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July 2010: Divergence

We spoke last
about a divergence in energy — internal vs. external — which
continues on in the present month, deepening and becoming more plainly
evident. Last September there was a significant nexus or
choice point made which resulted in some noticeable change for many of
you. Many people found themselves feeling more fully aware of their
paths, or more fully aware of the interconnection that exists between
all life. It is not inaccurate to state that many people interpreted
that nexus energy as the creation of an “us vs. them” or “happy” world
vs. a “sad” one, because, in some ways, that has indeed been what has
been created and is now resulting in the continuing divergence we see
at present.


Many of you are creating
beginnings this month, or what feels like beginnings (but really are a
continuation of what you have built before this). Tangible evidence of
these beginnings can include:

If any of these describes you,
then consider yourself well on your way on your path. These beginnings
really mark the next step in your own inner growth and awareness of the
conscious creation you are building.

What about everyone else?
Remember that everyone — “awake” or not — has an important part to play
in this beautiful tapestry you are creating. Does it serve anyone to
maintain an “us vs. them” mentality? Likely not, but again that is the
sense that is being created along with this energy of divergence. It is
human nature — or the nature of the sense of separation that exists on
the physical plane — to make endless comparisons, to lump together in
herds, clans, or other groups of like interest, background, path, or
origin, and to see the world in terms of “us and not-us.” Again, it is
difficult to resist this perception.

The path of the future

What is interesting here, however, is that as a planet you are
moving toward a very different time and hence a very different
perception. A few hundred years from now, this “us vs. them” will be
far less pronounced. Even fifty years from now you may see some
significant change in this direction. That’s what is being built now.
The reason there is the perception of increased divergence is that when
people feel change coming, they instinctively attempt to hold on to
the familiar. In this case, the perception of separation has served the
species well (in terms of soul growth, experience, and evolution).
Look at all the wonderful experience (on a large-scale level as well as
interpersonally) you have had! Wars, famine, conflict. There is a
great deal of growth inherent in those experiences. If everything were
love-and-light all the time, your growth would have occurred very
differently, and — dare we say it? — much more slowly and perhaps less
efficiently. Yes, your planet is perhaps one of the most
conflict-oriented that we know of, but at the same time there is a
great deal of dynamic energy here that is beautiful to behold.

experience, then, of those who are perhaps less consciously aware of
energies, an overall global path, and the interconnectedness of beings
will tend to grow towards the familiar. When we spoke before about the
emergence of a quasi police state in North America, this is what we
meant. Security, family, and protection will be the watchwords. This
naturally arises as a whole new slough of rules, laws, and restrictions
designed for the well-being of the greater population. Safety
litigation will be on the increase. Restrictions in all sectors of
manufacturing and industry will increase as well. But what we see in
the not-too-distant future is an implosion. Heavily-mandated
restrictions and a desire for safety for all (at the expense of
freedoms) will naturally cause the overall structure to topple. Chaos
will ensue for a time until a new energy emerges.

Of course, that
is only the general course of things and does not reflect the month of
July except as the stage-setting for what is to come.

effects of the divergent energies

So, besides the aforementioned
beginnings for many of you, what else are we seeing on a global level
this month?

your beginnings

To make the most of the energies being offered
you in terms of your personal change and growth it is important to
continue to listen to yourself on a heart basis. The phrase “follow
your heart” has even more meaning this month and can assist you in
getting in closer connection with the wisdom of your inner guidance. To
assist in this process, we offer the following suggestions:

Spend an hour, a day, or several days trying to
drop your consciousness down into your heart. Start by imagining that
you see the world from the level of your heart. Imagine that your heart
has eyes and can see. Imagine growing your energy outward into the
world from your heart, expanding your own limitless heart energy into
the space around you. There is no need to DO anything, but simply BE
with that energy of expansion.

One step. There
is a common saying among Reiki practitioners, a set of statements that
begin with the phrase, “Just for today…” You will find that applying
that to yourself can be extremely empowering. It allows you to remain
in the present without projecting your energy unnecessarily into the
past or the future. You may see or feel what it is you wish to create —
for yourself, for those you love, or for the planet — but the most
effect you can have is truly from THIS moment, from Now. Allow the rest
to take care of itself. This is not denial but is instead an allowing
of space, of trust, that the Universe will evolve in a way that
supports the highest good of all.

Instead of finding fault, feeling
or anger
, or dismissing those who follow paths other
than yours, remember that they too are helping create your soul
experience. Your awareness is as it is because, in part, there is an
other awareness (other than yours) to contrast your own against. But all
experience on the planet is a part of the infinite beauty you weave
together. Allow yourself this month, then, to feel a little of the
perspective you don’t share. Feel the desire for safety and protection.
Feel the fear of changes. These are not unfamiliar feelings for you!
You have this within you as well, and as such can extend the bigness of
your heart — true
— to those who follow oaths that diverge from your own.

Again, you are immersed in change. How you allow this into your
Be-ing is truly up to you. There are no wrong choices. If you listen to
what is truly within you, you will always choose wisely and create
experiences that support
connection to Self

Copyright (C) 2006 – 2009 by Karen Murphy. All rights reserved. 
All material on this page is protected by US and international
copyright law and may not be quoted or reproduced without the express
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or copies, in whole or in part, must reference the author’s name and
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