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Love has many facets

Greetings Dear ones for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

like to say how beautiful and wonderful it is to be here in Devon,
England, this afternoon, for there is much love, softness and
tenderness in the air. The energies are changing not only for you but
for the entire planet and a new world is coming, and a fantastic new
point of view. We tell you that you are only dreaming, there is a whole
new world coming, a world filled with love and joy and freedom; it
is an honest world filled with integrity. As you release whatever you
need to release to set yourself free from whatever binds you, you
come closer to the divine and you come closer to the very truth of
who you are.

Allow the love to flow. Close your eyes and go
inside and feel the love flowing through your hearts. Love is not a
new energy, but to allow love to flow easily is quite a shift for
humanity to make, and there are new varieties of love on the way and
there will be love flowing through you and flowing into your inner
child and family constellation. This will dissolve issues very
quickly and the closer the planet gets to 2012 the easier and easier
love will flow through you and dissolve whatever resistance you have
to love.

Forgiveness will flow easily and you will let go of what
you need to let go of, for clinging onto things is the root of all
human suffering. If you cling onto something that is old and decaying
it does not allow you to connect with the new you, the part of you
that you came here to this earth to experience; to experience the
truth of yourself, your authentic self, for that is what we are doing
here today; allowing you to let go of what is not authentic and
allowing you to connect with your Spirit guides and with the energies
of love and deep divine connectedness. The more deeply you connect
to the divine the easier you will find life; you will be guided more
deeply, and at the same time that you the receive your guidance, the
fear, the anger and the resentments will also be let go of and these
feelings are what stop you going forward into your truth and into a
new world.

As we have said before, Britain has a very divisive
and colonial past within its psyche and Britain is moving towards a
rebirth, a new way of living, a new state of being, but first of all
come you who are here to do the work for your nation, not only for
your nation but for the planet. To bring back ancient knowledge that
was here two thousand years ago but has been lost; this wisdom is
being reignited inside all of you here today this day, this wisdom is
powerful, it is true Christ consciousness.

We are here to
expand this energy, so we ask that you drop down deep within
yourselves and look within yours hearts for that spark of Christ
consciousness. We are here today to expand that consciousness and
dissolve the fear and whatever stops this consciousness being acted
upon. So just go to this space where you can see this spark of light,
the love light, and the light of Christ within your hearts; and even if
you can’t see it, just feel it. Feel the light and feel the love and
stay connected with your circle, allowing love to flow from you to
everybody in the circle, and receiving that love and channelling that
love into Christ consciousness and into what blocks you seeing and
what blocks Christ consciousness flowing in your life. Just allow
yourselves to feel the love and feel the oneness and feel the
connectedness. Feel the connectedness with Stonehenge, and allow the
feeling of Stonehenge to flow through your hearts and into this
Christ consciousness, allowing Christ consciousness to be energized
within your bodies and dissolving any obstacles in its way. Christ
consciousnesses will once again be on this green and pleasant land
and that connectedness and that movement into Christ consciousness is
happening here in Tinmouth in Devon. There are many portals and
gateways into the new energies, here and in this moment these
gateways and portals are open and you have the opportunity to walk
through them and access more of the truth of who you are.

moon is almost full and the moon will take away what emotions do not
serve you and allow you to connect deeper and deeper into your true
self, into your masculine self and into your feminine self; healing the
masculine and allowing the feminine to flow; allowing yourselves to
be exactly who you are meant to be for in the darkness of your psyche
live the gifts you have brought to this planet to be shared with the
rest of the world. Allow yourselves to spend time in the darkness of
your psyche, in the places that you’ve never ever been before, and
just be inside yourselves, and feel where these gifts that you bring
to this earth are. Allow yourselves to channel the love into
dissolving the darkness around your gifts, around the success and joy
that you seek for your life; as you unravel these gifts on the
inside of yourself, that is where you will find your own joy,
happiness and love.

Love is the only answer, love is the only way
forward, love is the light that shines in the darkness, love is the
light that dissolves your problems and love is the light that
manifests your gifts. This part of the world is very old and has been
known to man for a long long time, many things have happened here;
many things have come and gone. Good things, bad things; but
consciousness until now has been waning, consciousness will now begin
to grow, to expand through your bodies and through this little town
in Devon, a new consciousness is on its way and each one of you, as
you manifest your gifts, will enhance the consciousness of this small
town. You are moving away from mass consciousness into your own
consciousness of Christ. There will be even more expanded
consciousness to come, there is a completely new world of your own
choosing to come.

We ask you to allow your vibrations to rise
even more and absorb more and more of the love that is on offer here
today, becoming like a sponge soaking up everything that belongs to
you, that you need to make your life work, that you need to manifest
these gifts here on earth to begin to make this place heaven on earth
and to make this a part of the new world; a place of gentleness and
kindness, a loving a place where the aggressive masculine is no
longer dominant, a place where love an truth thrive, where they make
the world a better place not only for yourselves and your children
but for everyone in the community who will benefit as a result.

is a new world coming, a world based in love and as you heal the
inner mother, father and child, and you let the past loves come and
go you will step into a world you never believed was possible; where you
create purely out of love, love not only for yourself but for your
fellowman, love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love
is love. Love has many facets but in its most powerful it is very
gentle and very soft and very caring, like cotton wool. So we ask you
to drop deeper and deeper into your bodies and allow yourselves to
connect more strongly to Spirit. Allow the divine guidance to flow
through you into your bodies allowing it to connect even deeper and
deeper to mother earth and see under the soles of your feet the roots
of connectedness going deep in to mother earth.

Feel the
energy that surrounds you and observe what you are feeling. As these
new energies come in the old ones must leave, and your cells will
become more and more activated; your cells will face the light. The
more that you face the light the easier your life will become, you will
have the energy to do what you want to do with your life, you will
have the energy to heal those karmic wounds of the past, and the
wounds your families have carried for hundreds if not thousands of
years; starting off in Africa and ending up in this lifetime. There
is a new world coming and it is up to each individual to do his or
her inner work to bring consciousness to their own bodies, to their
own communities; but first it is healer heal thyself.

When you
understand yourself you know yourself, and when you understand and
know yourself, you understand the universe and the solar system and
you will understand your neighbours and friends, and you will feel so
much freer and more capable of living the life you have always
dreamed of, in fact your life will go away and your life will become a
dream. It will become like a river flowing into the ocean, your life
will flow like a river, there will no longer be the wounded inner
child to stop the flow, or your family karma getting in the way of
the flow. Your lessons will get easier and easier, you will move into
a completely new world taking yourselves into a very special place,
feeling much love, your body feeling light and ecstatic as your
thoughts will become your reality. Automatically your thoughts will
begin got be more and more positive and more and more loving and your
reality will become more and more loving. Whatever you give out you
will receive back, so whenever you have the opportunity to give,
give, for you can only truly give to yourself.

Continue to
allow the love to flow; the energy of England doesn’t look too good
on the economic front, but out of the chaos always comes order, there
will always be somebody who will resolve the chaos and bring order.
You have been tested an stretched and new ideas are coming of a new
way of living, new ways to power the nation, new energies. This will
all begin to happen and there will be a new order moving through
England, a new way of government, a new way of understanding. The people
and their needs and a recognition of the damage of the last two
world wars to the psyche of Britain, this will also begin to be

Britain stands proud in this world, a solid masculine
nation with a very strong structure and that structure is now to be
used to allow a different kind of energy to flow through the nation
and through the world and that is the energy of ethics and integrity.
It will not devalue the nation in any way, in fact it will increase
Britain’s power in the world for the divine requires receptive
energies to be able to work through and these receptive energies will
begin to manifest themselves in positions of power and in fact this
has already been happening. These new energies will take the place of
the old energies which will make way for them.

Britain is no
longer at the center of its empire but it is still at the center of
many aspects of the world. It needs new ideas and new ways of doing
thing, but these can only happen through pure love and true ethics.
The banking system, if it does not become ethical will collapse.
Money is an important commodity and is useful, but it is rather wiser to
allow the financial system to become ethical than let it collapse.
Spirit needs mediums to work through and money is a medium. If too
much of this medium is diverted into the wrong areas then Spirit
can’t use it and Spirit won’t use it. Spirit is all powerful and all
mighty and if Spirit deems fit to stop using the financial system as
it is today then it will collapse, make no mistake. It is for
everybody to bring ethics into the world of finance and bring ethics
into their hearts, money is not love; money can be a reflection of
love but it is not love. Love is love and money is money, money won’t
make you happy, but when you are happy you are likely to get money
which will keep you happy. Love is love and love is what makes the
world go around. Don’t let yourselves be mistaken about this,
everybody needs money to live but everybody needs love, love is far
more important than money; if you don’t receive love through your
hearts you die.

Love is a very powerful energy and an energy that
you fear, or, there would have been times that you experienced love
and that love was taken away. Remember you gave yourself that love
and you took that love away from yourselves. We ask you once again to
let it flow, remember those times that you stopped loving, step by
step of the way let them come and let them go. You are much older and
wiser now and you won’t make the same mistakes once the love starts
to flow again. Sometimes with age comes the fear of making the same
mistake again. A mistake is a gift and a lesson; you won’t make the
same mistake again, you might make another but not the same, so let
go of your fears of making mistakes and allow the mistakes to happen
until you get it right, until the flow of love continues to flow
through your hearts incessantly with a force and with a power.

is the answer, love is the only answer. Love is your connection to
the divine. Love is your journey into oneness, for you will find
love; we have spoken earlier of consciousness and unconsciousness.
Unconsciousness is made conscious by love, by loving actions and deeds
and energies. Observe your behaviors and see to it you act with love
and care and kindness, when you are being kind to yourself, you are
loving yourself. Whatever is given is given to yourself.

ones let the journey begin and let it continue. Go deeper and deeper
and deeper into your own hearts and find our what is in your heart
that you are afraid of; where is this fear of love, what is it? Let
it come and let it go. The paradox is that love can dissolve the fear
a little bit like the song of amazing grace; “once I was lost, and
now I am found”, but it is amazing grace that lost you and found you.
It’s the same energy flowing through you, you become lost and you
become found, you became connected then disconnected.

So allow
the love to flow, just let it flow like when you were a child, let
the love flow for this is the energy of the new age, the energies of
Christ consciousness and love flowing from eternity till eternity
from infinity to infinity. Just know that there is new world coming;
you are the new world you are on the cutting edge of the new world.
Bring love and healing to your planet and your community. There is
freedom, there is will, there is joy, and there is ecstasy to come.
You will feel yourselves becoming stronger and stronger and stronger.
Allow these energies to flow through you into the darkness that is
hiding your gifts and allow your gifts to energize and manifest.

ones without these gifts here on earth, the new age can’t begin.
This is what we are waiting for, you are not waiting for Spirit, you are
waiting for yourselves. We are waiting for you to manifest your
authenticity on planet earth.

Allow the love to flow, feel
yourself in the flow of love as if you are sitting in the middle of a
river feeling the love like you feel the water against you. Feel it
and the resistance you have to this love, and allow the resistance to
dissolve into the flow. Allow the resistance to dissolve, just take
your time, be patient; allow the love to dissolve the resistance, and
see that your heart becomes more deeply connected to the divine and
that your gifts manifest here on earth.

Go well, God bless and
take care, for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

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