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The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes April-08-2013

The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes April-08-2013
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-Channeled through Wes Annac-

If we could only detail every last bit of energetic progress you the ascending humanity have been making upon your paths, than we would be able to uplift and motivate you dear souls in much stronger ways than we will be able to because of the communication gap between us and you. This gap that we speak of is growing smaller and smaller by the moment and as has been said, your belief in your ability to pick up on our impressions will determine its strength.

The sacred bond with the higher realms and with we souls within the higher realms that humanity is beginning to open up to simply cannot go unrealized by the entirety of your collective, and every single one if you will in due time, find the states of consciousness that help you to understand the reality of every facet of what is happening on your world and in realms far beyond the conscious understanding of the physical humanity.

We have so much Light and Love to share with you dearest souls, and we ask for you to open yourselves up and receive this Love as you absorb our communication and feel the impressions we are sending each of you individually. We are connected with every soul who is absorbing this communication, and we will begin to make ourselves known before many of you who find yourselves close with our energies and impressions.

The Energies of this Time
We would like to speak on what this current time is providing for you energetically.

At present, you are being given continual rounds of shifting and upgrading, and your physical bodies need the proper nutrition and balance to be able to absorb the increasingly pure energies you’re being given. We ask you all to make your attempts to connect with the planetary chakras or “energy gates” of dearest Gaia for in doing so, you will receive a bounty of Source energy that you will be able to recognize as coming through yourselves.

Indeed, so many of you have already begun to open up to the concepts of energy work and Lightwork and your actions have been wonderful to behold indeed, for so very many of you have helped to bring in and anchor a new paradigm that much of the physical humanity is still out of resonation with. We ask for you all to expect rebellion in some Earthly souls (when disclosure breaks) who for the most part, do still resonate with the Earthly paradigm so many of you are growing away from.

So many Earthly souls have forgotten their true spiritual and multidimensional nature and like you, they will grow back into that realization but a lack of perception of the higher realms has driven a comfort with the physical paradigm that some souls will not want to (have broken).

Indeed, plenty of souls on your world are still comfortable in the old vibrations of negativity and separation from their fellow man, and we are looking toward you awakening souls to act as the Light beacons and truth-bringers that will help those still lost within the fading paradigm of physicality to be able to find the higher states of consciousness every soul truly deserves to feel and know.

Reflections in the Collective Energies
The collective vibrations are reflecting both the density that has been put out by humanity, and the wonderfully-pure Lighted energies each of you are being given. You are assimilating these energies and radiating them out for the entirety of your collective to absorb, so we hope you can understand when we say that the unawareness being fed collectively at present will indeed give way for a collective enlightenment, and every soul upon your world will feel such enlightenment if they choose to.

It is a sacred choice to knowingly advance from one realm of consciousness to another, and each of you who have continued along your ascension processes valiantly have been able to anchor and radiate the higher realms as you find yourselves grasping new concepts, which are features of the new paradigm you are entering.

(1)-There is actually a difference between “The United States of America” and “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” Corporation, thus the Hathors’ use of the latter term.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation established in the 1800s in the District of Columbia, the rein of which has spread all throughout the country. The IRS and plenty of other institutions act in the interests of this corporation, and its establishment was just one of the many ways we have been enslaved as a society.

For more information, please see “The United States Isn’t a Country — It’s a Corporation!” at:

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