a message from Mother Earth/Gaia channeled by Pepper Lewis
Wednesday, 31 March, 2010

A dear friend of mine has been stricken with panic since reading a dire warning about devastating earthquakes that are due to strike California. Another friend sent me an email about the U.S. economy collapsing completely and resulting in hunger, violence, etc. Apparently, the ‘prophet’ dreamed that it would be so and decided to post it on Facebook. Needless to say, the predicted date passed without incident, but not before spreading fear like a wildfire. It amazes me that there are so many doomsday predictions and that people are taking them seriously. Where is our common sense?Common sense would be more common if people actually shared the senses
that they have in common with one another including intuitive abilities,
telepathic sequencing, intellectual (reasoning) faculties and
collective consciousness. All of these are based upon humanity’s natural
understanding of itself. Common sense is the actual place in which all
of the senses come together. This sense data is then processed and
immediately made available to the individual, whose perception fulfills
the next function. Individuals have different common sense based upon
what their own personal and social experience has shown them. Once all
of the various sensations have been categorized they are ready to be
passed on to the group or collective consciousness. Currently, the term
common sense refers to beliefs or propositions that most people would
consider prudent and sound, without reliance on esoteric knowledge,
study or research. So why do so many people take doomsday predictions

The simple truth is that humanity believes in the possibility of its own
extinction. It has witnessed and even participated in the extinction of
other earth life forms and has studied a variety of probable theories
for the extinction of some of its own ancestors. Your holy books suggest
that both natural and unnatural forces have or have had power over you,
and that you must struggle to make your way in life. Scripture common
to a variety of religions also tells of celestial beings that work
tirelessly on your behalf, defending and upholding your will in this
life and beyond. Humans are the only beings on earth who know that they
will die, and you have come to expect that disease, old age or an
unforeseen catastrophe will one day take you elsewhere. This being a
time of unprecedented change, it is not surprising that you are
searching for precautions and preparations.
The Doomsday Argument

Humanity’s collective cellular memory has retained records of every
event in its history, including those that might be called doomsday
events. A doomsday event is a specific, plausibly verifiable or
hypothetical occurrence, which has an exceptionally destructive effect
on the human race. Hypothetical doomsday events include major
disruptions in human civilization, extinction of human life, destruction
of planet Earth and even the annihilation of the entire universe. More
than 50% of you believe that at least one of these scenarios is
possible, and an even greater percentage believe that such an event
would likely be man-made. Doomsday scenarios can be divided into three
major categories, natural occurrences, man-made scenarios and
supernatural events.

Natural occurrences might include a global pandemic, a geological event,
a gamma ray burst or other devastating cosmic radiance, an abrupt
reorientation of Earth’s axis of rotation, a drastic increase or
decrease in the Sun’s power output, an impact event such as a collision
with a large meteoroid, asteroid or comet, a sudden change in the
physical constants that govern the universe, the close approach of a
black hole, severe climate change and more. A smattering of man-made
events to consider include the over depletion of important and necessary
planetary resources, a nuclear, chemical or biological war, a
cybernetic revolt, unchecked global warming, particle collision based
upon failed Hadron collider tests (or other large-scale colliders) and
more. Supernatural events consist of all other possibilities that cannot
be explained or included in the previous two categories, such as an act
of divine retribution or purification as might be inspired by the Last
Judgment or other religious circumstance.

Arguments for and against doomsday scenarios are almost as old as the
earth, but rise and fall in popularity in accordance with empirical
data, religious doctrine, archaeological discoveries, predictions and
postulations, changes in calendar count, and spiritual or mystical
beliefs. Humanity’s is currently experiencing a moment of heightened
sensitivity in this regard and its excitement and anxiety will continue
to rise into the foreseeable future. The branch of philosophy most
concerned with this phenomenon is appropriately named, Eschatology,
which is the study of what is believed to be the final events in the
history of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, also referred
to as the end of the world or the end of days. Interestingly, mystical
traditions see the end of the world metaphorically, as the end of
ordinary reality and the reunion with the Divine. By contrast, the
ultimate destiny of humanity is taught by many traditional religions as
an actual future event(s) that has been prophesied in sacred texts.

Distinctions in historical periods and measurements of time have also
contributed to differences in theological significance. In mystical
traditions the end of time relates to escaping confinement within a
given reality. Some religions, on the other hand, whose interpretations
are more literal, believe in the physical destruction of the planet
and/or all living things upon it. A related and more modern belief
system, apocalypticism, which includes both religious and secular
followers, believes in a violent disruption and destruction of the world
and in the consummation, perfection and creation of the next world.
Such beliefs generally include the human race surviving in some new
form, and in a new age.
The 2012 Phenomenon

Today, the 2012 phenomenon has taken center age, and for at least the
next few years any challenge or mystery associated with human life on
earth will in some way be attributed to the 2012 phenomenon. Basically,
the 2012 phenomenon consists of a range of beliefs and proposals that
suggest that one or more transformative events will occur in the year
2012, with an emphasis upon December 21st (winter solstice) as the most
significant day of the year. The 2012 phenomenon is not new and has been
a part of human archaeo-astronomical speculation since at least 3113
BCE, approximately measured in astronomical years. December 21st, 2012
is the last day of the fourth world in the Mayan Long Count calendar,
the end of a 5,125-year cycle. Other pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures
used similar calendars, and had alternate beliefs about the calendar’s
creation and purpose. Some of these include mythical creation dates,
numerological constructions, and prophecies from extraterrestrial

The Mayan calendar included calendars and almanacs that were used to
determine what day it was, whether it was a civil or ceremonial (divine)
day, what god ruled the day, and how well the crops might fare in a
given cycle. It is important to note that the Mayan calendar, as it is
called today did not originate with the Maya, but with their ancestors,
the Toltec and the ones before them as well. One version of the calendar
took into account not only the date, but also the influence of time
upon the linear relationship with respect to the distant past and the
far future. From a mythical starting point (origination), the calendar
was capable of referring to, or predicting with great accuracy, the
relationship of any one date to another, or to the calendar itself. That
is how they arrived at December 21st as the End of the Fifth World. The
Maya also kept track of lunar cycles and the cycles of other planets,
most specifically that of Venus.

The Mayan culture and calendar has been a grand teacher for humanity,
and a specific point of reference for spiritualists, New Age thinkers,
futurists, and other students of life. The New Age interpretation of the
2012 phenomenon is strongly rooted in the Mayan culture, but divided in
their beliefs. While some believe that the earth and its inhabitants
(some or all) will undergo a physical and spiritual transformation that
will mark the beginning of new era, others believe that the 2012 date
marks the beginning of a destructive and apocalyptic time of great
change in which humanity is further divided, challenged, adversely by
nature and other forces, and vastly reduced in number. Both ideas
continue to proliferate, producing offspring theories and conjectures
that perplex, mystify and frighten logical thinkers and irrational
theorists alike. Interestingly, the classic Mayan calendar does not
suggest or predict impending doom or specific catastrophes of any kind.
Even among modern Mayans there is little universal agreement about what,
if anything, the date might mean or bring.

Attempts by academics such as astronomers and natural scientists to
dispel 2012 theories and rumors have been almost completely
unsuccessful. Contemporary mainstream scholars continue to reject
apocalyptic forecasts, arguing that the date is largely irrelevant and
that acceptable or available source material is scarce, contradictory
and unsubstantiated. The intellectually elite liken fears about 2012 to
those that surfaced around the year 2000, citing this reference as an
adequate analysis of the phenomenon, and yet the phenomenon persists.
The Adaptation Principle

Human evolution is largely based upon physical and psychological
adaptation; a relativistic concept that explains collective leaps in
consciousness as well as new eras or ages. Adaptation leads to changes
in both belief and behavior, and assists humanity to push beyond the
limits of rationality, which in turn allows humanity to solve recurrent
questions about human ancestry and current problems of an environmental
nature. Behaviors and emotions that are universal or at least
cross-cultural tend to reflect the greatest results. Therefore, when
large groups of humans begin to believe and act in new and different
ways, even irregular and erratic ones, a new genetic and biological
material is born, whose cognition leads to the expansion of all things,
including a deeper understanding of the world(s) one lives in, the size
and scope of the universe, and the individual’s relationship to All That

The ongoing effect of Hubble telescope’s representations of the universe
upon humanity is a living example of this adaptation principle.
Consider for a moment how your view of the cosmos has changed. Hubble
has taught humanity that extra-solar planets are quite common, and has
put to rest the idea that our Sun is unusual in having planets. In fact,
it would be fair to say that the earth is a relatively ordinary planet
orbiting a relatively ordinary star in an ordinary galaxy, one of
countless others in this universe within an even greater multi-verse
that will one day merge with the omniverse. Humanity has learned that it
is not simply a privileged observer of the universe. It is part of the
earth’s biosphere, not above it, beneath it or unique to it. This
understanding is an important key to other upcoming leaps in
consciousness and evolution.
Leaps in Evolution

The onset of an evolutionary leap can be a difficult and inconsistent
time for humanity. It creates large gaps that humanity must contend with
including some, but not all of the physical and psychological anomalies
that you are currently undergoing. A marked increase in melancholy and
depression is one, as is a decrease in the stability of present-day and
past memory recall, physical and/or sexual orientation, a worrisome
concern for one’s physical surroundings, a general sense of lack of
everything from wellness to physical and economic resources, a bleak or
obscure outlook of the future, increased fear, anxiety, and even panic
over the normal challenges of life. While these are no more than
symptoms of change, they are nonetheless taxing upon the central nervous
system and upsetting to the personality self.

Evolutionary leaps also spark changes in the nature and structure of
reality. Reality is what you call your existence upon the earth. It
consists of everything that exists in your life or happens to you. Your
reality allows you to feel authentic and alive. During an evolutional
leap the future of your (this) reality is possible, but not necessarily
probable, because you are simultaneously exploring other time lines,
dimensions and potentials for growth. When the certainty of one future
is not guaranteed other futures exist as possibilities. They become
real, exist in the same moment as you do and operate under the same
variable laws as you do. This is a very accurate description of what you
are presently undergoing, and why the sky is the limit where your
uncertainties are concerned.

Those with an ability to ÒseeÓ beyond the ordinary, as well as those
who channel, interpret, or otherwise divine what remains hidden or
invisible to others are not exempt from the pitfalls and gaps that exist
in the present moment. This includes oracles, clairvoyants, mystics,
philosophers, visionaries, as well as those who interpret dreams for
themselves or others, and more. In fact, it could be argued that those
who would assemble under this flag are even more susceptible to reality
quaking than others. A reality quake is what happens to a reality that
has been overly stressed, corrupted or compromised by another force,
natural or otherwise. Such influences include, but are not limited to
belief systems, unique crossroads and timelines, dimensions, new
discoveries and revelations. Under the effect of these new influences,
the first reality can no longer exist in its present form, nor sustain
or uphold the original framework from which it was created. A quake
brought about by one ore more influences has now compelled a
modification of the original reality in part or in whole. The original
structure, which now contains less of the material from which realities
are made, can never be recovered or restored; it has been forever

Where do prophets and prophecies come in? They are the glue that helps
to fill the cracks in the cosmic egg. They offer bridges from here to
there, if there is where you want to go. Your beliefs will take you
almost anywhere, but it is always best to decide that for yourself, if
at all possible. Like it or not, you are now on the fast track in the
discovery and development of all of your faculties. It is time to put
into practice all that you have studied and learned over several
millennia of time. Allow those who thunder and quake that the end is
near to collapse under the weight of their own words. Be led if you
like, but not misled if at all possible. The end is as near as the next
beginning. It is simply a matter of turning the page with an eagerness
to experience what is next. I submit to you that change is inevitable
and evolution unavoidable. Surrender the obsolete, embrace the new and
anticipate the next experience with an open heart and mind.

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