Tag: invoke (page 1 of 2)

Urgent Message to the Surface Population

The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now us...

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A New Cobra Interview And a Short Message to the Surface Population

A Cobra interview has been created by We Love Mass Meditation to bring more clarity in the current planetary situation and to help spread the word about our coming Ascension Timeline meditation.You can listen to the interview on Youtube:https://www.yo...

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Planck telescope puts new datestamp on first stars

Polarisation of the sky
Planck has mapped the delicate polarisation of the CMB across the entire sky

Excerpt from bbc.com

Scientists working on Europe's Planck satellite say the first stars lit up the Universe later than previously thought.

The team has made the most precise map of the "oldest light" in the cosmos.

Earlier observations of this radiation had suggested the first generation of stars were bursting into life by about 420 million years after the Big Bang.

Planck's data indicates this great ignition was well established by some 560 million years after it all began.

"This difference of 140 million years might not seem that significant in the context of the 13.8-billion-year history of the cosmos, but proportionately it's actually a very big change in our understanding of how certain key events progressed at the earliest epochs," said Prof George Efstathiou, one of the leaders of the Planck Science Collaboration.

Subtle signal

The assessment is based on studies of the "afterglow" of the Big Bang, the ancient light called the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which still washes over the Earth today.
Prof George Efstathiou: "We don't need more complicated explanations"

The European Space Agency's (Esa) Planck satellite mapped this "fossil" between 2009 and 2013.

It contains a wealth of information about early conditions in the Universe, and can even be used to work out its age, shape and do an inventory of its contents.

Scientists can also probe it for very subtle "distortions" that tell them about any interactions the CMB has had on its way to us.

Forging elements

One of these would have been imprinted when the infant cosmos underwent a major environmental change known as re-ionisation.

Prof Richard McMahon: "The two sides of the bridge now join"
It is when the cooling neutral hydrogen gas that dominated the Universe in the aftermath of the Big Bang was then re-energised by the ignition of the first stars.

These hot giants would have burnt brilliant but brief lives, producing the very first heavy elements. But they would also have "fried" the neutral gas around them - ripping electrons off the hydrogen protons.

And it is the passage of the CMB through this maze of electrons and protons that would have resulted in it picking up a subtle polarisation.

ImpressionImpression: The first stars would have been unwieldy behemoths that burnt brief but brilliant lives

The Planck team has now analysed this polarisation in fine detail and determined it to have been generated at 560 million years after the Big Bang.

The American satellite WMAP, which operated in the 2000s, made the previous best estimate for the peak of re-ionisation at 420 million years. 

The problem with that number was that it sat at odds with Hubble Space Telescope observations of the early Universe.

Hubble could not find stars and galaxies in sufficient numbers to deliver the scale of environmental change at the time when WMAP suggested it was occurring.

Planck's new timing "effectively solves the conflict," commented Prof Richard McMahon from Cambridge University, UK.

"We had two groups of astronomers who were basically working on different sides of the problem. The Planck people came at it from the Big Bang side, while those of us who work on galaxies came at it from the 'now side'. 

"It's like a bridge being built over a river. The two sides do now join where previously we had a gap," he told BBC News.

That gap had prompted scientists to invoke complicated scenarios to initiate re-ionisation, including the possibility that there might have been an even earlier population of giant stars or energetic black holes. Such solutions are no longer needed.

No-one knows the exact timing of the very first individual stars. All Planck does is tell us when large numbers of these stars had gathered into galaxies of sufficient strength to alter the cosmic environment. 

By definition, this puts the ignition of the "founding stars" well before 560 million years after the Big Bang. Quite how far back in time, though, is uncertain. Perhaps, it was as early as 200 million years. It will be the job of the next generation of observatories like Hubble's successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, to try to find the answer.

JWSTBeing built now: The James Webb telescope will conduct a survey of the first galaxies and their stars
The history of the Universe

Graphic of the history of time
  • Planck's CMB studies indicate the Big Bang was 13.8bn years ago
  • The CMB itself can be thought of as the 'afterglow' of the Big Bang
  • It spreads across the cosmos some 380,000 years after the Big Bang
  • This is when the conditions cool to make neutral hydrogen atoms
  • The period before the first stars is often called the 'Dark Ages'
  • When the first stars ignite, they 'fry' the neutral gas around them
  • These giants also forge the first heavy elements in big explosions
  • 'First Light', or 'Cosmic Renaissance', is a key epoch in history

The new Planck result is contained in a raft of new papers just posted on the Esa website. 

These papers accompany the latest data release from the satellite that can now be used by the wider scientific community, not just collaboration members.
Dr Andrew Jaffe: "The simplest models for inflation are ruled out"
Two years ago, the data dump largely concerned interpretations of the CMB based on its temperature profile. It is the CMB's polarisation features that take centre-stage this time.
It was hoped that Planck might find direct evidence in the CMB's polarisation for inflation - the super-rapid expansion of space thought to have occurred just fractions of a second after the Big Bang. This has not been possible. But all the Planck data - temperature and polarisation information - is consistent with that theory, and the precision measurements mean new, tighter constraints have been put on the likely scale of the inflation signal, which other experiments continue to chase.
What is clear from the Planck investigation is that the simplest models for how the super-rapid expansion might have worked are probably no longer tenable, suggesting some exotic physics will eventually be needed to explain it.
"We're now being pushed into a parameter space we didn't expect to be in," said collaboration scientist Dr Andrew Jaffe from Imperial College, UK. "That's OK. We like interesting physics; that's why we're physicists, so there's no problem with that. It's just we had this naïve expectation that the simplest answer would be right, and sometimes it just isn't."

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The Enlightenment Test

Enlightenment. The moment we consciously connect to eternal truth. It’s when we see through the veil of this illusionary world, rising above ego, time, materialism, and our own emotions to see the bigger picture—that we are all one. It’s what all gurus, spiritualists, yogis, Buddhists, monks, meditators, shamans, artists, writers, and religious leaders strive for. It’s the state Neo reached at the end of The Matrix, the level Dorothy attained so she could surpa [...]

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Archangel Raphael & Archangel Chamuel October-14-2012

Konstantinos: Archangel Raphael & Archangel Chamuel-‘A Message To Our Family

Beloved Children of the Beloved Creator
We are the Energies of those who you call as Archangel Raphael and

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The Light You Invoke Touches, Heals & Loves Everything

– Michael channeled by Ron Head March 27,2012 We will speak of your newfound and expanding abilities in visualization and manifestation. As you awaken, these are getting stronger and stronger. It is also that the attempts to keep them subdued are get...

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John Paul ‘Lakan’ Olivares: The Chant

John Paul ‘Lakan’ Olivares: The Chant

The crowd of people cluster about in uneasy restlessness, flitting eyes scan the congregation of people waiting. They speak to each other in reverent soft hushed tones, as the faith beating of a drum is heard in the distance. Then, through the light murmurs of the people pierces what seems to be a wail. The people and the drums are silenced, as the voice shifts to a monotonous sing-song chant. . . The ritual has begun. . .
The chant moves through the air without the beat of the drums. The chant flows with the pulse that permeates within and throughout. Man feels the vibration of the words flow through his core and the spirit moves. The doorway opens and the vision is revealed . . .

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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

There are a lot of challenging things taking place on the planet at this time, but on July 17th and 18th, 2010, hundreds of thousands, and most likely millions, of people around the world participated in various activities of Light that were dedicated to cocreating a template for Unity Consciousness.  The Company of Heaven has assured us that our unified efforts were God Victorious, and now there is a template for Unity Conscious pulsating in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life on this planet.
So where do we go from here? Well, our responsibility now is to focus on the Light and to continually empower our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions with Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. Today I would like to share some information with you that is being given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The intent of this information is to help us see the bigger picture, so we can navigate through these wondrous but very confusing times.
As the Light of God increases on Earth, it pushes everything that conflicts with that Light to the surface to be healed and transmuted into its original perfection. We have just experienced a tremendous influx of Light through the global activities involving the cocreation of the template for Unity Consciousness. Now everything that conflicts with Unity Consciousness is being pushed to the surface to be healed. This includes the obsolete fear-based patterns of separation and duality.
This phenomenon can make it appear as though the accelerated influx of God’s Light is making things worse, but nothing could be further from the Truth. That is an illusion. The Beings of Light have given us the following information because it is very important that we clearly understand what happens when we invoke the Light of God. They do not want us to become discouraged. They want us to "keep on keeping on," even in the face of apparent adversity.
Once again, it is vital that we remember we are all One. There is no separation. In order for us to move forward in the Light, we must first transmute the human miscreations we created in the past. That means that anything that conflicts with the Light of God must come to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. This is what is meant by the statement "All that is hidden must now be revealed."
Regardless of how deplorable our human miscreations are, the energy that comprises those gross mutations was originally pure Light from the Heart of God. You and I and every other person responsible for creating those miscreations must transmute that energy back into pure Light. This is true for every single human miscreation. Anything that is not reflecting the harmony and balance of the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God is a human miscreation. This includes poverty, disease, hatred, prejudice, corruption, greed, violence, war, religious fanaticism, abuse of power, and every other physical manifestation that is less than the perfection of Heaven on Earth.
When we invoke the Light of God through our prayers, meditations, invocations, decrees, affirmations, or any other way, our Father-Mother God respond and the Light of God increases on Earth. This frequency of God’s Infinite Perfection floods the planet and enters the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life.
Regardless of how dark or contaminated our human miscreations are, the energy within the core of that miscreation still pulsates with its original Divine Potential. That is true for every person, place, condition, or thing existing on this planet. For instance, in the core of every expression of poverty still pulsates the Divine Potential for God’s Infinite Abundance. Within the core of every facet of disease still pulsates the Divine Potential of vibrant health. Within every manifestation of war is the Divine Potential of peace. Within every electron of hatred is the Divine Potential of love. This is true for people as well. No matter how far a person has fallen or how depraved or degenerate he or she may seem, that person still has the full Divine Potential of a Beloved Child of God blazing in their Heart Flame. 
The reason it sometimes appears as though things are getting worse after we invoke the Light of God is because of what happens when the Light enters the core of purity. When the Light of God enters the core of purity, it activates the original Divine Potential that is still encoded within that particle of Life. Everything that conflicts with that potential is then pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is a necessary part of the process that has to be successfully accomplished in order to clear the way for the tangible manifestation of the Divine Potential.
What this means very practically is that when we invoke prosperity, the Light of God enters the core of purity in every electron of energy in our lives that conflicts with prosperity. This Light activates the Divine Potential in that energy, which is God’s Infinite Abundance. Then the vibration of God’s Abundance pushes to the surface every thought, word, action, or feeling that is responsible for manifesting our poverty. As the patterns that created our poverty surface to be healed, it often looks like things are getting worse, but that is never the case.
This illusion is caused by the fact that we can easily see the patterns associated with our poverty that are being pushed to the surface to be healed. What we cannot see as easily, is the powerful Light of God that is pushing those distorted patterns to the surface in order to clear the way for our prosperity. With the limited perception of our fearful human egos, we end up focusing our attention on the surfacing patterns of poverty instead of the patterns for God’s Infinite Abundance.
Now with the influx of Unity Consciousness that is flooding the Earth, the patterns that conflict with that wondrous Light are being pushed to the surface. Those are the obsolete patterns of our fear-based separation and duality. We must be cognizant of this fact and pay close attention to what we are empowering with our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.
It is critical for us to remember that we create our Earthly experiences through our thoughts and feelings. If we focus on fear, separation, and duality, that is what we empower and sustain in our lives. It is just that simple. Through our lack of understanding, we have created a vicious circle for ourselves. That is why these "end times" have been referred to in many teachings as "The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth."
It is time for us to learn how to transmute the surfacing negativity in a more effective way, while staying focused on the positive things we are invoking. The Company of Heaven has given us guidance and wonderful tools that will help us to do just that. One of those tools is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
In the Earth’s natural orbital process known as the Precession of the Equinox, we have moved into the forcefield of Aquarius. This constellation resonates with the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. This will be the predominant activity of Light on the Earth for the next 2,000 years.
The Violet Flame is comprised of the Sapphire Blue Ray of our Father God’s Divine Will, Power and Authority, and the Crystalline Pink Ray of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life. This Sacred Fire reflects the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God.
The Violet Flame is a tool more powerful than our finite minds can conceive. When used consistently, it will transmute every electron of precious life energy we have ever misqualified at any time, in any existence, both known and unknown. It works as an atomic accelerator. It raises the frequency of all discordant energy into vibrations of healing and harmony. When we invoke the Violet Flame and empower it with feelings of forgiveness for our own mistakes and those of others, it works miracles.  
You do not have to fully comprehend every facet of the Violet Flame in order to use it effectively. All you have to do is ask your I AM Presence to take command, and then invoke this wondrous gift from the Heart of our Father-Mother God.
Let’s join together in Unity Consciousness and invoke the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection on behalf of ourselves and every, man, woman, and child on Earth. I have stated this activity of Light in the first person, so that you will experience this individually and personally, but KNOW that you are also serving as a surrogate on behalf of every person evolving on this planet

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Seeds for Growth by Lady Mary

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/07/10

The warmest and deepest of loving blessings extends from my soul to all of creation on the Earth. My fondness and devotion for the Earth and its humanity is abundant and ...

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Important Preparation

Humanity is experiencing a quantum shift this year in every facet of our lives. The end result of this acceleration of energy, vibration, and consciousness will be an extremely positive event for everyone. Unfortunately, due to the challenges surfacing in people’s lives to be healed, many do not realize the opportunity at hand. Instead of empowering their hopes and dreams during this unique opportunity, people are being overwhelmed with fear and feelings of helplessness. For this reason, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers around the world to redouble our efforts. We are One, and we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity.  We are being called to action! The time for us to accept the responsibility of being our sister’s and brother’s keepers is NOW!

I know that many Lightworkers are also feeling overwhelmed. The difference is that regardless of outer appearances we know within the deepest recesses of our hearts that we are going to be God Victorious, and that everything we need to serve the Light on behalf of our fellow Human Beings and all Life on this planet is already within us. We are powerful beyond our knowing and when we join our hearts and minds together we are invincible. This is the level of heart commitment that we are being asked to reach at this time. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to amplify our unified efforts a thousand times a thousand fold.

At this very moment, our I AM Presences are increasing the frequency of vibration within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum we can endure in every 24-hour period. This may feel a little bit stressful, but it is enabling us to receive higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced. Remember, Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based mis-creations of our human egos which are surfacing to be healed. The more Light we can project into this surfacing negativity the faster it will be transmuted, and the sooner the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will tangibly manifest in our lives.

The year 2010 is being heralded as the Year of Manifestation by the Legions of Light serving this planet. After decades of tenacious work by millions of Lightworkers in every conceivable location on Earth, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will allow the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to begin physically manifesting. Pay attention to the positive things that are being brought to your awareness and you will confirm this for yourself. Do not focus on the bombardment of negativity that is designed to polarize people and to perpetuate fear and separation. Focus instead on the evidence of positive changes that are happening everywhere. Where your attention is, there you are. Empower only what you want to co-create in your life not the things that you do not want.

Here are some powerful invocations that have been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. When we say these invocations with deep feeling, we join in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers around the world who are also saying these invocations. Together we create a tremendous Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to heal the maladies manifesting in our individual and our collective lives. This will clear the way for the manifestation of our hopes, our dreams, and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Invoking The Violet Flame

Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I invoke ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame.

On behalf of myself and ALL Humanity, I AM now blazing the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame through every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth that is vibrating at a frequency less than the harmony and balance of God.

Beloved I AM, look into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity and see what yet remains to be balanced by us to any person, place, condition or thing we may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason.

Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the positively qualified energy we have released throughout our Earthly sojourns, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as we have ever done wrong.

Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt we have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.  

Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged us in any way, and balance all debts owed to us by Life everywhere.

I accept this done through the Power of God I AM.   And so it is.


Through the Divinity pulsating in my heart, I consecrate my life now to the reestablishment of my Covenant with God. I clearly know and understand with my new level of Divine Consciousness, that whatever I AM thinking, feeling, saying, or doing I AM empowering, cocreating, and magnetizing into my life.

From this moment forth, I dedicate my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings to empowering and cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. I begin with me, but I know that simultaneously I AM a surrogate serving on behalf of ALL Humanity, for we are all One. As I AM lifted up, all life is lifted up with me.

I invoke the entire Company of Heaven to come forth now. Blessed Ones, please assist me in this holy endeavor, and empower these activities of Light a thousand times a thousandfold.

Beloved Father-Mother God, I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Divine Love as I sojourn through my Earthly experiences.

I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.

I AM co-creating loving relationships in my life.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for being, and I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job.

I AM an example of Divine Family Life, including my place in the family of Humanity.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Potential as a son or daughter, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a woman or man, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, a steward of the Earth, a teacher, a way shower, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of the New Earth.

I AM a living example of  Divine Love, Trust, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Reverence for ALL Life.

I AM able to listen, understand, and communicate openly and honestly with every evolving soul.

I AM effortlessly Ascending into the Divine Heart and Mind of God with every Holy Breath I take.

Within the Causal Body of God, I AM tapping into the Divine Guidance and the viable solutions that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan and my purpose and reason for being.

I AM open to the Divine Guidance of my I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth. I easily communicate with these Beings of Light through open heart and mind telepathic communication.

I AM One with ALL Life, and I communicate openly with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms as well.

I AM daily and hourly fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan
and the Divine Plan for Beloved Mother Earth.

Sealing Affirmation

I now invoke the full-gathered momentum of the Violet Flame to transmute every thought, word, action, or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way interfere with or prevent these patterns of perfection for the New Earth from manifesting tangibly in the world of form.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. 

I accept that these patterns for the New Earth are victoriously manifesting even as I speak.

In God’s most Holy Name, I AM. And so it is!

(These invocations are from the book of invocations, I AM Co-creating the New Earth by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles)

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Separation and Devotion by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/04/10

The Light of the Archangels and the Creator flows through our being now in your direction; we are transported to a great place of stillness and peace as this sacred light flows through our being. We hope that you are able to experience and open to our light also as we offer it to you with the purest quality of generosity and bounty. We are guardians of the Creator energy and the Angelic energy, therefore we are your guardians as you manifest as the Creator on the Earth.

The Creator’s love is abundant within all, we as Archangels are here to safeguard your Creator energy and encourage your immense source of Creator abundance until the time as a true realisation and manifestation occurs; until you accept yourself as the Creator wholly in body, soul, mind, emotions and consciousness. Allow us to be your bridge of connection, the light that inspires and energises you, guiding you forward to move from darkness, insecurity, separation and fear to unity, wholeness, love and peace. There is so much for you to discover as the Creator in manifestation on the Earth and the inner planes, and an abundance of energy and consciousness to accept and explore freely. Allow yourself to realise the intentions, actions and consciousness of separation in order to expand your energies and awaken the light of the Creator within you.
We are the united voice of Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora; we come to you as representatives of the Creator’s soul and hold numerous Creator qualities. We work closely with the sixth ray energies of the Creator, Master Lanto and of course the angelic kingdom. We are the carriers of the Creator’s qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust. These are such sacred qualities that all hold within them and yet because of their simplicity and power they can sometimes be neglected or ignored. While every soul holds the Creator’s qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust, not all place these qualities into actions within their realities or expand them beyond the pulsation of their hearts and souls. If this is achieved we see a tremendous alteration in the energy of a person, a new found power and a strength that is unbreakable. These qualities are connected to and manifest from the quality and energy of love, but they are such powerful qualities as they build a person’s connection with the Creator and allow an embodiment of the Creator. We wish for you to understand that it is your actions that energise and encourage your spiritual growth, holding a greater power sometimes than your spiritual practices and techniques. We must always remember that it is life itself that is a person’s process of growth and journey of connection with the Creator rather than their beliefs, practices and meditation level. This is so valuable to remember because we feel that as more and more people awaken on the Earth many are feeling as if they are being left behind or as if there is a mammoth learning process for them to achieve, but by focusing on your daily life you begin to realise that you are the Creator and that all that you desire for yourself is already within you. Allowing yourself to act with devotion, truth, honesty and trust throughout your day will allow you to achieve more than you could ever imagine spiritually because you will become these sacred qualities and therefore will return to your natural form of existing as the Creator.
When we hold the quality of devotion we can become devoted to our own needs, this is required in order to build our self belief and trust in our own intentions and connection with the Creator. Many people would see devotion to ones needs as a selfish act but when devotion manifest from love it is only a loving positive result that materialises. Devotion must also be placed with the Creator’s soul; to devote oneself to a unity with the Creator. Again this may be seen as a selfish act but by focusing on your connection with the Creator you are raising your vibration, realising your truth which is the Creator and inspiring or boosting the realisation within others. Devotion can also be placed in friends, family, loved ones, guides, the Earth and your reality around you. When devotion is placed in these areas we see devotion as an attachment of love. This form of devotion can seem generous and giving of yourself to others but in a different light it can also appear self-centred as there may be a sense of clutching to another for personal needs. We are analgising devotion in this way in the hope that you realise that devotion can come from a fear of separation. Devotion is to be attached where as separation is to be isolated. In our natural form we are the Creator and therefore one with all, but until we realise ourselves as the Creator we will feel the quality of separation within our lives, this is only natural and is a powerful learning process of growth. When devotion is born from love and from the soul of the Creator then its intentions and actions are pure but when devotion is born from separation this is when we can distract ourselves from our embodiment as the Creator. Our devotion must be a love for ourselves, the Creator and every soul around us whether we see them as good or bad through our perspective. A simple way of embodying the devotion of the Creator is to be conscious of acting with unconditional loving devotion throughout your day; this will actually dissolve fears, feelings, pains and limitations of separation.
As humans on the Earth separation is so powerful because your soul essence is contained within a physical matter, your mind is focused on physical matter all around you and your connection with the Creator seems distant because you have not yet realise how to recognise the Creator within and around you. If every person from their birth was taught or encouraged to recognise the energy, soul and consciousness of the Creator within everything around them then life on the Earth would be a completely different reality. Separation would be reduced and fear would be dissolved, love would be the power within and around all.
It is important to realise where you place the energy and quality of devotion and why you feel the quality of devotion. It is essential to realise where your devotions come from and to discover your understanding of separation with the Creator’s soul. Many people do not even realise that they feel a separation in their life because they disguise it with other qualities, emotions, situations and experiences. If we view devotion as unconditional love or an attachment that is loving but also free (meaning that the attachment can come and go without any upset building within you) then we are able to understand devotion more fully within our realities. When we speak of devotion we realise that devotion holds the qualities of truth, honesty and trust, these are divine Creator qualities that when embodied and enacted on the Earth allow a greater integration with the soul of the Creator. By stating these three qualities as separate and additional qualities to devotion we are emphasising their importance. To be honest and truthful are qualities that are taught to Earth children, but these qualities aren’t explored as fully as they could be. One could teach others to be honest with those around them and their self, to be honest with the Creator and to accept the honesty of the Creator, or to be truthful to others, with themselves, the Creator and to accept the truth of the Creator. These are such simple principals and yet they are not evaluated or enacted enough. Many people deceive themselves with the power of their mind and even conceal themselves from the Creator, as they are more fearful of acceptance of the truth than of separation from the truth. This is something that we wish for you to contemplate. Are your truthful and honest with yourself? Are you ready to accept the truth and honesty of the Creator?
A powerful energy which manifests from love and devotion is trust, this is something that we see so readily in the innocence of many children and yet trust can be discarded when one reaches adulthood. If we do not have trust in ourselves, in the Creator and those around us then we only have fear of ourselves, of the Creator and those around us, consequently we experience an enhanced emotion of separation and isolation. The quality of trust is a bond that builds bridges of light between people, energies, situations and yourself and the Creator. To trust is to live your life holding the Creator’s qualities of honesty and truth alongside love and devotion. I realise that I am encouraging you to analyse your own energies and that there will be many people who do not feel this is needed or appropriate but it is our wish to assist you in discovering more about yourself as this will aid your acceptance of the Creator within and around you.
To live your life with the innocence of a child is not to be weak or vulnerable but to hold a tremendous power within you, a connection and embodiment that is so pure and strong as it is an embodiment of the Creator’s soul. It is of most importance to be honest and truthful with yourself and those around you as this will allow you to place your devotion and trust where it is needed.
We ask that you begin your embodiment of the Creator by allowing us to channel into your being the four sacred qualities of the Creator that we have discussed with you today. You will discover that through the acceptance of these sacred qualities you will dissolve the barriers of separation between yourself and the Creator and replace them with a bridge of connection which will strengthen the more that you enact and radiate these qualities in your reality and existence on the Earth.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully and to gain a meditative state, trust that you are safe and protected. Then simply repeat the words that we offer you,
‘Beloved Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora, I honour your masculine and feminine angelic energies and invoke you to shower me in your loving light as you draw close around me. It is my desire to exist as an embodiment of the Creator on the Earth, I ask you to assist me in achieving this in a way that is appropriate for me. Please awaken the Creator presence within me and the Creator qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust, let these qualities shine brightly from my heart and soul, manifesting in my reality and through my actions in the purest of ways. I ask that you channel your energy deep into my soul, body and aura, let the light that you share with me flow directly from the Creator’s soul through you holding the sacred qualities of devotion, truth, honesty and trust.
I am Devotion, I am Truth, I am Honesty, I am Trust, I am the Creator.
Allow the energies of the Creator to flow freely overseen by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora, Thank you, let blessings be.’
It is now time for you to sit in peace and allow yourself to be open to the energies within and around you.
Allow yourself to be constantly reminded of our words throughout your day and make a constant effort to enact our words within your reality as a process of growth and wholeness with the Creator.
We hope that our communication has been of benefit to you,
With eternal love,
Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light, www.wisdomofthelight.com

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Our Father lives eternally in infinite joy because He sees only the perfection and beauty in each one of us

03/31/2010 by John Smallman

Oneness with our divine Creator is the most magnificent and generous gift that He could give us, a divine sharing with His children of His infinite, unconditional, and eternal Love, which is the power and energy of creation. No greater love is possible than the Love with which our Father envelops and suffuses us. The more we grow in conscious awareness of the infinite magnificence of our divine Father’s Love for us, the more awestruck we become at the incomprehensible generosity He offers us in every moment of our existence.

There is nothing we can think, or say, or do that could possibly thank Him adequately or show Him our appreciation of His divine gift to us. All that we can do is to accept it and say “Thank you Father.” Then we must willingly share it in every moment with everyone everywhere so that we may all awaken into the glory of His Presence and into the boundless brilliant light of eternal day, where our every wish is instantly granted for our unending joy.

It is time for you to leave the nightmare and journey forward towards your heavenly home. It is the divine destination where your arrival is enthusiastically awaited by the multitudinous host of loving angels and guides who have been assisting you on your long, frequently very painful, and apparently hazardous trek. The illusion is finished, you have learnt all that it can teach you, and the moment for its dissolution is approaching.

The lesson that you have been learning is to love all and to forgive all, and that is what our Father has been demonstrating so perfectly since He created us. It is the path to infinite joy. Our Father lives eternally in infinite joy because He is infinitely loving and forgiving, and sees only the perfection and beauty in each one of us — there is nothing else but that in each of us.

You have pretended otherwise and constructed a horrendous imaginary reality in which you tease, torture, and attempt to destroy your heavenly sisters and brothers. All that that has brought you is unending pain and suffering. No one has enjoyed it, and yet you continue to maintain it, while forcefully and belligerently claiming that there is no other way — that God demands that you suffer to appease Him, and that you are His holy instruments directed to invoke and deliver His punishments on those you judge have offended Him! But you are the ones who are offended (God cannot be offended!) because you have invented and promulgated insane limits and restrictions on behavior so that you may project your own sense of guilt onto others and then punish them in the name of God!

God is unconditional indiscriminate Love which He happily shares in every moment with every single one of His beloved children who truly can do no wrong. Soon they will awaken and experience the ecstasy of knowing this in everlasting bliss. All is well, God’s children will awaken, and the illusion will sink forever back into the nothingness from which you made it. Be ready for the grand celebration that has been prepared to mark this most holy occasion.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Heal The Polarization

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what will happen in 2012. Most of it is fear-based and predicting things like cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. In Truth, we have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages. We began our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November 2003, during an event that was coined Harmonic Concordance. That does not mean, however, that 2012 is not important. It is very significant.

Whenever the collective consciousness of Humanity is focused on a particular moment in time, we have a tremendous opportunity to cocreate something together. Depending on what we are focusing on, that cocreation can be either wonderful or devastating. It is important for us to realize that whatever happens in 2012 will be the result of what you and I and every other person on this planet empower with our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions between now and 2012.

Since we have already begun our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Perfection, our ability to quickly manifest the archetypes for the New Earth has been greatly enhanced. We need to pay attention to the negativity that is surfacing to be transmuted back into Light so that we can invoke the Violet Flame and transmute it, but we must not stay stuck there. Once we invoke the Violet Flame, we need to focus our attention on what we want to cocreate on the planet instead of the surfacing negativity.

One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller is “In order to change something, we do not try to alter the existing model. We create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” This is what we need to do with the existing systems on Earth that are not working toward the highest good for all Life. For instance, the banking systems and Wall Street have proven that there is no depth of greed or corruption to which they will not sink. Instead of waiting for the people to change who are still being grossly manipulated by their human egos, people with a higher consciousness need to create new monetary systems that will make the old ones irrelevant. Instead of waiting for the corporations who are creating the devastating pollution on the planet to develop a reverence for Life, people with a higher consciousness need to reach up and tap into the viable solutions that are now available in the Causal Body of God.

Our time is at hand! This is our moment! The key is that we need to face these challenges and cocreate new options without falling into the consciousness of “us against them.” There is no separation. We are One.

Because of the intensity of the challenges Humanity is going through, the Company of Heaven is asking awakened Lightworkers around the world to utilize the collective Cup of Humanity’s consciousness between now and 2012. We are being asked to cocreate a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love that will envelop the Earth and all Life evolving upon her. This will help shift the mass consciousness of Humanity by revealing the Oneness of ALL Life in new and profound ways. As the Infinite Love of God floods into the hearts and minds of unawakened souls, they will be able to raise their heads above the chaos and confusion in their lives. Then they will remember who they are and why they are here, and the Truth of their Oneness with all Life will be reflected in their behavior patterns.

Go within and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you your part in this Divine Plan. If you feel the heart call to participate, please join with fellow Lightworkers from around the world. Weave your radiant Light into the Chalice of this Divine Mission, and offer to serve as a surrogate on behalf of your brothers and sisters in the family of Humanity. Prepare to release the residue of the behavior patterns that no longer serve your highest good, as you pave the way for an unprecedented shift of consciousness.

Every day deliberately use your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to add to the Light of the world. You have been training for lifetimes to do this. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance. Listen to your heart. Trust yourself. You are powerful beyond your knowing.


Day by day more and more people are awakening. This inspires them to lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are all One and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

When this reality resonates in the deepest recesses of our hearts, the validity of war becomes impossible to accept, and the concepts of poverty, greed, corruption, violence, abuse of power, oppression, hatred, selfishness, prejudice, pollution, disease, ignorance, and every other reflection of our belief in separation become intolerable.

Often, from our newly awakened state of consciousness, our reflex response is to take a stand against these negative situations and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this causes us to polarize ourselves against the people involved. Any time we polarize ourselves against a person or group of people, we motivate them to fight back. This merely widens the abyss between us and causes further separation. We attempt to solve this problem by arguing our case and trying to coerce the people we are polarized against into seeing things our way. We share all of our newly acquired insights and try to convince them that their way of thinking and feeling are flawed. They, in turn, argue from their perspective that our way of thinking is delusional and that we are being duped by unrealistic idealism. Of course, these arguments are futile and only exacerbate our polarization.

It is time for all of us to really grasp the fact that PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. When a person awakens, his or her consciousness is raised up, and their perception of reality is transformed. An awakened person literally thinks, feels, sees, and hears with greater awareness. This shift of consciousness allows the person to perceive a greater Truth and to comprehend the Oneness of Life at a deeper level. This awakening results in an indisputable inner knowing within the person’s heart and mind.

When an unawakened person tries to deny, dispute, or discredit the inner knowing of an awakened person, it is futile. That effort is like a deaf and blind person trying to convince a sighted-hearing person that there is no such thing as color or music. The difference in that situation is that the sighted-hearing person would understand perfectly why the deaf and blind person was having trouble grasping the concept of color and music. The sighted-hearing person would have compassion for the deaf and blind person and would respond to him or her with patience, love, and understanding.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily tell if someone is awakened or not. We often make the mistake of assuming that people should know more than they do, or that they should understand more than they are capable of understanding. When we expect more from people than they are capable of, we are generally disappointed and frustrated with their actions and their perception of things, which only polarizes us further.

This is a very challenging time for people everywhere. It is a time when Humanity is being purged, and the negative behavior patterns of our lower human egos are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted. This is a necessary part of our transformation, and a cleansing that must occur in order for Humanity to complete our Ascension into the 5th Dimension. This purification is happening for each of us individually and for all of us collectively.

It seems as though every time we turn on the news, we see widespread reports of corporate greed, governmental corruption, atrocities of war, gross imbalances in the economic system, and myriad other things that reflect Humanity’s fear and a belief in separation. These things have existed for a very long time, but they have not been brought to the attention of the masses as profusely as they are at this time.

During this intense time of cleansing and awakening, people around the world are becoming vastly polarized over every conceivable aspect of life. They are polarized over the wars, the economy, taxes, health, health insurance, the justice system, politics, government, religion, education, family values, life-styles, energy, security, business, management, labor, medicine, food, water, air, the environment, and on and on ad infinitum.

We have been told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever known. The Earth and all her Life are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Physical Perfection. In order for the Earth and Humanity to complete this Ascension process and for Heaven on Earth to become a manifest reality, we must heal the polarization.

Then God’s Eternal Peace and Abundance will be the order of the new day on this planet.

Since unawakened Humanity cannot easily grasp the concept of the Oneness of Life, it is up to awakened Lightworkers to heal the polarization. This means you and me and every other awakened soul on Earth. This is our purpose and reason for being in embodiment at this time, and we already have everything we need within us to accomplish this mighty feat.

What affects one part of Life affects all Life. In other words, as I AM lifted up in consciousness ALL Life is lifted up with me. Instead of polarizing against everything we disagree with, we need to create a new reality, a reality that reflects our Oneness and makes the concept of separation obsolete.

We have the opportunity to assist in this endeavor daily and hourly, as we take the power of our attention away from the illusion of separation and focus it on the vision of Heaven on Earth. When we observe something in our life or in the world that does not reflect Oneness or the Reverence of Life, we can invoke the Light of God into the situation and transmute the negativity associated with it by using the Violet Flame. Then we can envision what we want to create in its place.

Instead of polarizing against our government, for instance, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people who hold public office and ask them to take command of their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Then we can visualize the public officials responding with integrity and striving for the highest good for all Humanity. When greed, selfishness, and the gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth are brought to our attention, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people involved in these activities as well. We can envision their I AM Presences taking command of their hearts and minds, and we can visualize them responding with love, generosity, and a willingness to assist those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into form. We need to create the vision of what we want life on Earth to be like, and then we need to set about creating that new reality.

In addition to empowering the vision of Heaven on Earth with our every thought, word, feeling, and action, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. Since all Life is interconnected, when we lift into a higher level of consciousness or transmute an aspect of our human consciousness that no longer serves our highest good, we also lift and transmute the collective consciousness and energies of all Humanity as well.

As we transmute our own obsolete behavior patterns, we need to simply ask the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child to lift their consciousness and to transmute their negative behavior patterns simultaneously. The Universal Law is: Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

In deep gratitude for our ability to serve Life on this sweet Earth, let’s join together and cocreate a unified forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield will be far more powerful in its impact on Humanity’s global consciousness than any of the other humanly generated forcefields of energy perpetuating the serious problems facing us on this planet. It is a Universal Law that if the inner conditions or forces within Humanity’s global consciousness are transformed through Love, the outer conditions of the world will proceed to reflect the Divine Plan for the Earth.

The Divine Plan for the Earth is a living, active, all-powerful forcefield that will produce perfection if not interfered with by our human egos. In the Heavenly Realms, the Beings of Light work purely and precisely with the great forces of Cause, knowing full well that the effects will take care of themselves. Most of us are currently trying to manage EFFECTS in our lives rather than focusing on the CAUSE which will truly change the situation from within. Trying to change things by focusing on the effects is like trying to change the reflection in the mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

To insure the transformation of inner conditions for Humanity and the Earth, let’s join together and create a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Centered within unity consciousness, our collective spiritual ability will empower each of us to accomplish this Divine Plan.


Please focus on this visualization now with the full power of your attention, knowing that you are joining in one-pointed consciousness with Lightworkers around the world.

We begin by invoking our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to take full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Our Father-Mother God now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love blazing in every person’s Heart Flame. This expansion of Light creates a tremendous magnetic Heart of Divine Love that envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This blazing Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love draws to itself the energy, vibration, and consciousness of pure Love from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This gift of Love flows into our planetary CAUSE and helps us to manifest the perfection of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God send forth a clarion call, and twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love respond. These selfless Beings of Light descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the electronic belt around the Great, Great Central Sun. They take their strategic positions around the planet and willingly prepare to assist in this activity of Light.

These Solar Archangels are stationed equal distance around the Earth’s equator. As One unified force of Transfiguring Divine Love, they project the Light from their Heart Flames into the center of the Earth. They begin conducting a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her.

The Love from the Archangels expands through the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every soul becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other soul. Together we inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This Sacred Fire now blazes through all Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is the open door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is now experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through their I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration, the CAUSE, of the primal Light substance, which has gone into the present negative conditions that are surfacing to be healed on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Solar Archangels, and our I AM Presence, we are the CAUSE of this magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic, spiritual forces of Transfiguring Divine Love over which Humanity is Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the open door that no one can shut. We are exploring and rediscovering the Company of Heaven and the Divinity within every person, in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.

This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting to each of us personally and collectively as we live within it. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love Consciousness. We are, here and now, the masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We now know ourselves as Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

The twelve Solar Archangels are now expanding their Light to embrace every Human Being in a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield surrounds each of us and is anchored directly within the Divinity of our hearts.

Every person's I AM Presence now affirms with a deep inner knowing:

I AM a planetary forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal Light substance of my four Earthly Bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.

I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love. I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity’s day-to-day functioning.

I feel this forcefield of Divine Love permanently secured within my Heart Flame and the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity.

I accept that this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God’s Holy Grace. It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.

I now breathe in deeply and return my attention to the room. I become aware of my physical body by gently moving my fingers and my toes. As I exhale, I open my eyes and begin breathing normally. (pause)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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