Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 08/03/10

I am Lord Merlin, a great wizard, magician and ascended master
existing on the inner planes with my heart and soul devoted to Mother
Earth and the ascension of humanity. In my previous communication I
brought forth an understanding of the growth and development that Mother
Earth is now undergoing and achieving, which humanity may mirror at a
later date on the Earth. I now wish to speak with you sharing my wisdom
in the hope of inspiring and energising your focus and spiritual growth
on the Earth.

I work with and have accepted the energy and
consciousness of magic. On the Earth Magic is seen as false impressions,
illusions or distractions of the mind in order to manifest a result
that is unbelievable or awe inspiring but the Magic that I hold within
my soul is so much more than this. It is a consciousness, an aspect of
the Creator’s soul and a teaching that is very powerful and advanced.
Magic is very much a state of mind and being, it is an acceptance of
teachings that are so ancient which were in existence before the Earth
was created. Many masters accept the higher realms of the Creator’s
universe and energy in order to study magic which is an understanding of
energy and manifestation. It is an advanced process that requires the
mind to be truly expansive and the soul to be tremendously energised and
powerful. It is with this foundation that a master is able to be
receptive to the ancient energies and consciousness of magic,
manipulating, changing and transforming energies. This wisdom descends
from the Creator, it is a method used by the Creator in order to
manifest the numerous realities that exist within the Creator’s universe
and beyond.

I, Lord Merlin have studied the ancient energies of magic and
continue to explore and integrate with this sacred energy, understanding
and knowledge but I wish to assist you in understanding that you hold a
small aspect of the Creator’s ancient teachings of magic within you.
The basic foundation of the Creator’s magic teachings is to understand
and to truly believe that you have the power to make changes in your
reality. Your reality is yours to explore, to alter and to allow to
unfold as you wish. This is a comprehension that all masters must have
in order to be considered for integration with the magic teachings of
the Creator. It is a concept that is not new to many but when you begin
to put it into practice you are preparing yourself for the magic
teachings of the Creator. Accepting that you create your own reality can
be difficult for some but for most it seems logical and acceptable. To
allow your mind to be accepting of this concept is wonderful and
encouraging but to take the step beyond this realisation is where
difficulties can arise, this is because accepting and believing are very
different things. When you accept you acknowledge and become acquainted
with the idea. To believe is to have faith and trust in the idea, to
create action and to place effort in achieving a goal or desire. If you
believe that you are in control of your reality and that you create
every experience both good and bad in your life then you are actively
starting to put effort and action into this realisation in order to make
changes in your life. We must remember that knowledge or insights are
insignificant unless they are experienced in our reality and existence,
this is when we truly understand the knowledge grasped. To understand
and exist as a being who appreciates that they create their reality and
actively creates the reality they wish to experience is the first stage
of preparing to accept the Creator’s ancient teachings of magic.

We are each an aspect of the Creator and so are creators, produces,
inventors and makers ourselves, but this creation must come from within
us, from the essence of our beings. This is our magic. It is our
ability to understand what is needed in our reality to allow us to
follow the correct path for us and to anchor or manifest it within our
reality. It is important that this develops from your soul or Creator
presence because it is this energy that holds the truth whereas your
mind is influenced by desires of the personality. If you are finding
that you are bored and that your life seems dull then you are not
connecting with the magic within you, the basic understanding that you
influence your life and so your life is as exciting and inspirational as
you want to make it. This can be difficult to take on board because it
means that you have to take responsibility and therefore cannot blame
another for anything you experience in your life. Understanding your
emotions, feels and thoughts while trying to achieve this concept is a
large part of the basic preparatory magic teachings.

By sharing my awareness with you I am sharing or activating the
Creator’s magic teachings within you, encouraging you to go forth to
create magic in your reality. This is to simply create changes or to
manifest what you desire and dream of. Remember that while the action of
making changes is important, gaining an understanding of your life and
the areas you are happy with and disappointed with is much more
important as you begin to look within you and realise that beliefs,
emotions and energies that you hold on to may be linked to the
manifestations of either positive or negative experiences in your
reality. In many ways we have to change our energies with and our
beliefs in order to clear areas of disappointment and energise or
manifest areas and experiences of wonder, satisfaction and joy. Remember
that magic is not necessary a wonderful and powerful energy but it is a
state of being and understanding, it is a process of discovery.

Magic comes from within us; if we are bored and life is dull then
we are not creating magic.
I ask that you place your trust in me and allow yourself to follow the
guidance that I wish to share with you. Firstly I wish for you to sit
peacefully gaining a deep meditative state that is appropriate for you;
then please invoke me to draw close to you.

‘Lord Merlin, I honour your presence and the insights that you wish
to share with me, I ask that you draw close to my energies now and
assist me in appreciating and accepting your presence around me.’
(Give yourself time to sense or acknowledge my energy.)

‘Lord Merlin, I ask that you assist me in activating the magic of the
Creator that I hold within my soul, let the mind and intentions of my
soul come forth into my comprehension so that I may accept and
understand the wisdom available to me. Help me to feel the presence of
magic around and within me and assist me in accepting that I am the
creator of my reality. Help me to now change or enhance my reality by
observing the beliefs, emotions and thoughts within me. Allow me to
understand how to make the changes that are appropriate for me,
comprehending my reality and myself in a new way. I ask that you now
guide me on this process of discovery. Thank you.’
(Give yourself time to sense or experience.)

Again I am asking you to draw upon the trust and belief within you
as these are needed in order to comprehend the teachings of magic. When
we do not trust we close down our minds and hearts and block all
inspiration or insights from crossing our path. To remain in a state of
faith is to remain in a state of openness and acceptance.
Let the magic of the Creator activate from within you, manifesting
miracles all around you.
I am Lord Merlin

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light,