Rushing to blame and judgment only inflames a situation
May 17, 2013 by John Smallman

To awaken is humanity’s destiny. It is inevitable and unavoidable, and that is a very good reason to be happy and joyful. I cannot impress upon you strongly enough how much God, our Father, loves you all in every moment of your existence. There is nothing that any of you has ever done, or could ever do, that would cause him to withdraw His Love from you — absolutely nothing! There are some among you who doubt this, but it is a doubt, a worry that you need to release. You are all God’s beloved children — children whom He loves without reservation, always. Whenever you feel down, depressed, shameful, worthless, guilty, or angry, just remind yourselves of this divine truth — “God loves me and will always love me regardless of what I or anyone else might think, say, or do.”

This does not mean, as you well know, that you can behave thinkingly or unthinkingly in an unloving manner. To behave in a manner that hurts another hurts you more! It may not seem like that, but someone who has been hurt can forgive, whereas someone who is doing the hurting cannot. You cannot forgive anyone as long as you are inflicting pain on them — and that includes yourself because to hurt another is to hurt yourself. To forgive, you have to stop inflicting pain, and to bear a grudge or carry resentment of any kind is to inflict pain on yourself, a pain that frequently drives you to project it outwards on to others whom you then see as the cause of your misery or unhappiness.

In the illusion, where there is so much pain and suffering, it seems that pain and suffering are imposed on some by others, often very vindictively, and in a sense this is correct. But those behaving so unconscionably are themselves crying out for love. If you attack them their pain intensifies — and a common response to that suggestion might be “A good thing too, they deserve it.” But attacking conflict with conflict only leads to further conflict. Those who could and would cause suffering can only be disarmed by love and forgiveness. And if their pain is intense, as is very likely, disarming them is a slow process that requires love and forgiveness in abundance.