Beloved one, once upon a time, before there was time, there was
and is and forever will be outside of time an Isness, a consciousness,
if you will, an Intelligence that will be forever beyond time. It
exists now, as you understand time, and it will exist forever, as you
understand time, because time is limited. You feel that in your daily
lives. You feel the limitations of time.

"I have to be somewhere
at a certain time," and you rush about. And sometimes you chafe,
because certain schedules keep you waiting. I know that your time is
precious. I thank you for sharing your time in this way with me.

once upon a time, before there was time, you were and are and always
will be the Intelligence of the One. And as the Intelligence,
free-flowing, of the Creator, the creative One, there was a Thought to
create. From that one moment outside of time, you as an aspect of the
One created all realities: realities within time and realities outside
of time.

Now, there are many more realities outside of time than
within time. That is a bit difficult to understand, as you struggle
each day with your daily activities. But it is also something that you
know very deep within you as you chafe against the schedules.

know that there is instantaneous manifestation. You know that it does
not have to take time in order to heal. You know this from other
lifetimes, whether it be in realities that believed and were based on
time or realities outside of time. You know it deeply within yourself
that you are an expansive being, and that is why you chafe against the
small ego when it comes up with limitations and says, "But you are only
one person, and you have a limited time span for this lifetime. That
which you want to become or make manifest, you probably won’t."

ego often says that. It says that because you have asked it to say
that scripting so that you can prove it wrong, and it does your
bidding. It runs right on stage and it says, "Ah, you’ll never be able
to be wealthy, prosperous. You’ll never be able to manifest a loving
mate or a friend who will love you no matter what. You will never be
able to know that the loved ones who have released the body and have
gone on are still with you. You’ll never know that."

That is
what separated ego says to you. But then the loved one who has gone on
speaks to you, and you say, "Well, they can’t be speaking to me. They
are no longer here."

They are here. And separated ego runs back
on stage and says, "How do you know? Can you prove it?" And you say,
"Well, there’s a feeling. I feel the loved one with me, and if I feel
it, there has to be something. I’m not quite sure what, and I can’t
define it, and there probably aren’t words for it, but I feel it."

separated ego says, "Oh, okay," and goes off in the wings, off stage
for awhile until the next time it is called forth.

When we first
thought to create a physical reality, we created light, the vibration
of light, and with that the vibration of sound, as you understand the
physical laws. We created most harmonious manifestations of Oneness.

You still have that. It still exists. If you ever want proof, look
at your rainbow. There you have physical manifestation of different
vibrations of color from one range to another through the various
vibrations seen as color, and if you could hear the rainbow—and some
ones can—you would hear a melody, a harmony.

When we first
thought to have physical experience, we brought forth the different
constellations, and they were as yet amorphous. They were as yet
unformed, not as you know them now to be, and we danced as the light
upon and within the amorphous constellations.

Then there was a
thought to evolve into something different, because you are always—I
see you doing this in your daily life—thinking of what is the next
goal, what is the next project you are going to work on. We are always
working to create more.

There became more density. The Light
played with the density, and we brought forth many, many constellations
in form. You now have the most wonderful pictures of light of other
constellations that come to you from many, many light years away, more
than what you would count a lifetime or several lifetimes to be; that
light now coming to you from constellations where you played at one
time and then sent yourself here to receive that light in this

So when you look in your heavens and you see the light
of the various stars, know that truly you have played within those
constellations, and the light that you brought forth then is coming to
you now for the purpose of reminding you of how creative you are, how
Light you are, how you can and do manifest.

You have chosen now
to be within this reality on this third rock from the sun—as your
television program has called it—and to live out lifetimes on this
rock, which truly is not rock at all; it is vibration of differing

When we came to play upon this firmament, we danced as
the Light that we are, and we knew ourselves to be very fluid. We even
went within the Earth, our holy Mother, the planet, because this
reality that you call firm is not firm at all. It is changing all of
the time; it is very fluid and very porous.

There are ones who
remember themselves to be lighter vibration and more fluid who do live
within holy Mother Earth. Sometimes you will—again, as we spoke of the
loved ones—you will know a presence of them. There are certain sacred
spots that ones have pointed out where you can go and be in communion
with the ones who live within this planet. Have you lived within the
planet? Yes, a long, long time ago as you measure time, before you
decided that you wanted to live on the surface, with a more solidified
and defined form. But even the defined form you change from time to
time. (Smile)

You have often looked to the heavens in your night
time, and have taken inspiration from the stars, or in the daytime you
have looked to the sun that is so important for warmth and for the
growing of the food that sustains you. For many, many lifetimes you
were and still are sun worshippers. I see you as you go out in the sun
and enjoy being out-of-doors in the sun.

Allow yourself to go
within and to worship the sun within yourself. You are indeed a temple,
a living temple of divine radiance. Live in the space of light,
forgetting all else that is happening around you for a moment or so—or
if it be possible, for longer than that—and allow the temple of the sun
within to be your focus.

Feel the power of the physical sun. You
know the power of the physical sun. You know how warm it can be. You
know how powerful it is every day as it arises. And you know the
lifetimes when you have worshipped it for its life-giving properties.

But the sun in your heavens is no comparison to the sun within you,
that divine essence within you, out of which you create everything.

You are the temple of the Sun of yourself. So if you have been
worrying about something, allow yourself to take a deep breath…right
now…feel that easy, deep breath and allow yourself to go within, eyes
open or eyes closed, whichever feels comfortable, and go within to the
sacred place of the Sun within you, and know that within you is divine

There is nothing that can threaten or change that
divine radiance within you. Feel it with your mind’s eye. Feel yourself
in the Sun within yourself. Know that you are surrounded by the
Sunlight that you are. Feel it. Visualize it. Allow it to expand until
you feel yourself to be in a bubble of Sunlight. Feel yourself to be
safe, secure within the Sunlight of yourself.

All that you have
ever truly desired abides within the Sun within your own temple, within
yourself. Go within and for a moment allow everything else to be
blotted out by the brilliance of the Sun in that space. Visualize how
the Sun fills every part of your being. Visualize yourself in the
middle of that Sun. Feel its warmth. Feel its power. Feel the security.
Nothing can threaten that security.

Any time that the world
speaks to you of problems, go quickly to your own temple and to your
Sun and abide there in the security of the divine essence, the divine
radiance that you are.

And then if there is something that has
been troubling you, bring it within that light and see how it dissolves
into nothing, into light, knowing yourself always to be taken care of,
always in the Light.

You have fashioned a body so that you could
walk through this reality to play in this reality, to struggle with
all of the challenges that you have collectively agreed upon. But none
of those challenges can threaten or change the divine light of you
within you.

All you have to do is take that one breath and go
within to the candlelight within — if sometimes you feel that your Sun
is not quite as big as you would like it to be.

You can
visualize the candle flame and then see it expanding to fill all of the
mind’s eye. And wait, because sometimes there will be inspiration.
Sometimes there will be guidance, an idea that comes out of the Light
that has been there all of the time within the Light, but you have not
given it yet opportunity to come forth.

Sometimes all you need is
to know the security of that Light, to know that you are loved in that
Light, and that always you will be loved and taken care of.

are the temple of the Sun. Even as you are walking through the
darkness of the valley of the world, you are the light of this world.
That is what you said you would do in this lifetime by various journeys,
by various means, various occupations. 

Never do you need to
worry about anything. Hear me well when I say that. I am the
demonstration of that, as you are the demonstration of it. My lifetime
was fraught with challenges, threats, even crucifixion. Look at my
lifetime and take courage from that lifetime. You will not be asked to
give over the body, and even if you were, that is not who you are. The
body is not who you are. But you will not be asked to give over the
body until you choose to give it over.

My story is your story. In
other lifetimes you have known physical crucifixion. In many other
lifetimes you have known emotional crucifixion; even in this lifetime
you crucify yourself daily emotionally by listening to the words of
separated ego. But you do not have to. You can come down off of the
cross and live in the Light: you can find the temple of the Sun within

So any time when the outward appearances of things look
to be threatening, or suggest loss or abandonment or rejection, go
quickly to the temple of the Sun within yourself. In your mind’s eye,
even if you are standing in a crowd of people with your eyes open, you
can still in the mind’s eye see yourself in that Sun and know that
always—this is my guarantee unto you; I have been there, I have done
it, I have tried it, I have tested it, and I know it to be true—you
will always be taken care of in the temple of your own Sun within.

is what it means when we speak of the Christ of you. It is your own
Sun within you, the brilliance, the divine radiance of the Christ of
you. So whenever the world speaks to you, go within to that place of
the Sun within yourself. Make your choice from the place of the Sun.

The holy Child has already decided to come Home. The holy Child has
already decided to know Who she is, Who he is, to live from the place
of divinity, and to live joyfully.

So whenever the world brings
you the messages that it could be other than joyful, go quickly to the
Temple of the Sun within yourself, the Christ of yourself, the
expansive place where you know love itself, where you know that always
you are valued, nurtured, and taken care of, that always the Christ
returns Home, no matter how far he/she may travel.

The Christ of
you abides in the Sun, in the divine brilliance and radiance within
you, and that will always bring you Home. I know this to be true, so I
speak it to you.

So be it.

– Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
in expression through Judith

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