Tag: pad (page 1 of 3)

How to Turn Milk Into Healthy Probiotic Medicine

Anna Hunt, Staff WriterOur sterile, pre-packaged, convenient foods, coupled with a diet high in antibiotic-filled, factory-farmed meats, have resulted in an increased need for probiotic-rich foods and supplements if we are to maintain a healthy gut flora. An ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive system means improved digestion and better body function in general.Probiotic supplements, such as the high-quality brands BioImmersion and Kla [...]

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Billionaire teams up with NASA to mine the moon

Excerpt from cnbc.com
By Susan Caminiti

Moon Express, a Mountain View, California-based company that's aiming to send the first commercial robotic spacecraft to the moon next year, just took another step closer toward that lofty goal. 

Earlier this year, it became the first company to successfully test a prototype of a lunar lander at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The success of this test—and a series of others that will take place later this year—paves the way for Moon Express to send its lander to the moon in 2016, said company co-founder and chairman Naveen Jain.

Moon Express conducted its tests with the support of NASA engineers, who are sharing with the company their deep well of lunar know-how. The NASA lunar initiative—known as Catalyst—is designed to spur new commercial U.S. capabilities to reach the moon and tap into its considerable resources.In addition to Moon Express, NASA is also working with Astrobotic Technologies of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Masten Space Systems of Mojave, California, to develop commercial robotic spacecrafts. 

Jain said Moon Express also recently signed an agreement to take over Space Launch Complex 36 at Cape Canaveral. The historic launchpad will be used for Moon Express's lander development and flight-test operations. Before it was decommissioned, the launchpad was home to NASA's Atlas-Centaur rocket program and its Surveyor moon landers.

"Clearly, NASA has an amazing amount of expertise when it comes to getting to the moon, and it wants to pass that knowledge on to a company like ours that has the best chance of being successful," said Jain, a serial entrepreneur who also founded Internet companies Infospace and Intelius. He believes that the moon holds precious metals and rare minerals that can be brought back to help address Earth's energy, health and resource challenges. 

Among the moon's vast riches: gold, cobalt, iron, palladium, platinum, tungsten and Helium-3, a gas that can be used in future fusion reactors to provide nuclear power without radioactive waste. "We went to the moon 50 years ago, yet today we have more computing power with our iPhones than the computers that sent men into space," Jain said. "That type of exponential technological growth is allowing things to happen that was never possible before."

An eye on the Google prize

Source: MoonExpress

Helping to drive this newfound interest in privately funded space exploration is the Google Lunar X Prize. It's a competition organized by the X Prize Foundation and sponsored by Google that will award $30 million to the first company that lands a commercial spacecraft on the moon, travels 500 meters across its surface and sends high-definition images and video back to Earth—all before the end of 2016.

Moon Express is already at the front of the pack. In January it was awarded a $1 million milestone prize from Google for being the only company in the competition so far to test a prototype of its lander. "Winning the X prize would be a great thing," said Jain. "But building a great company is the ultimate goal with us." When it comes to space exploration, he added, "it's clear that the baton has been passed from the government to the private sector."

Testing in stages

Jain said Moon Express has been putting its lunar lander through a series of tests at the space center. The successful outing earlier this year involved tethering the vehicle—which is the size of a coffee table—to a crane in order to safely test its control systems. "The reason we tethered it to the crane is because the last thing we wanted was the aircraft to go completely haywire and hurt someone," he said. 

At the end of March, the company will conduct a completely free flight test with no tethering. The lander will take off from the pad, go up and sideways, then land back at the launchpad. "This is to test that the vehicle knows where to go and how to get back to the launchpad safely," Jain explained.

Once all these tests are successfully completed, Jain said the lander—called MX-1—will be ready to travel to the moon. The most likely scenario is that it will be attached to a satellite that will take the lander into a low orbit over the Earth. From there the MX-1 will fire its own rocket, powered by hydrogen peroxide, and launch from that orbit to complete its travel to the moon's surface. 

The lander's first mission is a one-way trip, meaning that it's not designed to travel back to the Earth, said Jain. "The purpose is to show that for the first time, a company has developed the technology to land softly on the moon," he said. "Landing on the moon is not the hard part. Landing softly is the hard part." 

That's because even though the gravity of the moon is one-sixth that of the Earth's, the lander will still be traveling down to the surface of the moon "like a bullet," Jain explained. Without the right calculations to indicate when its rockets have to fire in order to slow it down, the lander would hit the surface of the moon and break into millions of pieces. "Unlike here on Earth, there's no GPS on the moon to tell us this, so we have to do all these calculations first," he said. 

Looking ahead 15 or 20 years, Jain said he envisions a day when the moon is used as a sort of way station enabling easier travel for exploration to other planets. In the meantime, he said the lander's second and third missions could likely involve bringing precious metals, minerals and even moon rocks back to Earth. "Today, people look at diamonds as this rare thing on Earth," Jain said.
He added, "Imagine telling someone you love her by giving her the moon."

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SpaceX video demonstrates the future of space launches ~ Video

When Falcon Heavy lifts off later this year, it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. Thrust at liftoff is equal to approximately eighteen 747 aircraft operating simultaneously. Excerpt from csmonitor.com...

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CEO of Tesla Motors is trying to bring the Internet to space

 Excerpt from cnet.com The SpaceX CEO wants to build a satellite network high above Earth that would speed up the Internet and bring access to underserved communities. And he'll use the profits to help colonize Mars.  Elon Musk, the man who...

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Cape hopes to be world’s busiest spaceport in 2016

A United Launch Alliance Delta IV rocket, with the
A United Launch Alliance Delta IV rocket, with the Air Force’s AFSPC-4 mission aboard.(Photo: United Launch Alliance)

Excerpt from news-press.com

With two dozen rockets projected to blast payloads into orbit, Cape Canaveral this year hopes to claim the title of "world's busiest spaceport," the Air Force's 45th Space Wing said Tuesday.
"It's a great time to be here," said Col. Thomas Falzarano, commander of the Wing's 45th Operations Group. "Business is booming."

Falzarano presented the Eastern Range launch forecast to several hundred guests at the National Space Club Florida Committee's meeting in Cape Canaveral.

Weather, technical issues and program changes frequently delay launches, so it's likely some of the missions will slip into next year. But the forecast shows the Space Coast launching at an increasingly busy clip even without human spaceflight missions, which aren't expected to resume for several years.

The 2015 forecast anticipates United Launch Alliance matching last year's total of 10 Cape launches, including eight by Atlas V rockets and two by Delta IV rockets.

And it assumes as many as 14 launches by SpaceX. Last year had six Falcon 9 flights.

That was SpaceX's most launches in a calendar year, but five fewer than was projected last January.

This year the company hopes to activate a second launch pad, complementing its existing one at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

The debut of the Falcon Heavy rocket from a former Apollo and shuttle pad at Kennedy Space Center would be one of this year's most highly anticipated launches.

In addition, SpaceX plans to launch more ISS resupply missions, and commercial and government satellites.

ULA's first launch of the year is coming up Tuesday, with an Atlas V targeting a 7:43 p.m. liftoff with a Navy communications satellite.

The Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture has its usual slate of high-value science and national security missions. The manifest includes a roughly $1 billion NASA science mission, an X-37B military space plane and more Global Positioning System satellites.

Overall last year, the 45th Space Wing supported 16 space launches — five less than projected last January (all attributed to SpaceX) — plus two Trident missile tests launched from submarines.
That ranked the Cape No. 2 behind the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakstan, Falzarano said.

But with 24 missions potentially on the books this year and more than 30 in various planning stages for 2016, Falzarano said the Eastern Range is facing its busiest two-year stretch in more than two decades.

"The Cape, right here, is going to be the busiest spaceport in the world," he said.

Growing launch rate
2013: 14
2014: 18
2015: 24 (projected)
Source: U.S. Air Force 45th Space Wing

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NASA Is Building a Sustainable ‘Highway’ for Unprecedented Deep Space Exploration

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comIn early December, NASA will take an important step into the future with the first flight test of the Orion spacecraft -- the first vehicle in history capable of taking humans to multiple destinations in deep space. An...

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India’s Mars mission: A Picture that Spoke 1,000 words

When the crowded command control room of India's Mars mission exploded into applause after it successfully put a satellite into orbit around the Red Planet, photographer Manjunath Kiran of the AFP news agency clicked this remarkable image of scienti...

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Divine Humor: Golf


Dec 1st 2011

Golf, By God!

Moses, Jesus and another guy were out playing golf one day. Moses pulled up to the tee and drove a long one. It landed in the fairway but rolled directly toward a water trap. Quickly Moses raise...

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She had me @ hello…

Dedicated to Extince, the homey whose viervoeters rocked my world.....

She had me @ Hell-o, I met her 'cross the Table 

Our eyes met somewhere out-a-here, thus rend'ring me unABLE

to do ma thang, and do her in, but then I'm glad ...

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Day 13 – I am…

 The book Heroes of the Now is in final stages before publication and the 2-week Journey to Remembering is nearing another beginning...  Thank you for your support and participation.  Thank you for being a Hero during these challenging times...  Love and Kindness, Marc...

Blessings on your Journey Brothers and Sisters…

These two very powerful words, speak volumes of oneself when used. Much of the times, I have experienced an unconscious relationship to them and have worked quite a lot with understanding their power. Realize, right now that when you speak these two words with something following great discoveries can be made. Think about it for a minute.

Write I am at the top of a blank page, a tabula rasa, before you begin today.

Today, we are nearing the end of the 2 week Journey to Remembering. It is a day of introspection and reflection. We take total personal responsibility for all of our thoughts, words and actions in all lifetimes, dimensions and realities. We cancel contracts, vows and agreements made against our highest good in all lifetimes, dimensions and realities. We forgive and release the past, so as to have better access to the moment right before us. We stand as Sovereign Beings, in Light and Love. In our clarity, we feel the rhythm of the Universe and our life experience is a Dance. We carry our presence with us always. Our helper spirits guides and teachers are ever present and we nourish our inner child. We are aligned to our highest good and cultivate tools of discernment to assist us in this endeavor. We are free…

In your meditation today, go deeper than ever before. Take your journal with you; observe and reflect.

Ask the question, Who am I? Why am I here? Then begin…

Receive the flow of information from your higher consciousness, tune in to the frequency of your higher self. Purify your mind and body, as an unkempt temple is a difficult place to worship. You are the One. It is all you and only you… Who are you and Why are you here? Can you tell me? Can you tell yourself? Listen and receive. The answers borne on the wings of angels come to those ready to receive. Cleanse the temple and awaken the spirit within. See your body, mind and spirit as one, manifest on this Earth Plane to do… What?

Now is the moment to see the Truth. Now is when you can see it. Open your closed eyes and see the ethers of reality swirling all around you, feel the energy within and surrounding your body. There is so much more to ‘life’ than meets our two eyes, so we must open the third eye to truly see. Allow yourself to see.

See the Light within you… Breathe your consciousness throughout the Universe, expand and build that light bright and full illuminating the temple with a golden-white light. Meet the Original Creator… Go past all representations of God until you meet that being that manifested All that Is. The essence of the Universe resides in your temple, Brothers and Sisters! You share Oneness with Creator…

Write on your tabula rasa all the words, thoughts and actions that you associate with I am… Allow the free flow to occur, the stream coming rapidly at first, writing quickly to keep up and as the page fills the waters become calm, still and reflective. Allow a few more moments to see if there is any more, then relax and center again.

Look at your list… Circle the things that are part of your everyday practice and acknowledge your way. If there are entries that are other than aligned with your present reality, ask why. Then proceed to honor yourself by allowing your intentions to change what needs to change. When you look at your I am list, allow yourself to be you.

Recognize that limiting statements proceeding an I am statement are a message to the Universe of your intention. Look in these areas to determine additional healing that may need to occur and start by changing your perspective to more expansive views. These are powerful intention setting words and plant seeds that take root and manifest into reality over linear time. We can work with these energies to truly transform our beings and become something completely different if we like. We can change… We can remember.

What did your list include? How do you express it? Please leave a comment or add the Facebook page and participate in a global discussion. Show the Universe who you are and light the way for others… You are a Hero of the Now, bringing consciousness to humanity. Thank you…

Love and Kindness,


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Day 12 – Discernment and Highest Good

Blessings on your Journey, Brothers and Sisters!

You walk the path of Universal Knowledge and your energy is strong. You have come to a place of knowing of your Authentic Self during this Journey. You have greater access to your Higher Consciousness and this provides you with information from those higher sources of knowledge. As we continue developing our higher awareness, many insights about ourselves begin to reveal. We can see how our energy responds to situations and interactions around us. We are listening for the guidance from the Higher Consciousness and must learn to discern what supports the Highest Good for all Creation; doing what is in your highest good is supporting the highest good for all.

So, today let’s begin again with total personal responsibility, canceling contracts, etc and breaking spells and curses. Continue with forgiveness and release and call back your power to return to you and reunite with your Soul Essence. This is the foundation, stand tall on this foundation and expand your light, radiating bright. Share Love with yourself…

I am Love and Kindness,
I feel Love and Kindness,
I share Love and Kindness,
I Love myself completely,
I Love all that I am… I Love all Creation.

Feel your roots, deep into our Mother… expanding and networking deep into the Earth’s core. Release into the Mother and accept all that she has to offer, allow the abundance that springs forth naturally to be received by you. Forgive and release all the past and step fully and completely, alive, vibrating and free into this Now moment. Breathe…

Continue to develop a relationship with your Higher Self. Listen to what you have to say and more importantly, how you say it… What is the truth and how do I discern the Truth? Ask yourself these questions. What does the physical interface into the energy worlds tell me about my current moment? Is my body tense or relaxed? Awake or drowsy? Hot or cold? Guts churning or calm? Muscles twitching or prickly sensations? Come to know yourself… Higher consciousness communicates in many ways and is very personal in nature. You will be the one who knows

What brings you Joy? What brings you Bliss and Peace… Tranquility? What brings the abundance and how do you allow it to flow naturally into your life? When do you feel the most connected to your Higher Self? What activities have you done in the past that brings your closer to All that Is? What have you always wanted to do, but never felt you could? What are your dreams?

Bring yourself into relationship with yourself… How would you cultivate a new friendship in the external world? It is no different, you need to learn about yourself and as you do, you will naturally begin to develop tools of discernment that work for you. Discernment is the ability to see the truth and your higher self, guides and helpers are all there to assist us in this. We are all aware that there is a tremendous amount of disinformation available to us at this time, so it is imperative to our development to cultivate discernment. As the light grows strong, throughout all times it has been shown that there are those out there that wish to possess it for themselves under the context of some fear-based reality. To plug us in, so as to feed a mass consciousness that is self-perpetuating and promotes denser vibrations. I have seen this to be other than for the highest good of all Creation and continue to cultivate my relationship to my higher consciousness.

My Soul knows! This has been shown to me time and time again through synchronicity, signs and visions along the way. When I look back into the past, I see that they were always there… I was just to heavy and connected to a mass consciousness to be able to see them. It has only been since reclaiming my freedom from these systems and programming that I am more consistently able to see and hear everything that my Soul wants me to see. I continue to develop that relationship always and as it deepens I am brought to places of greater knowledge and understanding.

Follow your energy today… Come out of your meditations this morning, clean and clear, with your Authentic Self shining bright. Feel your aliveness and vigor and create a touchstone or benchmark. Note the sensations, the thoughts, the awareness, the entirety of your being-ness right now. Write it down, draw a picture, record your voice, write a series of reminders to yourself that you can access if this “feeling” slips… Listen to your Soul and create what it tells you. Ask yourself how to remember what to do when the energy drops and you are pressed to do something other than your highest good,… YOU know.

Life experience is Joy and Bliss and Creation! We are magnificent beings of Light and Love and are here to express that through the medium that is before us. When you find yourself in a situation where you sense there is a choice to make for your highest good, listen to yourself, connect to your Higher Consciousness and breathe… The answer will come to you, trust in you as you will know.

Then proceed, with Love and Kindness, knowing that your actions are for the highest good for all Creation, you are free…

What a beautiful day…

Love and Kindness,


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Day 11 – Inner Child

Blessings on your Journey, Brothers and Sisters.  Your conscious choosing of this path is no accident.  You are remembering.  You are beginning to see and call to question a great many things around you.  This is the natural thing.  Vibrations are rising and we are all feeling it.  There is nothing to do, but let go…  The old ways are crumbling off of you, the tower is falling.  There is no need for great heights or large domains.  It is only necessary to be present and in your Authentic Being.  This is where it all happens, the energy that manifests our reality is zero point.  Aligned to it, everything structures to the vibration of original creation… Love.

Today, on our Journey to Remembering we reach out for the hand of our inner child.  Call out and find the child in you.  He or she is there, in the shadows, wondering if it is ok to come out.  The child knows.  Just look at the next infant you see, look into their eyes from your Authentic place and you will see.  They know, the veil non-existent for most of them, non-ordinary reality is what they perceive until social conditionings start to take hold.

Find your inner child, the one who saw all the fantastic things that non-ordinary reality shows us.  They have been with us this whole time, in the shadows, mine was… very much afraid to come out to play.  I stifled him after I was trained to push his ideas aside.  Hopes and dreams squashed by the oppression of someone else’s views.  Well, no more!  I have found and healed my inner child.  He sits next to me now always, peacefully rocking in his chair…  this links to the Journey related to my childhood chair.

He shows me that all is wondrous and he is very creative.  I listen to him and together we create.  I allow him to be with me and he rounds out my being.  He brings me to wholeness.  He is helping me to remember…

So, in your practice today, shine the light of your Love and Authentic Energy so bright as to bring your inner child out of the shadows.  Bring your vibration up, raising the frequency into higher light energy, closing yours eyes see this light bright and strong and watch as your inner child walks into it.  Do the work and your child will return.

Forgive and release all the times you went against Creation.  Take total personal responsibility for all thoughts, words and actions created in any lifetime or reality.  Cancel all contracts, vows and agreements that went against your highest good made in any lifetime or reality.  Free yourself and see yourself standing there radiating the light.  That is you.  That is your light, the light.  Stand tall in your presence and tell your child within that all is good, that you are older and wiser now and that you are better able to stand in Truth.  It is safe for them to return.  Tell them they are welcome and you will release all the past energies to create space for them to return.  Ask them to come home…

Welcome Home…

Take your practice deeper today, and in that depth find you the child within you.  Bring them home and start to rebuild your relationship.  Allow some creative expression to come to the surface and you may be inclined to write, sing, dance, hike… something you haven’t done fully since you were a child.  Go to the park, a playground, sit by a lakeshore, swim…  Do something, fully present and aware, that you did as a child.  Get some crayons and construction paper…  Stay in your light and draw out your child…  Bring them into the light of your awareness and into your presence… Reconnect and remember, they have much wisdom to share.

Enjoy the video and have a great day…

Bob Sinclar, World Hold On…

Love and Kindness,



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Total Relaxation Achieved

This morning, I woke up with enough inspiration to add seven pages to my novel in less than an hour, and the exercise has maneuvered me in a state where you guys and gals get the short end of the stick: I'm leaving website update to my other team members today, and will enjoy this day in total relaxation. As a bandaid, here are the pages I added today:

Thursday, October 30th, 2003, 20:21

Somebody lied to me today, but both he and I Know it: Henk told me today his Thursday meetings are going to end, so I won't be able to continue visiting his psychic hour.


In case you hadn't guessed, Henk is a psychic. He is the guy who helped me realize about the vow I'd made at age eight, to figure out the Cosmos, and tell everyone who will hear about it. I'm glad he did, especially from the viewpoint of where I am now, finishing the novel that will be the culmination of this life's work.

Henk magically appeared as a friend of a friend of a colleague of my wife, in a moment where I desperately needed him. The first night he told me my soul was aligned someway half outside my body, but he wouldn't fix it. Instead, he had me fix it myself! Make-belief, hypnosis, name it what you want, but that night I felt better than I had in years!

Henk held what he called his Thursday meetings, and invited me to come. No entrance fees or anything, although some of us sometimes brought cookies to go with the ever abundant coffee. When one day I offered him fifty euros for his services, he looked at me and merely asked: “Why are you doing this?” in a non-incriminating manner.

Lying on the table, Henk taught me to recognize the flow of energy throughout my body, and he kept trying to teach me to breathe properly. In that, he seemed not to succeed, or did he: I've always been a shallow on-demand breather. Just couldn't stick to his program of deep, belly-based breathing.

And he asked me to write. Write manually, while in fact I dislike my own handwriting. I did it, but for serious writing like this novel I still stick to hammering it out on the keyboard. Maybe my disregard for his lessons is what eventually got him to call it “Class Dismissed!”, but I don't think so.....

One last experiment I remember around that time happened around that time, was an outing to the local kids farm with my family. I was very occupied with my being, and while the kids played, I was sitting on a bench in the Sun. A fly came up to me, and landed on my right leg, just above the knee. I figured, if my vibration was OK, I'd be able to approach it sincerely, without disturbing it.

I moved my left hand, index finger outstretched, to the vicinity of it's bulging faceted eyes, quite slowly. Do you know how hard it is to approach a common housefly from the front, to within one millimeter of it's head? I did succeed however, and we sat there for seconds, face to 'face'.

Finally, I broke the magic by becoming greedy, and carefully nudged its head. The fly got up, and landed just out of range of my hand, as if to say: “OK, I know your boundaries now....”

When I later told Henk about it, he applauded me for having made so much progress. And when he stopped seeing me on Thursdays, he offered his help for anything I might require later on. Well Henk, I'd love to send you this manuscript, but by now I think you will somehow magically get your hands on it when the time comes....


Saturday, April 17th, 2010, 04:42

Today I am somewhat in conflict, but in a good way. I'm going to break my word in a manner of speaking, but only because I know Jolene will forgive me, in a way will even silently applaud me for it!

Just like I Knew Henk, the psychic that helped me at age 35 to remember my vow at age eight, was lying when he told me his Thursday meetings were ending, I just Know Jolene meant just about the complete opposite of what she told me: she asked me not to tell anyone about her life, but I'm sure she'll absolutely not mind that I tell this story anyway, with the proper precautions to achieve what the business end of the world would call 'Plausable Denyability', or in other words, a bit of white lying magic to protect the innocent.

I met Jolene on the train the other day, quite by incident, and very nicely. Somehow, I felt very, very connected to her, even though she turned out to be a person who had an uncanny ability to tell me exactly what kind of a person I am! Or maybe just because of that, because with her, my Know-indicator was on the blink.

But despite the obvious connect, she kept her distance. We did exchange addresses, and over the next few weeks, she phoned me a couple of times, just to hear about how I was doing, and what was up in my life. Jolene felt very awesome, kinda like Selina, even though with her there was this barrier, which both of us kept intact: externally, she was the kind of person I'm not really attracted to, which was aggravated by the fact she tried convince me that our relationship was purely business (which is kind of a dirty word to me).

She claimed she needed help with her computer, and one day, I was invited to provide said help. I traveled there at the appointed hour, and walked the last few hundred meters from the bus to her home, or at least the address she gave me. It was in a well to do neighborhood, all privately owned homes. I rang the bell, and was invited in, only to find myself in a pigsty! I mean, she'd warned me her place was a mess, but I figured it to be like mine sometimes is, for lack of futuristic domestic droids. This however looked far worse, and my first instinct, which I immediately followed, was to offer her to help clean things up a bit. She wouldn't hear of it however, claiming she'd gotten me in there to help her along where the computer was concerned.

So I sat down, amidst a flurry of newspaper clippings, partially opened mail, and other 'messy' things. Nothing really gross, just this consistent wrapping of disorder that I could easily ignore in order to get my work done. She wanted a general cleanup of her computer, like I've done dozens of times for myself and others. Defrag, cleanup, remove unused software, install basic stuff needed to do proper work, you know the drill. So did I, or so I thought...

I'd seen she used Outlook for her mail, but also observed that her Word and Excel where complaining about needing an installer CD to be usable. I usually resort to public domain software wherever possible, and so gave her the option of having OpenOffice installed, instead of those office applications. She agreed, not realising like I should have, that her Outlook was part of the Microsoft Office I was aiming to replace. We chatted on, while she made us something to eat in a kitchen that to me would have been barely unacceptable as starting point for cooking activities.

It was a home-brewn soup, as she called it, quite tasty, but too many unknown ingredients to be on my list of favorite dishes. I somewhat too ardently refused seconds, but we parted as friends. Then, after I'd gotten home, she called that her E-mail no longer worked. Realizing my colossal blunder I gladly took the blame, but was relieved she didn't expect me to get back on the train right that instance. I did offer to attempt a rescue using TeamViewer, so I could take over her system from home, but being a self-proclaimed digifobe, she declined that. She did get another friend to call me later, to dissolve the matter via phone.

But then there's the little incongruities that trigger you to the weirdness of the situation: though Jolene claimed she was afraid of computers, I counted no less than three systems in her home: the computer I needed to work on, an IBM Thinkpad carelessly lying around, and a Compaq DeskPro system in one of the bedrooms. Add to that the question she'd asked me about purchasing Val's old laptop, and I guessed myself in the twilight zone.

Speaking of zones: even though she and I were in the zone constantly, I was very near the edge of my comfort zone while in that place. To me, a home needs to be somewhat cleaner to be comfortable, but it was Jolene's home, so I kept abiding by her will, and tried not to disturb the flurry of newspaper clippings that so cozily surrounded me.

Yesterday, I mailed her to inquire if her friend's rescue operation had succeeded. I got back a mail, so it obviously had: she said she wasn't angry or disappointed, but told me not to mail, phone, or try to contact her otherwise.

Now I could mourn the loss of a friend, but this sounded way more like: “School's over, class dismissed!”

Final sync: I just found out Rush are on their “Time Machine Tour”! How very syncy that they are mentioned in various places in this Now Time Tale......

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