By Marilyn Raffaele.

MARCH 25,2018

Greetings, dear ones. Once again we lovingly offer guidance in order to assist your evolutionary journey at this time of so much chaos and change. The evolutionary journey has no ending but simply continues to unfold into other dimensions as new levels of awareness are attained. Because every individual is an expression of an Infinite Reality, unfolding consciousness never reaches a completion point but rather will continue to express infinitely.

Divine Ideas simply are–they have no beginning and no ending and constitute the substance from which all things are formed because you cannot make something out of nothing. These Divine ideas (creator substance energy), are understood according to the attained level of consciousness of the observer.

Some religious traditions teach that the world is an illusion, but the world is not an illusion, Gaia is a pure spiritual universe peopled with sons of God. Rather, it is the un-awakened interpretations and creations of the human conditioned mind that constitute illusion.