By Shekina Rose / Blue Ray.

New Earth Message from Sedona Crystal City of Universal Light via Shekina Rose Blue Ray
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
a message from The Blue Ray channeled by Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
Thursday, 22 March, 2018

We are the star travelers from the planetary Crystal City of Universal Light, the starlight essence of the Elohim communions through the light circuitry and ley lines of the crystals of Sedona. Our convergence is awakening the cells of the Christ/crystalline DNA light template crystal codes of the frequency steward anchors of the New Earth Planetary Divine Holy Matrix.

We are here to assist in the name of Gaia. Through the Golden Age of Atlantis and resonance fields of Lemuria, we have had many names throughout time and space. Our appearances were to help you remember your way back home to Source—the light of your ascension—when a certain timeline and structure grid would form on your planet and where there was a choice in choosing your future.

There is an awakening happening through the vast networks of the crystalline structure of communications through the gridlines of Gaia. It is a way the Crystal City of Universal Light is coming online. The crystals of Gaia are awakening across the globe to higher dimensional and ethereal communications.

Re-emerging presence of the Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene for the universal blueprint awakening
The sacred divine feminine essence is giving a structure, a bridge of support through the crystalline gridlines for the re-emerging presence of the Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, who carry universal blueprint awakening for the embodiment of the sacred divine feminine. The vortexes of Sedona are access points of the ley line grids assisting with the current wave of consciousness that connects the heavenly and celestial bodies to Source through the consciousness field. It is an immense portal stargate system of interdimensional, intergalactic, interstellar and time-space travel that occurs for the planet