This message was written 2 years ago in Cusco Peru. I have been made
"aware" to re-post this today. Side note. Our call as it was for many at
first was "Are You Ready" for those who read this then I’m lead to say
"You Are Ready" this message is timeless and is called for today for a
group who needs to "shift" some energy… Peace.

There are certain times when we are in the process of transmutation
of lower vibrating energies that can seem, well… a bit over the top.
There are times, both as the Collective One (cosmically) and in our
Individual Nows where a "shaking out" of lower vibrating energies occur.

For many of us, and you know who you are, this has seemed
exceptionally brutal in recent weeks, hell years, right? It has most
certainly appeared in the way of Lack (of finances) that were once there
and suddenly vanished, along with relationships that could have
possibly soured or completely separated during this time period. There
are many other symptoms as well, including what Lisa Renee refers to as
"the Spiritual Nomad."

However, let me ask you a couple of questions: Are you hungry? Are
you wet? Are you sheltered? Have you not been provided for…maybe not
always as desired or as the ego wished, but have you not been taken
care of? After transmuting so much and doing Light work, have you
recently experienced anger, frustration, lack, fear, depression? Do you
feel forsaken?

You have not fallen off your path. In fact, you are standing
directly in it. For what you have just transmuted, and it was a lot
;-0) …if not now, will SOON be filled with LIGHT.

This is THE Holy Moment, my friend… This is what is deemed being
Reborn. As you transmute the lower vibrations, the old you, the 3D
mind/body "you" dies. As the Light comes in more and more, Your
Higher/Divine/True Self is who you become.

You are Reborn, Self Actualized, Self Realized, just some names used
in Psychology, Science, Religions, and various Philosophies, but they
all refer to the same process of Ascension, or being Reborn…
You Awaken And Remember…Welcome Home!

Based on the Law of Attraction, you do attract what you vibrate.
Remember we are here to experience energy in form, which is how we
expand. So, as these lower vibrations leave, it seems to attract

This is because you’re literally watching the "darkness," or lower
vibrations, leave for one last time. It "feels" like you’re
experiencing them. Actually, as the lower vibrations leave, more Light,
or Higher Vibrations, can come in. You see, the Light never left, but
was simply waiting for you to make room.

So, if the Law of Attraction is not seemingly working for you, or you
feel it’s nonsense, here’s why: We will no longer be able to attract
what our ego wants; what the mind thinks it wants or is real. We will
only receive what we are vibrating on the same level as, which comes
from the Heart; Your Heart’s Desire, which vibrate higher.

This suffering has occurred to a specific "group," and I am here to
assure you that this Final Shaking Out was due to a massive change
occurring, and a major influx of Light, in which sometime in the very
near future, if you haven’t already, will start to experience.

As for those of us, (over the last 5 years or more) who believe we’ve
experienced much suffering, have been invisible, taken advantage of,
used, abused, dismissed, disrespected, unjustifiably wronged, etc…
AND then to go thru what we’ve experienced in just the last few weeks or
so…especially the Lack and Separation, I am here to inform you, and
trust me on this, NO ONE is happier to hear this than I was…
Retorno De La Luz
(although it never left and there is no separation)

But, before I get into, and possibly risk inflating the very ego
we’ve all been trying to dismantle for all these years ;-), I would like
to get into the True meaning of The Divinity of Suffering.

There is a Master Software Program within the Collective
Consciousness in which we all have easy access to providing everything
is going "well" in our lives. If things are relatively well, i.e. job,
relationships, money, health, etc…we NEVER reflect inward because
everything is ok outward.

Not to mention that our Religions tell us the rules to live by, and
that we need NEVER look elsewhere, especially inside, for Truth and
Wisdom. In fact, we’re warned not to.

To suffer is not Divine, but there is definitely Divinity within your
suffering. For once we experience suffering, we begin to reflect
inward. The more suffering, the more reflection. This is simply the
mechanism that causes the reflection inward where ALL TRUTH LIES.

Because most of us are afraid of our True Divinity, our mind searches
outwardly for answers, truth and conformation. In reality, this is
what I have referred to as Reflective Thought Processing.

This processing starts at birth, and because of how it’s all
reflective off the master software program, i.e. what society says, what
is considered logic, what others tell you is right and wrong, what
government says, religions, schools, etc… this is what we have been
transmuting over the last few years. It is much to transmute. (Not to
mention what we’ve chosen to take on and transmute from a personal soul

I know there has been great pain and suffering and confusion.
However, what was shown and told to me from a Very High Vibrating Source
is that the suffering and pain have nothing to do with being "bad" or
"good," or Karma. (That’s right. Karma is no longer being created, and
our group is no longer transmuting it)

It’s simply the only mechanism available to humans that TRULY forces
us to reflect within so that we can begin the process of Awakening to
Truth and then Ascension, realizing Who we Truly are. In short,
suffering initiates the Remembering Process.

This is not for all, as there are groups, or waves, going thru the
Ascension Process, and each group gets a little easier. Those of us
going thru the first few waves chose to take on more suffering
(transmuted lower vibrating energies) in order to pave the way for those
Souls coming after.

Although this may not seem like the point of this post, it is the
most important thing I have to relay to you:
"If there was an easier way, there would be one. We don’t want to see
you suffer. You’re loved unconditionally." -Very High Source

So, if you feel like you’re at the end of your rope? You’ve HAD IT!
You want to give up…or as we say in Texas, "Calf rope. I’m done!" If
you are stuck, blocked, experiencing lack, needing direction or just in
need of Hope… you should know that change is currently passing thru
or just around the corner.

I have a story, in which I’ve told many times and it goes like this:

"There’s a New Train coming, and ALL are welcome. On this Train is
your Heart’s Desires…you will never need or want for anything upon
this Train. However, because this is such a High Vibrating Train, the
only condition upon entering is you bring no (baggage) what-so-ever.

Have you ever felt like your Train had arrived and you were preparing
to board, only to be stopped and stuck at security for a carry-on bag?
Then, you leave the bag and try to board again, and again you’re

You respond with dismay and confusion, and are told you have a
toothbrush in your back pocket? You may become agitated as, after all,
it’s only a toothbrush, right? You return time and time again to board
your Train, but you’re always stopped. And, it goes on and on and on…

Well, my friends, the lint has been shaken. In fact, you’re getting
ready to board, but you’re totally naked/exposed…Egoless. That’s
right. No underwear…nothing. Now you can board.

You see, there’s nothing to hide and nothing you could ever want or
need upon this Train, including a new wardrobe ;-)"

So, I’m here to say:

"Job well done. You should know that you’ve already put in the work,
and are now going to be simply taken care of. You should take each day
as it comes, doing what you can and what you’re allowed. Do not try to
force anything.

Do not allow fear or worry to enter your consciousness, although we
are still human and 3D concerns still make an attempt at our minds.
Remember now that all your suffering and past works are now coming to
fruition and will be realized and noticed. Allow the Universe to
provide and take care of you. And allow your True Divine Self, Your
Higher Self, to create and experience and take over.

Step aside and allow Yourself to take over."

We’ve been wanting to write this message for many weeks, but have
been blocked. The only intent I have with this post is to give those
who have felt much pressure, lack, and suffering some relief, and I hope
this has been accomplished.

Please continue to spread your Love and Light, as we know you have
even through your own personal suffering.

Are You Ready???

With Much Love and Light,
