspable [...]

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Backgrounds of Architecture in Freemasonry

All videos in this youtube channel are for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES and there is no monetarial or profit made from them. If there to be a copyright violation, please notify me so I may remove the video. [...]

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Göbekli Tepe: The Burying Of An Ancient Megalithic Site

Dr. Rita Louise, GuestWhy Did Our Ancestors Inter This Ancient Massive Architectural Wonder?Located at the highest point of the Germus range in the southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey is the mysterious site of Göbekli Tepe. Excavations at Göbekli Tepe commenced in 1995 after German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt realized what was thought to be a Byzantine cemetery was actually a prehistoric site. Schmidt quickly unearthed a number of T-shaped pillars, which set th [...]

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Archetype of Wholeness: Jung and the Mandala

Peter Patrick Barreda, GuestIn his writings on mandala symbolism, Carl Jung refers to the mandala as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self.” Within everyone’s psyche, to one degree or another, can be found a seed-center of the self surrounded by a chaotic maelstrom of issues, fears, passions and countless other psychological elements. It is the very disordered state of these elements that creates the discord and emotional imbalances fro [...]

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Groundbreaking New Physics Surrounding Pyramids

I. A huge number of pyramids There are hundreds of pyramids already discovered around the planet: - in Egypt there are about 110 discovered, and studies suggest that many more are still buried beneath the desert sand;- in Caral, Peru (South America). According to the officials, the Caral-Supe pyramids were build roughly at the same time as the Great Pyramids of Egypt;- in Mesoamerica, there are hundreds scattered throughout today’s [...]

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Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions

Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith, ContributorI recently left the steadiness of California to embark on a continental book tour. I, like any writer I suppose, have untapped reservoirs of hope rooted in the conviction that I can change the world, so I left the mountains, my friends – everything I’ve known for many years – in a van packed with only the most basic sustenance – food, books and a sweet but demanding canine.Traveling across the country offers a [...]

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