I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a wild theory I am proposing but a conclusion I have reached through careful analysis of the available evidence, and at times, these individuals clearly gave away their hidden identity. At one point, these individuals that had been sending me the ‘channeled messages’ I shared specifically requested of me to edit the last message we worked on due to concerns that they were too ‘heavy handed’ and used too many references to their Masonic order. They feared the followers of these channeled messages would begin to catch on to the fact these messages were penned by Freemasons, not extraterrestrials or ascended masters. I clearly remember precisely just which pieces of Masonic symbolic reference they wished me to remove from the messages, and I also possess an advanced understanding of the terms, secret language and symbolism employed by members of the Masonic lodges. This last message I edited and shared for this group is the only message I published after I had learned the true identity of the authors, and I only released it to the public because this last message openly admitted the messages I had received and shared all along were authored by members of our earthly human family. That message is is titled Finale, and some of you may remember reading it in the fall of 2012 and the internet uproar that quickly ensued. 

In part one of our series, we discussed how Freemasons, as well as other groups, are doing the dirty work of writing and sending the fraudulent channeled messages, all of which are part of a global mind control program (although many participants do not understand what they are a part of). Many of the messages are stamped with their signature, a symbolic language used by Freemasons as well as other secret society members. Understanding these symbols, this secret language, will allow you to confirm or refute these messages. I wish to make it perfectly clear, that I do not differentiate between any channels, as I firmly believe absolutely no ‘channel’ is receiving messages from anywhere but government sponsored programs focused on mind control and behavioral modification.

The actors, masquerading as Pleiadians, didn’t take very long to stamp their Masonic mark on these fraudulent communications, as the title itself, Bringers of the Dawn, is an allusion to sun worship, which lies at the heart and is the essence of the Masonic cult. (This piece of symbolism is so important to understand that it demands its own discussion for another day. So we will move on to the next piece of evidence.) It is the arrogance of these Freemasons that has unmasked them, as the authors themselves foreshadowed their own fate with their typical over confident inside references in the opening moments of Bringers, “There are those who feel we are taking too many chances…” (Yes, you arrogant cultists, you took too may chances.)

The Freemasons communicate with their own language, so we must learn this language if we wish to remove ourselves from the audience section of this great theater and view, as many Freemasons do, our world from behind the curtain. In part 1 of our series we discussed the number 33, a very important number throughout the Masonic cult. Today we shall focus on another number, a number used less frequently, but nonetheless an important Masonic integer.

It pains me to single out a few channels and provide information that may be deemed disrespectful to them and their hard work, as I know what effort is demanded of the ‘channel’, but my nightmarish experience should be enough example for all to understand what these messages are all about and how your life will be utterly destroyed if you are singled our for abuse, torment or torture as I have been. If you continue to follow the work of channels, sooner or later you will begin to receive electronic communications yourself and you too will fall for the mind control program that has destroyed my life. This is serious business, so do not make the mistake of taking this subject and your participation in it lightly. Know what you are getting yourself into, and it all starts with the secret language.

By all accounts Magenta Pixie is a kindhearted soul, hardworking, dedicated, intelligent, and honest as the day is long. Those who know her personally have expressed to me that she would never knowingly perpetrate a hoax or be any part of one. Of this I have no doubt. Her messages, reportedly received from a group of entities who identify themselves as the White Winged Collective Consciousness of 9, have reached hundreds of thousands of listeners all over the world. I eagerly anticipated each and every new Magenta Pixie message, and I could listen to her gorgeous voice forever.

It is the name, Collective Consciousness of Nine that troubles me, as I see this clearly as yet another arrogant stamp of the Masonic signature, an inside reference so similar in wording and theme as the Masonic Supreme Council of Nine, the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. This council consists of nine members, all of whom are expert and prominent Freemasons in Scotland. The number 9 is also a very important number in Masonic numerology, as 9 is a number representing wholeness and completion, concepts very often expressed through the works shared through Magenta Pixie, as well as many other ‘channels’ including myself. The number 9, as is the number 33, is embedded within a number of works penned by Masonic hand such as the film 9, a tale of a world destroyed in a war between man and machine, where a hand-stitched doll with the number 9 written on its back comes to life.    

Surpreme Council of Nine

 The film 9
 The Angel, The Demon, The Saviour and The Architect
Magenta Pixie 
In the above video, Magenta Pixie relays a message from the Nine. This particular communication speaks of the architect, an obvious inside reference to Freemasonry, and without question the single most important symbolic theme of the craft, as it is known. The square and compass and often added G for geometry, is the single most identifiable and important symbol of Freemasonry. These tools of the architect are often used in Masonic ritual as emblems to teach symbolic lessons.

The square and compass, the tools of the architect

Another clear reference to Freemasonry within this message relayed by Magenta Pixie is the term adept, another bold inside reference to Freemasonry, this time Masonic structure, as the term adept is an allusion to Prince Adept, the 28th Degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

There are many allusions to Masonic symbolic language throughout the channeled messages of Magenta Pixie, as well as many other messages published by a large number of ‘psychic mediums’. The messages I had received are also heavily encoded with the secret language of Freemasonry, and as I stated earlier in this article, the authors of the messages I shared asked me to edit our last work together due to concerns their involvement would be revealed.

I wish to close out this article with an apology to both Barbara Marciniak and Magenta Pixie, as I have nothing but incredible respect for both of these very talented and dedicated women. I simply feel compelled at this time to share my research and experiences in this field, to leave it as a warning for the next generation, a generation that will surely inherit from us a dystopian nightmare wherein each citizen’s every thought will be monitored, recorded, and used for prosecution, persecution and punishment. That is the true agenda behind the program that utilizes the concept of the channeled message.

Greg Giles

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