greetings and salutations from home my beloved and cherished friends…
i come forth thru this one on this day in what you would call your time
of 2010…
i want to bring you a "feeling"…..a feeling of deep love…
a "knowing" of deep love that births forth like a spring flower
whose presence touches many if they would "choose" to take a moment
and en-join with the energetic field of such a flower…..
do notice my beloved heart that i used the word "choose" for you
see ~everything~ is a choice….you are free in any moment to choose to enjoin with the perfection and
beauty of the spring bud or you are just as free to walk by it and have
your thoughts be elsewhere…..thinking about your job….your
your wants and needs…..
so…where am i taking you with all of this that i am speaking of…?.
dear beloved friends….i am taking you on the only real journey there
is….the journey of the now moment…
for you see….there is only now…………..and there is only now
yes…once you drop the body you are still in the eternal now…
you simply change the vehicle you would experience it through…
you are the one who chooses what you will experience in each now moment
and all that you could choose to see is available for you in each …
in each now you can choose to see the beauty and the perfection
thus "calling it to yourself" or you can choose to see what is wrong…
what is im-perfect in your eyes…what does not seem to "be" going
right for you….yes….dear one……….it is all in "the palms of
your hands"…
you will experience immediately whatever you choose to…
so…that being said…let me speak to you now of why it is so very
to choose to see with the eyes of love…
what some have called the "eyes of Christ"
when one chooses to notice the beauty of the spring flower even as they
may be in the midst of momentary sadness…even when they may be
a little "down in the dumps" ….in that very now moment you have
chosen for the only thing that is truly real……………you have
chosen love…
yes….yes…yes….simply by acknowledging the essence and beauty of
seemingly "one" flower of life..you have made a choice….
you and you alone have chosen to "experience" the "feeling"
of beauty……………….love….all that is dear beloved’s…
that choice immediately changes your vibration and keeps you in what I
like to call the "flow of life"……(the flower of love)
to be in that flow as often as possible will bring to you many
 for you see it is the vibration you carry that attracts to you all that
you could "possibly see"…
what you "perceive" no matter how it may "appear" is
what  ~ you will experience~…!!!!
let it begin by knowing "all is well"….
not trusting all is well….for trusting still has a ring of doubt to it
does it not??
to trust means that a moment in gods kingdom "is not perfect"…
it is a wonderful grand step to start with but it will not take you
where in truth i know you would like to be…
so….today….begin with practicing "knowing" all is in divine order…
skip the step from trust to knowing…
simply know that "all is god" no matter what is happening in any now
take within you the deep breath of peace and claim it to be so
from the core of your being….
yes…you are the master…therefore you and you alone "claim what you
experience"……  this dear hearts is the law of the land…
i am of the angelic realm and from here we simply extend fluid love…
we breathe it in and we extend it out………..
we fill all of creation with color….spectacle….tone……..fluid
now……………..this one whom i share thru has reached this level of
purity within herself and she knew she would take this journey
before birth…………………..she is one with me
now……….having birthed the divine
feminine of Angel Gabriel and bringing it here to earth………….
i speak of this thru her not for her own personal glory…
i speak of it so she "will own it" as so…!!!
miracles ….miracles of wonder are happening on your beloved terra now
and it is up to you to "seek them out"…
in other words…………turn your tellys to those shows that enlighten
lift you….there are many wonderful beings of light doing much
to lift this world into a higher vibration and you can be of service
simply by your "acknowledgement" that love is here now…………..
doing exactly what love does…………………….
love extends itself eternally……………………………this is
so…i leave you this day with one exercise that you can put into
whenever a thought arises within you that something in your world
is not of a divine nature…
when you experience such a moment…practice this….
feel the difference in the "feeling within you" when you think you
must "trust" it……..
then feel the POWER of KNOWING ALL IS WELL…
there will be much there for you….
practice this throughout your coming days and weeks as there will be
much in your world that you could judge…have an "opinion" on…
beloveds……..from our vantage point there is no such thing as an
there is no such thing as a judgment…
there is only the awareness of the perfection of all that love is…
this is what i wish for you to discover…..play with it…
keep it light…..for you see it is seriousness that keeps realities
of your own creation in place…
with that….i say to you……………you are deeply …..deeply
and loved for walking in the shoes of light and love on your beloved
earth at this moment "in time"…
yet….when you practice this that i have set out before you
in truth "you are not in time" at all…
you are in heaven………………………….
i love you…..

brought here by Deniseanew@aol.com