There is a “feeling” of peace that passes
All understanding..  It comes from the
“knowingness” that all is well..
That all is in divine order…
Please notice we have used the word
For trusting dear one is still a thought
Away from love…
Knowing you are peace…that you
Abide in peace…
That is the goal that will bring you
That which you truly seek…
It “arrives” when you ~choose for it~
When you make a conscious choice for peace
Your soul sends out a call to all of creation…
Creation stands there always in it neutrality…
Your desire is its command…
When you choose peace your “field of peace”
Is activated…
The Call has been heard…
Creation is alive with joy….it brings to you all that
You have “created”  that is unlike peace…
Unlike that which  you seek
Only….only so that you can come to see
How by your perception of what you
Think you see
You have created that which is unlike peace..
Unlike that which love is….
For…in truth…you cannot create peace in your life
If you do not “see” how you have been manifesting
Experience that is unlike peace itself..
So…there is a    ~process~…
Time is a process…
Allow time to become a sacrament devoted
To love itself
By owning and embracing that very process
Of discovering all the hidden cobwebs of belief
That you are “other than love” that
You have held deep within your sub conscious mind..
Yes…for a brief period you may come to feel
A little “undone” so to say…
Yet….in that glorious moment that you choose peace
Your peace is assured…
It can not help but be so for you are the
Creator and you have chosen…
Peace is its own frequency…
It births forth in your experience
As you live within your “knowingness”
When you begin your journey back to your true state…
That which is peace..
Everything unlike it will begin to arise
Only so that you can choose again
You will want to hold onto the lov ing arms
Of “knowingness” that you are a grand creator
And you have called to yourself an experience
That definitely seems to appear unlike that
Which you have chosen for yourself…
In that very moment…there…right t there
That appearance
Simply is asking for your love…
How does one love something  unlike peace…???
Simply by your “blessing of it”
It truly is that simple…
By choosing for love itself by simply making a choice
Right as it arises to see it differently…
To not “react” but to allow..
To see it with they eyes of love and ask
Of that love within
“how did I call to myself this experience”??
Well…I seem to have called to myself a moment
Of experience that is very much unlike the peace
I seek………
So….deep within my holy mind I must have
“chosen in error”
So…I will simply allow this arising to be as it is…
Bless it and know….”know”
That love …peace
Will reveal itself to me…
Let go of all that is “shown” to you that is unlike peace…
Be willing to walk through your rings of fear
And doubt…
For they are simply a chimera and love itself
Is waiting for you just on the other side
Of that ring of illusion…
In truth…it is love itself
Calling you closer to the truth
Of your Self…
Now…that is a process worth enjoining in…
Would you not agree with us…???
You will know that the river of love is flowing within you
Always and in all-ways..
Be willing to place your whole being into
The middle of the river…
Let go of all that abides on the edges of the river
That feels unlike peace…for those very things are
The rings your own soul has brought to you
So that you can experience for yourself
That in truth there has only been god…
There has only been love…
All else was simply a temporary wisp of a dream
Passing you by ….liken to the clouds that
Move thru the sky…
You are the sky observing the clouds…
You are the observer and the experience
Of all that you see…
But mostly…you are the “chooser of that
Which you wish to perceive”
For from that very choice heaven
Is known again…
This is your journey…it was designed by YOU
The moment you chose to come home to love…
The perfect bridge for you was
Created to bring you back to your total
Knowingness that you are that which
You have been seeking…
you decided long ago…
Thus….you find yourself here NOW…
Not an accident beloved heart…
All souls will pass through this eye of the needle
In order to come home to their truth…
Every soul is free to choose when… all will choose
This journey at some time so that they too
Can be and know their oneness with Source
Once again…
You are free t o choose another time..another place
Yet the same “road” will be walked at some point
In your journey of separation…
And so…my sweet souls of one light divine…
Why Not Now???
What better time than Now…???
Your journey into shadow has brought you
Much pain and suffering…
These tools I would give you in this Now moment
Are the keys to your True Life…
They are your “way home to love”
If you would but practice them…
Choose for them..
Allow the love within and behind these words
To touch you in a place of such depths of
That you are loved….beyond worldly thought…
We have been waiting for so long for these words
To fill you…for you to hear and mostly “feel”
the call that is coming from within you..
So much joy arises within all of creation
When you choose to remember and experience
Your union with all that     I  AM    ~  IS~
This in truth is “your call”
You have been calling from the depths of your
Being-ness to hear these words and feel
Their love
For a very long “time”
Allow yourself to take a moment..
Breathe in the love that exists in the very air
You breathe…
When you breathe in…you take in the love of
The unformed…
As you breathe out…you breathe out that unformed
Thought of love
And “bring it into form”
As an experience of love itself…
You will be the first to “receive it”
So…take that breathe deep within your belly..
Breathe out the thought of peace…
Literally feel the breath of peace flowing out
Of your mouth  ~knowing~ it is extending
Peace into all of creation…
Into the experience of your very own personal universe
And that of the “whole”…the entirety…
Do this whenever the inclination comes to you…
What you will experience is the peace of home…
The peace that you abide in always that in
Truth you never left…
You just “thought” you did…..
These words dear one are truly only a symbol…
A reflection of the real world
That springs forth from the one true heart
What is “real” is the love that these words
Bring to the totality of your very soul
And begin to “light within”
The candle of  your remembrance
That simply has been there all along
DESIRING  to be lit…
Only love exists…
so dear friend.s…
Thirty days…choose peace…practice being peace
Within each arising that you find your awareness
To be “delighting in”…
For delight births more delight!!!!
Delight in all things and you will
Wake up one day and only experience
Delight-filled moments…
Do this for yourself and you do it for all….
And that…is a promise that will be kept!!!!!
Allow the peace of love itself
To fill you and to be the only
Truth that you extend to all this day…