The book Heroes of the Now is in final stages before publication and the 2-week Journey to Remembering is nearing another beginning…  Thank you for your support and participation.  Thank you for being a Hero during these challenging times…  Love and Kindness, Marc…

Blessings on your Journey Brothers and Sisters…

These two very powerful words, speak volumes of oneself when used. Much of the times, I have experienced an unconscious relationship to them and have worked quite a lot with understanding their power. Realize, right now that when you speak these two words with something following great discoveries can be made. Think about it for a minute.

Write I am at the top of a blank page, a tabula rasa, before you begin today.

Today, we are nearing the end of the 2 week Journey to Remembering. It is a day of introspection and reflection. We take total personal responsibility for all of our thoughts, words and actions in all lifetimes, dimensions and realities. We cancel contracts, vows and agreements made against our highest good in all lifetimes, dimensions and realities. We forgive and release the past, so as to have better access to the moment right before us. We stand as Sovereign Beings, in Light and Love. In our clarity, we feel the rhythm of the Universe and our life experience is a Dance. We carry our presence with us always. Our helper spirits guides and teachers are ever present and we nourish our inner child. We are aligned to our highest good and cultivate tools of discernment to assist us in this endeavor. We are free…

In your meditation today, go deeper than ever before. Take your journal with you; observe and reflect.

Ask the question, Who am I? Why am I here? Then begin…

Receive the flow of information from your higher consciousness, tune in to the frequency of your higher self. Purify your mind and body, as an unkempt temple is a difficult place to worship. You are the One. It is all you and only you… Who are you and Why are you here? Can you tell me? Can you tell yourself? Listen and receive. The answers borne on the wings of angels come to those ready to receive. Cleanse the temple and awaken the spirit within. See your body, mind and spirit as one, manifest on this Earth Plane to do… What?

Now is the moment to see the Truth. Now is when you can see it. Open your closed eyes and see the ethers of reality swirling all around you, feel the energy within and surrounding your body. There is so much more to ‘life’ than meets our two eyes, so we must open the third eye to truly see. Allow yourself to see.

See the Light within you… Breathe your consciousness throughout the Universe, expand and build that light bright and full illuminating the temple with a golden-white light. Meet the Original Creator… Go past all representations of God until you meet that being that manifested All that Is. The essence of the Universe resides in your temple, Brothers and Sisters! You share Oneness with Creator…

Write on your tabula rasa all the words, thoughts and actions that you associate with I am… Allow the free flow to occur, the stream coming rapidly at first, writing quickly to keep up and as the page fills the waters become calm, still and reflective. Allow a few more moments to see if there is any more, then relax and center again.

Look at your list… Circle the things that are part of your everyday practice and acknowledge your way. If there are entries that are other than aligned with your present reality, ask why. Then proceed to honor yourself by allowing your intentions to change what needs to change. When you look at your I am list, allow yourself to be you.

Recognize that limiting statements proceeding an I am statement are a message to the Universe of your intention. Look in these areas to determine additional healing that may need to occur and start by changing your perspective to more expansive views. These are powerful intention setting words and plant seeds that take root and manifest into reality over linear time. We can work with these energies to truly transform our beings and become something completely different if we like. We can change… We can remember.

What did your list include? How do you express it? Please leave a comment or add the Facebook page and participate in a global discussion. Show the Universe who you are and light the way for others… You are a Hero of the Now, bringing consciousness to humanity. Thank you…

Love and Kindness,