Lois Lane Saves the World!

Saturday, June 10th, 2017 at 9 pm EDT, Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan and Commander Cobra of Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files talk to Rob Beckhusen about Russia’s Doomsday Bomb. Cindy Bailey Dove on the coming of Amazon’s enormous Zeppelins. Ghostly screams reported near the Mystery Airport. Switch on a new Mothman movie. Cobra on billionaires and UFOs. Lois Lane picks the first five winners in the “Wingman 18 — Battle for America” free book giveaway.


Lois Lane Saves the World! | Ghost, Aliens, and Mystery Airports

So how does she do it all?

Should Airports Develop a Protocol for Ghost Sightings Too?

Secret Black Project Site? | More Mystery at the Mystery Airport

Air safety is an important concern in the operation of an airport, and almost every airfield includes equipment and procedures for handling emergency situations. Airport crash tender crews are equipped for dealing with airfield accidents, crew and passenger extractions, and the hazards of highly flammable aviation fuel. The crews are also trained to deal with situations such as bomb threats, hijacking, and terrorist activities.

Hazards to aircraft include debris, nesting birds, and reduced friction levels due to environmental conditions such as ice, snow, or rain. Part of runway maintenance is airfield rubber removal which helps maintain friction levels. The fields must be kept clear of debris using cleaning equipment so that loose material does not become a projectile and enter an engine duct (see foreign object damage). In adverse weather conditions, ice and snow clearing equipment can be used to improve traction on the landing strip. For waiting aircraft, equipment is used to spray special deicing fluids on the wings.

Many airports are built near open fields or wetlands. These tend to attract bird populations, which can pose a hazard to aircraft in the form of bird strikes. Airport crews often need to discourage birds from taking up residence.

Some airports are located next to parks, golf courses, or other low-density uses of land. Other airports are located near densely populated urban or suburban areas.

An airport can have areas where collisions between aircraft on the ground tend to occur. Records are kept of any incursions where aircraft or vehicles are in an inappropriate location, allowing these “hot spots” to be identified. These locations then undergo special attention by transportation authorities (such as the FAA in the US) and airport administrators.

During the 1980s, a phenomenon known as microburst became a growing concern due to aircraft accidents caused by microburst wind shear, such as Delta Air Lines Flight 191. Microburst radar was developed as an aid to safety during landing, giving two to five minutes warning to aircraft in the vicinity of the field of a microburst event.

Some airfields now have a special surface known as soft concrete at the end of the runway (stopway or blastpad) that behaves somewhat like styrofoam, bringing the plane to a relatively rapid halt as the material disintegrates. These surfaces are useful when the runway is located next to a body of water or other hazard, and prevent the planes from overrunning the end of the field. – source

Wingman 18 Book Giveaway!

Enter your name and the code word spoken at the end of this show for a chance to win a free hard copy of the book Wingman 18: Battle for America by Mack Maloney. This book giveaway only runs for a limited time, so fill out the form for a chance to win this book right now!



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The post Lois Lane appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.