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Recent Disappearances & Strangeness in the Bermuda Triangle

Excerpt from 

By Michelle Radcliff


The Bermuda Triangle is an area of mostly open ocean located between Bermuda, Miami, Florida and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The unexplained disappearances of hundreds of ships and airplanes in this area has made the Bermuda Triangle one of the world’s most notorious unsolved mysteries.

Recent Aircraft and Boat Disappearances

According to, around 129 planes have disappeared over the waters in the Bermuda Triangle between 1945 and 2008. After 2008, documented cases of unexplained aircraft disappearances in the area simply seem to stop, which deepens the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle even more. Detailed information about aircraft disappearances that occurred during World War II and shortly afterward can be found from numerous sources, as these events have become legendary in the unexplained and paranormal world.

However, reports on recent unexplained aircraft disappearances are much harder to find, possibly because of advances in modern technology. The three most recent include:

Not all disappearances are related to mysterious circumstances, but the number is staggering when you calculate the odds of so many aircraft and ships disappearing in a specific region. Obviously, a percentage would be due to engine failures, squalls and other sudden storms.

Mysterious Problems and Close Calls

In posts appearing on both World Mysteries, a blog dedicated to unsolved mysteries and DiscloseTV, a news hub dedicated to unexplained phenomena, passengers on large, modern aircraft may be counting their blessings as survivors who just escaped being caught in the Triangle’s spooky web:

Other Recent Phenomenon

Two more recent disappearances reported at continue to deepen the mystery of the Triangle. Although these disappearances happened as late as the 1990s, details are still limited.

Possible Reasons for the Recent Lull in Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon

A plausible theory as to why the strange phenomenon of missing vessels and aircraft has literally become a thing of the past may be the technological advances in navigation, including GPS (Global Positioning Systems). It could also be possible that the danger zone has somehow moved.

The most recent bizarre disappearance of an aircraft over the tropical waters of the Caribbean happened just south of the Bermuda Triangle. “The Los Roques Curse,” as locals refer to it, is an area between Caracas, Venezuela and the 350 islands, cays and islets that make up the Los Roques island chain, where similar unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft have been occurring since the 1990s. In a February, 2013 article published by the Huffington Post, acclaimed Italian fashion designer Vittorio Missoni and five companions boarded a BN-2 Islander aircraft in the Los Roques Island chain on January 4, 2013, headed for Caracas, Venezuela. After the plane had flown about 11 miles, it vanished into thin air. No wreckage from the plane or bodies were ever recovered, despite hundreds of search efforts.

Determining the Truth

As the activity in the Bermuda Triangle appears to wane and eventually stop altogether in the 21st century, could the anomaly have simply shifted a few hundred miles to the south? Or is it purely a coincidence that unexplained disappearances in boat and plane traffic has almost simultaneously been on the increase in an area so close? Like most paranormal phenomenon and unsolved mysteries, the truth will remain a matter of one’s personal belief.

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