March 8, 2010

So much has happened since I started my vigil for the Divine
Masculine that it is hard even to know where to start. There has been such an
overwhelming response to my note that  affirmed what is happening for me that I
am feeling compelled to call people together during this time to talk and
process what is happening individually and in the collective. I am calling a
gathering of those who have been guided to be part of this vigil. I will put out
a note later as to when we will gather.

I am also being called to offer a class for men that will
include Sacred Body Postures, Divine Decree work and Divine BluePrint
Restoration work.(More info to come about this). This class will support the
reawakening of and re-memberance of the Masculine Consciousness of this Planet
.  Also during this time I will offer a class for the women to help them
re-member their own Divine Masculine.

A lot of people have responded with notes about their dreams
confirming the struggle going on in the collective within the Masculine as well
how the Feminine is responding to this struggle. Other people have written about
their calling to cleanse or fast. There has been great conversations about the
vigil at the store have spurred more questions than answers.

Some questions for you to ponder:

*Where did the command “Big Boys don’t cry” come
from and how
damaging has that been to the Masculine and to the Feminine?  How have
contributed to this belief and why. How have fathers contributed to this
and why.  How can we give the men in our lives permission to cry, to

*How have women gotten stuck in the anger that
started the
Feminist movement and how has that further harmed the Masculine? If
women are
still stuck in anger, what is the anger about and how can we use the
energy of
Anger to move forward. Are you ready to let go of your beliefs that you
are a
victim of the Masculine and are you ready to let go of any beliefs you
have that
the Feminine is better than the Masculine or that the Masculine is
better than
the Feminine? Are you ready to fully embody both and to see the value in

*How has “Stoic Masculine” abused the”
Masculine” (See Broke Back Mountain) within you and in the world and in

In my own personal journey, I have had many
epiphanies about
my relationship to the Masculine. I realized that I have held anger,
love, fear,
awe, protectiveness, grief and contempt for the Masculine all at the
same time.
There was a defining moment when I was a child in which my father’s
and rage froze me in fear, anger and powerlessness. I became split about
feelings for my father. He nurtured me in a way my Mother never was able
to, but
I became afraid of his feelings and then realized, that my gift of
empathy would
tell me how I needed to behave, so I wouldn’t trigger his rage. For over
years, the fear and anger at the Masculine overshadowed my love for the
men in
my life. In order to be “safe” I used my empathy to stay safe. I began
to change
who I was.   By freeing myself from that moment and coming into a place
compassion for my father, I retrieve my magical little girl and
empowered myself
so that my relationship with my husband is shifting. I realized that
that the
wounds I carried triggered reactions that triggered the wounds that he
I see his sensitive little boy that is just as afraid of the critical
rage of
the Feminine as I was of the Masculine critical rage.

 I was talking to my best friend from growing up
and she,
being a devout Christian, asked me if I knew that lent was going on
right now
and that it was related to Jesus’ 40 days in the desert. I did note Ash
Wednesday this year, but I really know nothing about the story. My vigil
for the
masculine didn’t start on Ash Wednesday. Not sure what the significance
is, but
if I remember correctly Easter is the first Sunday after the Full Moon
in Libra
and I started my fast while the moon was in Libra and will end it on the
day of the new moon in Aries. When I think about Libra I think about the
or Balance.  What I see coming for the Divine Masculine is that even
though the
Masculine energy is struggling between the part of itself that is
and that part of itself that is here to be of service, the end result on
the new
Moon in Aries will be a Divine Child that will be in touch with himself,
mentally emotionally and physically. This Divine Child will be able to
deeply, laugh loudly live large, and love deeply. He will be able to
take care
of himself(Ariesian energy)  so that he will be able to be of service to
world(Libran energy). He will be able to know and feel his connection to
planet as well as his connection to the Heavens. This is an archetype
that is
returning to the planet at this time. It is my understanding that while
was in the desert, He saw his shadow side, (or battled his brother)
accepted the
darkness, saw the gifts that the shadow (his twin) brought and then
whole. It was this descendant experience that he went through that gave
him the
strength, courage and knowing to be able to fulfill his destiny. In
doing so, he
lay down a template for humanity that should we choose to tap into it,
template will allow us to fulfill our destinies at this time.