Tag: worldly (page 1 of 2)

Greg Giles ~ Beyond Discernment ~ Who are the Authentic Channels? Part 1

I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a theory I am proposing but point of fact, as the group that had been sending me the '...

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The World is Not Enough: A New Theory of Parallel Universes is Proposed

Excerpt from universetoday.com

by Tim Reyes

Do we exist in a space and time shared by many worlds? And are all these infinite worlds interacting? A new theory of everything is making the case.

Imagine if you were told that the world is simple and exactly as it seems, but that there is an infinite number of worlds just like ours.

They share the same space and time, and interact with each other.
These worlds behave as Newton first envisioned, except that the slightest interactions of the infinite number create nuances and deviations from the Newtonian mechanics. What could be deterministic is swayed by many worlds to become the unpredictable.

This is the new theory about parallel universes explained by Australian and American theorists in a paper published in the journal Physics Review X. Called  the “Many Interacting Worlds” theory (MIW), the paper explains that rather than standing apart, an infinite number of universes share the same space and time as ours.

They show that their theory can explain quantum mechanical effects while leaving open the choice of theory to explain the universe at large scales. This is a fascinating new variant of Multiverse Theory that, in a sense, creates not just a doppelganger of everyone but an infinite number of them all overlaying each other in the same space and time.

Rather than island universes as proposed by other theories, Many Interacting Worlds (MIW) proposes many all lying within one space and time. (Photo Credit: Public Domain)
Rather than island universes as proposed by other multiverse theories, Many Interacting Worlds (MIW) proposes many all lying within one space and time.

Cosmology is a study in which practitioners must transcend their five senses. Einstein referred to thought experiments, and Dr. Stephen Hawking — surviving and persevering despite having ALS — has spent decades wondering about the Universe and developing new theories, all within his mind.

The “Many Interacting Worlds” theory, presented by Michael Hall and Howard Wiseman from Griffith University in Australia, and Dirk-André Deckert from the University of California, Davis, differs from previous multiverse theories in that the worlds — as they refer to universes — coincide with each other, and are not just parallel. 

The theorists explain that while the interactions are subtle, the interaction of an infinite number of worlds can explain quantum phenomena such as barrier tunneling in solid state electronics, can be used to calculate quantum ground states, and, as they state, “at least qualitatively” reproduce the results of the double-slit experiment.

Schrödinger, in explaining his wave function and the interaction of two particles (EPR paradox) coined the term “entanglement”. In effect, the MIW theory is an entanglement of an infinite number of worlds but not in terms of a wave function. The theorists state that they were compelled to develop MIW theory to eliminate the need for a wave function to explain the Universe. It is quite likely that Einstein would have seen MIW as very appealing considering his unwillingness to accept the principles laid down by the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory.

While MIW theory can reproduce some of the most distinctive quantum phenomena, the theorists emphasize that MIW is in an early phase of development. They state that the theory is not yet as mature as long-standing unification theories. In their paper, they use Newtonian physics to keep their proofs simple. Presenting this new “many worlds” theory indicates they had achieved a level of confidence in its integrity such that other theorists can use it as a starter kit – peer review but also expand upon it to explain more worldly phenomena.

Two of the perpetrators of the century long problem of unifying General Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics, A. Einstein, E. Schroedinger.
Two of the perpetrators of the century-long problem of unifying General Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics – Albert Einstein, Erwin Schroedinger.

The theorists continue by expounding that MIW could lead to new predictions. If correct, then new predictions would challenge experimentalists and observers to recreate or search for the effects.
Such was the case for Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. For example, the bending of the path of light by gravity and astronomer Eddington’s observing starlight bending around Sun during a total Solar Eclipse. Such new predictions and confirmation would begin to stand MIW theory apart from the many other theories of everything.

Multiverse theories have gained notoriety in recent years through the books and media presentations of Dr. Michio Kaku of the City College of New York and Dr. Brian Greene of Columbia University, New York City. Dr. Green presented a series of episodes delving into the nature of the Universe on PBS called “The Fabric of the Universe” and “The Elegant Universe”. The presentations were based on his books such as “The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos.”

Hugh Everett’s reinterpretation of Dr. Richard Feynman’s cosmological theory, that the world is a weighted sum of alternative histories, states that when particles interact, reality bifurcates into a set of parallel streams, each being a different possible outcome. In contrast to Feynmann’s theory and Everett’s interpretation, the parallel worlds of MIW do not bifurcate but simply exist in the same space and time.  MIW’s parallel worlds are not a consequence of “quantum behavior” but are rather the drivers of it.

Professor Howard Wiseman, Director of Griffith University's Centre for Quantum Dynamics and coauthor of the paper on the "Many Interacting World" theory. (Photo Credit: Griffith University)
Professor Howard Wiseman, Director of Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics and coauthor of the paper on the “Many Interacting World” theory. (Photo Credit: Griffith University)

Hall states in the paper that simple Newtonian Physics can explain how all these worlds evolve. This, they explain, can be used effectively as a first approximation in testing and expanding on their theory, MIW. Certainly, Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity completes the Newtonian equations and are not dismissed by MIW. However, the paper begins with the simpler model using Newtonian physics and even explains that some fundamental behavior of quantum mechanics unfolds from a universe comprised of just two interacting worlds.

So what is next for the Many Interacting Worlds theory? Time will tell. Theorists and experimentalists shall begin to evaluate its assertions and its solutions to explain known behavior in our Universe. With new predictions, the new challenger to Unified Field Theory (the theory of everything) will be harder to ignore or file away with the wide array of theories of the last 100 years. Einstein’s theories began to reveal that our world exudes behavior that defies our sensibility but he could not accept the assertions of Quantum Theory. Einstein’s retort to Bohr was “God does not throw dice.” The MIW theory of Hall, Deckert, and Wiseman might be what Einstein was seeking until the end of his life. In titling this review of their theory as “The World is not Enough,” I would also add that their many interacting worlds is like a martini shaken but not stirred.
References: Quantum Phenomena Modeled by Interactions between Many Classical Worlds

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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus April-21-2013

Spring is in the air, and so is change of a most magnificent kind
April 21, 2013 by John Smallman

The Oneness that is God has all of creation

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The Source of All & the Multi-Dimensional Nature of the Universe

We are multi-dimensional beings and the fundamental ‘Source’ or ‘Universal Life Force’ energy is reflected through us on EVERY level of our being. This ‘Source’ may be known by many other names: Universal Love, Universal Light, God, The Goddess, The Divine, Spiritual Light, Spirit, Chi, Ki, Prana, Odic Energy, Orgone Energy, Ond…the list is virtually endless.

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~PEACE~   DHARMA  TEN   There is a “feeling” of peace that passes All understanding..  It comes from the “knowingness” that all is well.. That all is in divine order…   Please notice w...

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author unknown
greetings unto you...beloved and "wholly" friends...
a promise kept..
heart of my heart!!!!
light of my light!!!!
being of my beingness!!!!
i do come again...
oh...you have known me by many names...
names...dear one..   are   "of the world"
you have known me by many names
many "names" given to one thing...
the love "you" are....
the love we are together as one...!!!!

yet...do you notice what a name
can "bring up" within you??
many past associations with a name
will never show you the truth
of that which i am...
nor will it show to you the "truth"
of your brother or sister
the name you give yourself
could not possibly reflect
the love you are...
truly...what a wonderful world it would be
if each of you called one another
"lotus blossom"
ahhhhhhhhhhh...what a wonderful world it would be
if each and every "one" saw the "other"
simply as that...
~love in blossom~
i am simply the "lotus" within you
that is in   ~full bloom~
i am that part of you that knows
this is true...about you
i have come again to bring
the purest of waters
to your seed of re-mem-brance...
i have come again
for i am a part of "you"
that remembers the "truth of you"
coming again to open the shutters
you have placed over the windows
that reveal the true "view"
of your glorious self...
it matters not to me what name you
choose to give to that which i am.
it is not about the name and all
the "fan fare" that could be given to a name...
you are the jeshua..
the buddah...the allah...
i am simply coming to you
~from within you~
to remind you that it is "time"
it is time to let go of all the worldly    ~thought~
and           remember
the truth of who you are
there is no separation between us
except when ~you choose~
to believe otherwise...
your free will has in truth
always been that choice...
to see yourself as one with...abiding in
swimming in love
or to see yourself
as alone and separate from love
thus creating many moments
of experience that would lead you to
believe this could be true...
it has always been "your choice"
that creates your experience...
that is all dear one...
it truly is that simple...
no matter what name you give to the
essence of that which i am...
that which "you are"
the essence is one and the same...
pure love
now...an easy yoke
to see that each and every "one"
carries within it
the essence of divine pure love...
it is for you to "see it"
within all things...
as you "see it"
you will find me clearly once again...
then...you will know from the depths of your being
that i am with you always...
be at peace...breathe me in
and all that i am as often
as you think of me...
breathe in the "love of     ~your self~
for today...i will call myself LOTUS
if you would like to be added to this list simply send me an email
at deniseanew@aol.com.....you will be added in love....

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The Measure of Mastery

Beloved one, every lifetime you have left a mark upon our holy Mother Earth--sometimes a physical mark, but I mean more the spiritual mark. You have made impact, and you have left your energy. It is there when you go back and you visit what would be a foreign land or a new place, and you find something that feels familiar. It is because you have left your energy in those places.

Everywhere you walk you leave an imprint. You even have in your world now a focusing upon what is called the carbon footprint, and how big your footprint is in the global focus of energy. Everywhere you have gone in this lifetime and other lifetimes you have made impact of one sort or another.

You have prophecy now that there is going to be a big change upon holy Mother Earth in the year 2012, as it has been called. You have found all kinds of channeled information about it, and this is wonderful, because you are bringing it forth for yourself in order to sit with it and see what your truth is about the year 2012.

You do not have to accept anyone else's truth; that is their truth. You choose for yourself what feels true to you and what you want to experience. Because, you see, the year 2012 has not been written yet -- even though you may have the "wise ones" who are channeling all of the information about what is going to happen.

But I say unto you, 2012, 2011, 2010 has not been written yet. Even what you see as the morrow has not been written yet. You are the makers of what you experience. You are the makers who are the judge and jury of everything that you bring forth, and as it is written in your holy Scriptures, that whatever you create, call it good, because truly, everything is good, even if it has the appearance of being a disaster. It will lead, and it has led, the holy Child to a place where you can make a new choice.

You have chosen some great challenges and some smaller challenges in order to live your divine being. It was the same for me: would I travel to far lands to study with the great masters of that time, would I teach the multitudes or just the few, would I experience the crucifixion and arise up in the resurrection to continue that lifetime? These were some of the choices I looked at in that lifetime.

Take yourself back…in this moment, allow yourself the deep breath, and allow yourself to go back to the being that you have been in the Atlantean time when you were the creator bringing forth new creative inventions, when you were working with crystals, and when you were finding what crystals could do as you were knowing Oneness with the energy of a crystal.

Allow yourself to feel how you felt and to see the goal that you had in that lifetime as to how you wanted to use the energy of the crystals. Some of you in a particular lifetime saw the energy of the crystal to convey to you personal power. Others of you saw the healing energy of the crystal and how it could be used for healing. 

In the last couple of moments you have traveled, as your historians measure time, back many, many eons of time to a realization, a reality that is true; it is legendary according to some of your history books, if it is mentioned at all, but it is true. It is a true reality that you have lived. You have been there.

You have also walked the path of peace with nature in Lemuria. Feel you that peace and know that that peace of nature can be found yet. Some of your trees which have been growing for centuries of time, allow yourself to sit with them in the mind and sometimes with the physical body, and to ask of them what they have seen, and what they would advise for the future.

Everything is open to you. Everything. There is nothing that is held away from you. There is nothing that would be denied. It cannot be denied the holy creative Child that you are. That is why I encourage you to go for it, to live your dream, to ask of yourself what is your dream. What do you want to see happening in your own life? What do you want to see happening with the grouping of friends? What do you want to see upon the face of our holy Mother, the Earth?

You are a great master. You have chosen to be in this reality at this time, just as you have chosen many other times when there would be a turning of an age, a time of awakening. You have said, "I want to be there for the quickening of the energy. I want to be there to add my energy to it."

You are a courageous master. You have come from the place of the heart. That is what the root of the word courageous comes from--coeur--the heart. You come from the heart to serve the Light, to serve the awakening one more time.

The measure of a master, and the measure of mastery itself, is very simple. The measure of mastery is in the time that it takes you to be in the place of turmoil, to understand the place of confusion, and then to come to peace. Sometimes it may take you a decade or longer. They call it a certain stage of life. You may have to live through a certain stage of life. Other times it may take you a couple of weeks. Other times it may take you only a deep breath, and then you come to that place of peace that says, "Whatever happens is good, because it serves the atonement. Whatever happens, I add my energy of knowing the blessedness of it, and therefore it is good."

So if you want to know the measure of how you as a master are coming along with this journey, if you want the progress report, you can do this for yourself easily. When you get into that place where you do not know what to do, or you feel that everything seems to be at sixes and sevens and nothing is working together, allow yourself the deep breath and come to the place of peace. If it does not happen right away, that is okay. Take another deep breath and ask for peace. If it takes you an hour, a day, a fortnight, even a year to be at peace with something, that is okay. That is the measure of mastery.

If you would cast your mind back to a decade ago when you were in a certain situation and there was perhaps an issue that was very close to your heart and it hurt, now you look at it and you see it differently. You can see the blessing that has been in it and the goodness in it, even though at the time, a decade ago, it might have been very painful.

The measure of mastery can happen with the deep breath in an instant, or it may take longer, and that is okay. There is no judgment, because truly there is no time. In this reality there seems to be time, but in truth, it does not matter if it takes you lifetimes before you have lived a certain situation over and over and over and then finally come to a place where you have said, "It really doesn't matter. It really doesn't affect me at all, what ‘they' choose to do."

But sometimes in a lifetime it seems very important what "they" have chosen to do, and you can feel very hurt by what they have chosen to do. But then you can come to a place where you say, "But that touches me not. It is their choice. It is what they see to be important that they need to do," and you can let it go.

The measure of a master can be measured by how long or short a time it takes you to come to that place of peace. It can be done, as I said, with the deep breath. It can be done with the candle. If you are wanting something tangible, light a candle and look into the flame, the energy of the candle, and know yourself to be that light, for truly, you are the one creating the light of the candle. In truth, that candle does not exist except as you have brought it forth in your consciousness.

Now, the world does not say that to you. The world says that if you touch the flame, you are going to feel it. But that is the teaching of the world, and you can go beyond that. You have seen ones snuff out the candle flame with their fingers, and you wonder, "How can they do that? That's fire. How can they snuff out that flame with their fingers?" You have thought, "If I did that, it would be too hot."

But if you are in a certain state of mind and you reach out and you squeeze the flame, you can extinguish it with no harm to the fingers. It is the state of mind, the consciousness that makes the difference. However, I would suggest that as you develop trust in knowing the shift in consciousness, for the first few times you snuff the candle flame, you wet your fingers first. (Smile) It is the state of mind, it is the consciousness that determines what you see your life to be and how you see it to be.  

Some of you have wondered, "Why am I here? I enjoy my life, I enjoy traveling, I enjoy my friends, I enjoy the books that I read, but why am I here? Surely there has to be a reason more than that." It is to be the Light that lifts up the world. It is to be the master in realization and to know that every issue that comes to you, you have invited.

Now, sometimes separated ego does not want to hear that. "I invited this mess? I invited this relationship? I invited all of this abuse? I have invited the illness? I have invited the economic downturn?" Yes, you have, in order to know your divine power, in order to know the divine power of choice to live in a different space.

That is what I have called the measure of mastery, to be able to choose to live in the space of divine love, a space that knows that no matter what the world is doing, no matter what the body seems to be doing, no matter what anyone else is doing, "I am living the I Am Intelligence. I Am Love. I am okay." Start with that one. You can understand that one, the human self. "I am okay." And you are. You are truly more than okay, but sometimes separated ego does not want to go any farther than that, so you can start with, "I am okay…I think." And you are.

Allow yourself in every day to celebrate your Self. And by that, I mean to look back over the challenges, the experiences of this lifetime and to see where you have come. See where you were a decade ago. And separated ego may say, "Well, a decade ago I was younger. I was prettier; I was more handsome. I had more golden coins. I had more of the worldly accolades…" Maybe yes, maybe no.

But as you will assess the measure of mastery, you will realize that now you can come to the place of peace much more quickly than you did previously. You can come to the place where you are okay with whatever anyone else chooses. You are okay with whatever the body brings to you. You are okay with every issue, because you know that you are more than any issue.

Some of the issues feel like big stumbling blocks. You lose a loved one and they do not send you a post card, and it feels big. But the master of you--and you are a master--comes to know that that experience was not a downer. It was not a minus sign, but a plus, and you look at all of the treasure that came from whatever issue you have dealt with or are dealing with. You look at all of the expansion of experience that it brings to you instead of looking at all that you have lost, because truly you never lose anything anyway.

You look at all of the positive things that have come out of that experience, all of the treasures that you have stored away in the treasure chest, and only you know those treasures. You can open that treasure chest and you can take out each jewel and look at it and say, "This is the jewel that came from when my parents left. This is the jewel that came when my mate left. At the time I thought it was a piece of coal, an old stone, an old rock. I would have thrown it away, but something told me to put it in the treasure chest. And now I see that there are sparkles on it, and it looks different to me."

That is the measure of the master: to be able to see the good very quickly in everything that you experience. As you travel the journey of life, there are many opportunities to judge; to judge self: that is the first one. You have been taught, even subconsciously, by the parents and the peers that you were not quite good enough. Maybe you did not make the cheer-leading squad. Maybe you did not make the first string of the football team. Maybe you were not the best orator. Maybe you did not get the highest grades, etc.

The peers would tell you whether you were good enough or not good enough, and the parents--even the most well-meaning parents--would encourage you to do better. And you thought, "Well, if they are saying that I should do better, that means that I'm not there yet, I'm not perfect yet, so I must be imperfect."

Your heavenly Father/Mother sees you as perfect, because you have to be. You are the extension of that creative Principle. It is neutral. There is no good or bad, less or more. It Is, and there is no judgment in it.

Allow yourself to know that you are the master come once again into this experience to let your Light shine, to be joyful in the face of sorrow, to be comforting to another one and to lift them up with hope.

Know that always I am here for you. If there is no one else who will listen to you, I will listen to you. Always I hear you when you call. Call upon me. I am always here for you. I love That Which you are, because I know That Which you are: the divine holy Child experiencing and expressing as the human one more time. And I give unto you my great respect, my joy, and my love.

So be it.

- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address www.oakbridge.org.

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Shar Joy Thoght of the Day

                                      Does anyone wake and know how their day will end?  Its with detachment on one hand so that you don't have expectations as to how it unfolds or its results.  On the other hand you do state your intention and know that its not discovering the day but creating it.  This can also have something to do with abundance.  To give starts the flow of happiness into being happy..it comes back to you.  Offer a couple of dollars to a charity or lend your time to a person freely, and  you will get a return becasue you've released the valve of fear and judgement.  Being is for the soul purpose not the mind nor body and the soul lessons are why you come....Many would deny there is a God....hilarious because God creates and doesn't command.  Humans command of others the very thing they themselves would not do.  The act of resisting anything places it at your doorstep.  That is the irony....God is at your front door.  Do people have to continue making the same choices?  Or will they finally say thats enough and not care so much about worldly attainment but more about realization of the self and preservation of quality of life and live love?  Our children are already somebody we don't need to work so hard and have no energy or time to enjoy them.   Its an excuse to think that we work to give them more, more of what?   Escaping the comfort zone can be exciting as it is to think differently.  Now take six slow deep breaths and  on the seventh breath hold it for six counts, exhale leisurely. Visualize that you are blowing bubbles and the first one is so large and transparent,  it has a piece of paper in it and it is telling you the truth about a situation and you read it.  The next bubble is smaller in size but still impressive and a fortune is in it and you read it, what does it say?  The last bubble  has a paper in it that tells you to make a wish, it is a wish that will change the world and you know it will be fulfilled, and so it is.  Your breathing is still deep and less shallow than before, anxiety is averted and you unwind.  This is a mini meditation that can be done anywhere and get you through the moment.

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Still Waters Run Deep

by Alec Christos Gabbitas

After the zenith of the still bubbling Spring Equinox with all it's trimmings and penultimate realisations that have yet to clarify and emerge from the depth of each and every soul on planet this very day.The masses of like-minded ones, stretching into every 'nook and cranny' over hill and dale, far into every corner of the beloved planet with all her mighty and majestic light bearers' crystalline energies sufficing for all her needs at this now time of imminent change and transition.

These are the times of assimilation and assessment, as each seed particle duly co-created and co-directed by the spiritual hierarchies, both off and on planet, are realising the 'actual quotient' of achievement and prowess. It is yet only a few linear days and these are then moments of the in-breath of the gradual reaping into the total encompassment of re-established Oneness.

On each occasion that there is an energy injection and subsequent alignment; there are ever increasing levels of Chi that is inherited by all of humanity,and also to all manner of elemental and nature spirits in their various expressions. It is likened to the 'global melting pot' as it heats up, it then rises to a higher or finer level that accommodate everything upon and within the planet per se. These days are the In-breath moments which become a levelling out of that grand injection of Equinox energies, thereby affording a grand realignment as the fulcrum or meniscus aligns itself concave. These days of assimilation are soon to be realised as the magical momentum of all our glorious tomorrows' resumes in an ever perfect and divine order. Life is exact, precise at all times.

As we together progress along life's ever continuing journey, do we become even more conscious and sensitively aware that that which we consider to be of God without, is emphatically God within, and it is dawning upon us that we are intrinsically interconnected with and interdependent upon each other, for the greatest and most simplest truth that we can ever learn is that God and I are one! Be still and know that I Am God! It is in these now times of continual magic and momentum, that we have a brief or maybe not so brief, insight into the bigger picture, for lo and behold we see the simplistic beauty and reality of pristine, diamond, crystalline purity - that you and I are ONE, or maybe God and you are One. There is an intrinsic moment of intense, total recognition, that we are all indeed, God Itself, and so it surely is!

So now we see the way it is, we accept the endearing realisations that...Yup.. OK.. we are One and the same, so life never stays the same any more! How on Earth can it, or should we rather say, 'how in Heaven' could it? So, what on earth - or heaven- are we doing down here, readdressing our sovereignty and reasserting our beingness? What on earth is our 'mission,' what on earth can it be? And the only reply that we can gift ourselves with is that our mission is truly realising the simple truth that yes, We ARE One.Yet we might need just a little while longer to readdress our current situation, thereby becoming at very long last WHOLLY ONE WITH GOD! Let us accept that therefore our mission is ever always of 'loving self' and honouring the preciousness of whom we all are!

We have a mission, a forte in life! It is ever obvious! it is the qualifying art of allowing the beauty of whom we really are to magnetise and animate the very heart and soul of our beings into remembering whom we are, and whom we will ever be! it is in ALLOWING ourselves to acknowledge that we are each a unit of purity and pristine perfection, and on that level will we surely return to and surely realise once more. Can we do it? YES WE CAN! it is written in our blueprints; it is indelibly etched within that brilliant spark of life that is the foci infinite, tangible and magical residue that transfixes us, ad-infinitum, to the Oneness that evolves through a Supreme Creator born of Ultimate Being.

We are here in our wisdom, we are realising now the long hidden attributes that have for an age upon age been suffocated with shortened breath. We are here now en-masse, to rebuild Troy to it's former glory, and rebirth Eden into it's pregnant promise of divine fulfillment. We are here now in these so grand and magnificent of times simply TO LEARN TO BE, becoming a Samson with inimitable strength or power; becoming as Jesus whose supreme gifts of pure love and life eternal echo still throughout the universe; become as Daniel in the lions den where fear was intangible and love excelled. Let us perhaps be Alexander the great, whose worldly zeal and prowess could be transformed into less world ruling but world giving. Let us become maybe Mother Theresa whose gentleness, compassion and reverence to all life afforded many respite and hope. Let us be as Lady Diana whose heart embraced all in need...

No, let us become whom we truly are, forgoing all those attributes that others have so grandly portrayed. Let us unlock from within the multitude of gifts and blessings that we may, within our own signature of being and divine blueprint, be privileged to issue forth into the world, in the utmost of divine highest good! We are all wondrous beings of wonderful potentiality, so let us quietly go our God Blessed way sharing the gifts that we had forgotten perhaps where there!

Within us are all the attributes of the 'well known,' dear ones, and it is now, in these now times that we are 'allowed to allow' ourselves to bring them out of the closet and into the world that we are so blessed to be part of. Lets gift also the universe in like manner with the presence that we ultimately are. We are all accounted for, and we all count; and are equal to the 'grandest' and to the 'not to grand,' for ALL of our aspects are here to be harmoniously aligned and ascended into the One. Yes, Still Waters Run Deep and all is mirrored within the vast oversouls interplay and co-creation of the One, and of all.

Be still and know that I Am God... Be still and know... Be still... Be.. Namaste.

Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom.

(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *

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The Presence of Archangels

Dear Ones,

We are beyond the time of slow evolution because the planetary needs are too great. That is why the Archangels are here at this special time, bringing forth miracles and healing separation. As people have turned toward the Light, the planet is vibrating to a new frequency of energy. The miracles will be apparent as this energy unfolds bringing forth a peaceful presence in the world.

We have not come this way before. The Archangels have not been directed toward an active participation on the earth on a daily, personal basis until now. It’s as if we lead the way to freedom for each person through the parting of the seas of lower consciousness. We come to humanity and say you are pregnant with the Divine Presence. Birth a new consciousness on to the planet. Sing praises to God and know these gifts are available to all who are sincerely seeking a life of Peace, Unity and Love.

Divine Love is beyond separation into race and religion. It is this energy of Wholeness and Unity that the Archangels bring to earth at this time. Raising the collective consciousness will bring about miraculous change. It starts in the heart of each person who lets go of separation within their being, and embraces the totality of their beauty and connection to the God Source. It begins in the moment when choice is made for Peace, instead of pride and arrogance. It begins when the good of your planetary home takes precedence over momentary greed. It begins with the desire for Peace awakening within each person on earth.

Many already believe this way. Let those people hold the flame for miracles. Be a courageous spiritual warrior holding a vision of God’s Love and Light within each person and the collective consciousness. Be the one who believes in miraculous transformation of all that would destroy the beauty and sustenance that the earth offers. When many minds hold the thought of miracles as the natural order of things, it will be. Truth resonates in the light expanding through the minds of all beings. There are many hearts longing for Peace and this collective calling will bring forth harmony between all peoples on earth.

There is another force of good awakening in the world. It is the Force of Unity – the power generated by the gathering of souls together to honor the Divine Presence. A new interest in the aspects of ceremony and a rekindling of the ancient ways of worship is coming forward, striking a chord in the heart of people everywhere. When souls gather in sacred ceremony a new energy emerges. There is a true focus toward Unity and each person is forever changed when the energy of Divine Light is generated within. The power of ceremony will bring that energy into the collective consciousness, and will create a new resonance with God inside each person who participates with pure intention.

Gather together in harmony with this miraculous intention for creative solutions everywhere. Harmonize yourself with the One Mind of the Creator, no matter what name is called. Visualize together the strength of Divine Light empowering the earth and know the presence of the Archangels enfold the planet in Love. Call forth God’s Grace and be willing to have miracles bless all in a new wave of loving existence. Join together in Unity by holding the vision of Peace awakening in the minds of the world’s leaders. Know that miraculous solutions are available when many beings collectively turn toward the Light of the One Heart.

It is time to awaken to the power of Divine Love and the Light available for life on earth right now. Allow the Archangels entry to your open mind and heart. Call in the Christed One. Know the stillness of the Buddha prevails within you and the sustaining presence of Vishnu exists in the world.  Let Allah be praised, and invite the Divine Feminine to flow into minds that have been hardened. The worldly powers of man’s government do not hold a candle to the radiant presence of the Archangels and the Divine Grace that can harmonize the minds and hearts of all who live on the planet earth.

Believe. Have Faith and know all things are possible when you stand together in the Light of God’s Grace and Love.

And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel
Through Shanta Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.

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The New Decade

Beloved friend, peace be with you. I am the one you have known as Joseph, Earthly father to the one you know as Jeshua and beloved husband of the one you now call Mother Mary. I had my own life, my own identity as Joseph, and I lived that lifetime happily in the Essene community. After releasing the body in that lifetime, there were other lifetimes when I collected much wisdom, the same as you are doing now, and I brought the wisdom once again into an incarnation which you now have called St. Germain.

It is from the vantage point as St. Germain that I would speak with you now, for there is a message from the Council of One that has been given to me to pass along to you. You have heard me speak of the Council of One. It is truly the council of all of the higher souls, the souls that have come into awakening.

Even though you have focus upon your present personality and lifetime, you are part of the Council of One, for in truth there is no separation. We are all One. We are All of the divine one Mind. As you have heard it said, you are the expression of the one creative Principle come forth into various realities to try out different scripts, to try out how it would be to create, and vast and myriad have the creations been and will continue to be, even outside of what you see now this reality to be, even outside of what you would define as a physical reality.

The realities will continue, and that is why the Council of One has asked me to speak with you now as you embark upon a new decade. You have come through the experience of moving into a new millennium some ten years ago in your arbitrary timing, where there were many prophecies, including many negative prophecies, because this reality believes in duality, where there can be good and the opposite of good. Some of the prophecies were quite dire.

Well, you came into this new millennium and guess what? The computers still worked, the washing machines still worked, the telephones still worked, and you kept waiting for a few months into the new millennium for disaster, perhaps, to come from the skies, forgetting that you are the creative ones who bring forth everything, and you are the ones who then judge whatever comes forth, whether it be good or medium or not so good.

You also came into a new century, and you wondered as you moved into the new millennium and embarked upon the new century, “What is this century going to bring?” You looked back to the previous century and you saw an evolution of awareness that was quite tumultuous, quite representative of the belief in duality, for there were the world wars, as they were called, where many countries were engaged on one side and on the other side, believing in separation and believing that new technology would solve everything.

But you also looked back at previous centuries and there was hope and optimism that truly you could be moving into another Golden Age. Now, you have known some five centuries or so ago an Age of Enlightenment, an age when there was much of evolutionary thought that went beyond the dark, the so-called Dark Ages.

Then there was a balancing in this reality where if you have something on one hand, pretty soon you are going to have something on the other hand to balance it out, so that you have come through some centuries since the Age of Enlightenment to a place where the enlightenment and the darkness have interchanged with each other at various times. 

So the first decade of the new century of the new millennium has been a working out, a review, if you will, of what has been in the past centuries.

You are now moving into the next decade of this new century and new millennium, and it is going to be one of excitement for you. There is going to be a winding down of some of the conflicts that you have seen going on, because the younger generations are going to be tired. Even though the habitual generational thinking has been all that they have known and all that they have been taught, they are going to begin to ask, “Is there not another way?”

In the next decade you will be interacting with ones that you see face to face and you are going to be interacting with other ones that are as a potential face to face, ones you have known in other lifetimes and constellations, who have agreed to meet up with you once again at a specified time within this reality. Furthermore, you will be interacting with ones that are within the mind and within the memory.

Sometimes you feel a presence around you that perhaps you can identify as a friend who has released the body or a loved one who has released the body or an ascended master whom you have read about, and you feel, “But this one cannot be here with me.” But this one is. Where else would they go? They are within your field of energy as you are within their field of energy. This awareness is going to be the most important part of the new decade: knowing the energy that you are and the energy of all ones, whether they are in physicality or in mind, Intelligence—capital “I”.

Awareness of Energy is going to be the most pivotal point of the next decade. You are going to feel and experience the world in a different way, and others are going to know it because of how you go in your life, knowing that you are truly not the body, you are not the personality, you are the energy of an ascended master radiating forth the Intelligence.

You are all ascended masters who have agreed one more time that you will descend into this reality that is not your home, that is not the place where you want to abide forever, but you have agreed that you will bring your energy and your Light and your laughter into this reality that believes itself so seriously to have to judge, to have to struggle.

This next decade is going to be a movement into knowing non-separation. You are going to see separation still with some worldly affairs. You are still going to see separation of bodies. But you are also going to understand that the bodies are not solid. They are forever changing as your energy patterns change.

You have the technology for reading the auras already, for having the photographs that show the change in the auric pattern as you have different emotions or as you think different thoughts. And the photographs are proof for you, because this reality yet wants to see the proof out there before the understanding and truth is then accepted within.

The new decade is going to fine-tune a knowing, the same knowing that you feel when you hug another one and you are in love with that other one, where you know yourself to be One with that other one—just for an instant, perhaps, or longer. When you are in that embrace, truly what you have done is to bring the energy fields together even closer, into a place where you can feel—if you tune in to it—the vibrational level of Oneness.

This decade is going to see a change in how you view yourself, how you view others, and how you view the world situation. You are not going to deny the Earthly conditions. If you are in a position where your help is needed, you will give the physical help, you will give the golden coins if that is what is needed, you will help ones as your guidance tells you to do.

In this next decade, because you are going to understand the great ball of energy that you are—and I do not mean that you are overweight—you are going to feel yourself totally, happily alive, and you are going to be very intuitive as to others’ energy, where they feel themselves to be.

Now, this is already happening, but it is going to increase. As this awareness increases, you are going to also know how to keep your balance, to keep your feeling of joy in the face of others who are finishing or completing their dramas. You will not be disruptive to their dramas, but you will keep your own balance within yourself.

Your planet, this most beautiful planet that we have brought forth, is changing. You have noticed some of the climate changes. You have noticed the intensity of some of the storms and the change in weather patterns. You have either been experiencing it where your dwelling place is or where the loved ones and friends are dwelling.

There has been an intensity of energy patterns swirling around this planet. Those patterns come from the collective consciousness. Those patterns…where else could they come from if all is One? come from you—you as the collective. They also come from your directive; in other words, you can direct a storm away from wherever you are if you know that you can do this, and you can.

For other ones, they may decree that they want to know the adrenaline rush of a storm. And if you want to do that, there is no judgment. It is an experience. But if you do not want to experience the intensity of a storm—call it a tornado, a thunderstorm, even a snowstorm—if you do not want the hurricane coming to your dwelling place, you can direct it out to sea, up into the upper atmosphere. You can direct it, because it is connected to your energy. All is One.

The intensity of the storms that you see happening now and the swirling of the climate change that is happening is coming from the collective consciousness that is sometimes throwing a temper tantrum, and so you see the out-picturing of that energy. It may be coming from confusion within the collective consciousness and so it is out-pictured, again, as a clearing, as a storm that will come through and will clear the energy.

Now, there are climate changes that are happening. There is global warming, and it is due to humankind. Yes, you are the reason for the global warming, but that is not said in judgment as a negative thing. It is said to allow you to understand how powerful you are, how you bring forth changes, how you have asked for evolutionary changes in what grows upon this planet, what form of the animal life is going to be upon the planet. For truly, as one species may seem to leave the planet, another species is born. There is never a vacuum. There is always a change which is happening.

So you can take responsibility for the global warming. The global warming comes because you are stepping up your vibratory rate as the collective. And, again, there is no judgment in it. It is an experience.

Nothing is ever lost. The form may change. The species may change, and things may look different, feel different. Your historians have told you of the ice ages, and you have evidence of the glaciers and the glacial rubbish, the rocks that have been left behind by the glaciers of other times. So this is not something that you are bringing about as disaster. It is part of what you have decreed that you will know as change, because the collective consciousness of the human is one that desires to know change. 

If truth be told, and I will tell it, all of creative Intelligence wants to know change. You are the extension of the one creative Principle; therefore, you are going to keep on creating. There is nothing wrong with change. Flow with it. Welcome it. Look for new species of flowers, trees, plants, animals, even humankind. Know you that in what you would call prehistory the human form—you do know this, because some of your scientists have taught you this, although there are ones who do not believe in evolution, as it is called—you had heavy fur covering on the body. You still have some of that left. Some of the men, you still have some of the heavy fur covering around the chin.

So in this next most wonderful decade that you are just now walking into, there is going to continue to be an evolution of humankind – not especially in the appearance but in recognizing and acknowledging that which you are in energy. Because truly, no matter how much makeup the woman or man puts on, how much of the raiment you change and put on, the energy that you are is going to be obvious. Everyone will feel and know if it is a loving energy or if it is a confused energy or an angry energy, and there will be no hiding it.

The awareness is going to be accentuated in your next decade, because ones are going to feel—especially those of you who are already the sensitives—are going to be feeling energy within themselves, and you will be able to catch yourself as you begin to perhaps close down, or as you perhaps feel a bit of the rising of the volcano of energy.

Begin to build up a self esteem, and begin to feel then the expansion of your energy, where you feel at peace with yourself and you feel at peace with others, because truly no one can touch your peace. You are the only one who can affect your peace, and that is only temporary.

More and more you are going to come truly alive as the energy that you are, as the walking, moving, loving, living Energy that you are.

Your energy truly reaches the farthest galaxies, because there is no separation in Mind—capital “M”. There is no separation. It is all creative Principle.

So be it.

- Joseph/St. Germain
in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address www.oakbridge.org.

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SaLuSa – 05 September 2008

So much depends on the weeks ahead as many different events work themselves out. At first glance they appear to be separate, but they all connect with the plan of the Galactic Federation to bring an end to the last cabal’s influence. Their powerful control base within the financial empire has to be removed, and that requires an in depth investigation of their affairs. They have been involved in many recent covert events, and we see various revelations bringing the truth to your notice It can sometimes be painful, not least of all that it reveals how you have been let down by those within whom you placed your trust. The trickery and blatant deceit has been occurring for almost the last century, and you have been literally kept in the dark.

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Ker-On – 08 September 2008

The intent of people to change the direction of their lives is altering the mass consciousness to such a degree, that it can now be seen as having a noticeable effect. The most important factor is the awakening that is helping others, and adding power to your resolve to find ways of bringing changes about. Not everyone understands what is happening around them, but they have felt the different energies that are building up. It comes to them in a sense of excitement knowing that something is stirring upon Earth.

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