Rise in Soul Light now for your time is near

Greetings to you once more as I enter your presence. Some will feel my
essence strongly, others will simply feel a peacefulness come over them.
I come to you to guide you, to assist you, to release any fear, and
also to remind you again how much you are loved. This is why I come and
also the Archangels. All assist you through this time. I remind you also
at this time not to fear your linear year of 2012. Do not. It is a
predestined date for man to be awakened through Light, toward
experiencing Christ Consciousness, leading all to connect to Source, to
God to Oneness. So please, do not fear, rather give over in peace. This
is the only way many of you will obtain the peace you seek.


You may feel you are losing control in your life. I ask
you "losing control of what?" You see what you fear you are loosing
control of is what you have created.

Perhaps also you have created
the structure of your life from the beliefs of others. Beliefs taught
to you as a child from your parents and teachers.

This one
(Lynette) heard a little of this from another’s words last evening. It
has remained strongly with her as it fits so well with my subject now.
So you may begin to understand why I ask you – "loosing control of

Ask yourself in what area of your life do you feel this
most powerfully. Examine it carefully. Then ask yourself how important
is it to you, and choose a different path forward. If it is another’s
choice, perhaps words from a partner or friend, then you must ask
guidance from your sacred heart centre.

There is also a need to
understand that many are on different levels of awareness. Therefore not
everyone will see situations as you do. Not everyone will understand
your thinking, your actions. In this, surrender. Allow them time to
understand. Do not feel anger because they do not see or understand as
you do. In that mindset you invite darkness to pervade your Light
essence. Your conscious mind will begin an internal battle of yes, no,
like, dislike. You will begin a downward spiral. Simply surrender.
Understand and let them be. Instead of hurt or anger, surround them in
love to assist them forward on their journey. In this you gain freedom,
and in that freedom you gain much Soul Light and gain victory over your
emotional body.

The Epiphany of Self

The planets are
instrumental in presenting much transformation in your world over the
coming season. Some will experience a state of "flux" – uncertainty – to
enable the higher self to step forward. Some will experience an
epiphany of the self – a life changing moment where you see with great
clarity the futility of what has been. It is a moment in which you catch
a glimpse of your true magnificence, a glimpse of what is there for
you. A glimpse of new enlightened understanding. This is so powerful, so
encompassing in the beauty and wonder.

It is at this moment the
veil you have held over you is lifted in glorious triumph of Soul – your
Soul. This is happening for many of you as more and more souls awaken
to a beautiful new day of being. Yes, a new day of being. So as a new
journey begins, as you seek to clear, to heal, to find your own inner
gifts, they are revealed to you.

Soul Gifts

These are
called your Soul gifts, what you brought with you in your Soul
knowledge, your Soul memory. It is at this time you need to heal your
Soul memory of previous hurtful experiences contained in previous
lifetimes. Understand the hurts were in a previous existence where some
of you experienced a painful death because of your Soul wisdom. I wish
you to understand it was a different era in Earths timeline of
experience. Therefore heal. Heal the memory, heal the Soul and move
again in greater freedom to answer your Soul’s call.

Your Soul
gift is never for you alone, no. It is to share with all. To join in the
beautiful healing tapestry of Light, of Oneness.

Where all are
joined in Light, through the Creator, yet are individual as well – as
above so below. Above in Oneness you share all, yet below you choose
each experience as an individual. This is now, in your year 2010, a year
of opening, of healing, and of releasing all past pain.

Yet I say
to you as you move forward to a new year, 2011, it will begin a time of
experiencing Oneness below – in your daily lives – as well as above.
You will begin to open more to others, to share in a higher spirit of
Blessedness. Yes, it will be so. For as you progress forward in Light
and open your Soul gifts you will feel the energy of God flow through
you. Thus you will experience Blessedness. Such a glorious moment. You
have not as yet experienced this. Because I tell you the more you open
to your Soul, through your heart centre, the more flow of Light you will
produce. I speak correctly dear one. I hear you say "how can I produce a
flow of Light? A flow of God’s energy? Surely only God can only do

The Golden Link of Creation

Allow me to tell you,
to explain. It is simple. More simple than you realize. I have spoken
many times of your Diamond Light. contained in your higher heart. This
exists in every one of you, no matter how dark the personality is
presented in your world. The Diamond Light is the spark of God essence
each of you holds within. You hold a part of God within you. Yes, each
of you. I tell you truth. Therefore as you overcome your own personality
self, your ego through your conscious mind, as you overcome these, you
open to the Light of Creation.

This pure Light which is omni
present, ignites your Diamond Light within.

This creates the
capacity within your being to produce and hold great quantities of

A Turning Point

As your quantity of Light within
builds, you carry what we refer to as your Light Quotient. With this the
Soul radiates out, encompassing you – all of you in pure Light. The
Light essence of God. The Light passes all understanding. For all your
experiences are known, yet overcome, healed and loved through your Light
Quotient. So you become a true child of God, growing and sharing in
Light, in true Oneness. You see all. Those still on their journey of
experience, those still holding on to the ego personality, you see all.
Yet with the magnificence and greatness of the Light you understand. You
simply be. In your joyous power of God created Oneness. At this point
my friend we celebrate your magnificence. We celebrate your great
journey of experience through the Ages and welcome a new Age, a new
Earth of Light, of peace, of greatness. The meditation I have given
allows you to experience your magnificent Light of Creation through the
essence of Gods energy fields.

My Love to you.


Copyright © 2003 Rev, Lynette Leckie-Clark – All rights reserved. You
are welome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.