I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a theory I am proposing but point of fact, as the group that had been sending me the ‘channeled messages’ I shared specifically requested of me to edit the last message we worked on due to concerns that they were too ‘heavy handed’ and used too many references to their Masonic order. They feared the followers of these channeled messages would begin to catch on to the fact these messages were penned by Freemasons, not extraterrestrials or ascended masters. I clearly remember precisely just which pieces of Masonic symbolic reference they wished me to remove from the messages, and I also possess an advanced understanding of the terms, secret language and symbolism employed by members of the Masonic lodges. This last message I edited and shared for this group is the only message I published after I had learned the true identity of the authors, and I only released it to the public because this last message openly admitted the messages I had received and shared all along were authored by members of our earthly human family. That message is is titled Finale, and some of you may remember reading it in the fall of 2012 and the internet uproar that quickly ensued.     

The conspirators behind the ‘Galactic Federation’ mind control program I had fallen victim to some years ago are extremely intelligent and ruthlessly cunning. They understood from the outset that sooner or later followers of the ‘channeled message’ would begin to become suspicious, and would in turn search for a way to either confirm or refute the outlandish promises made and the true source behind them. So the conspirators came up with a very clever way to trick the readers into getting lost within the minute details, and fail to utilize their sharpened skills of critical thinking.

So they, the very human writers behind these messages, entered into our vernacular the concept of discernment, purposely fusing this theme with a feeling, an emotion, a vibration, a knowing, understanding full well that none of those methods will ever get anyone of us any closer to the truth. Need proof of this? Good! That’s an excellent start! Demand proof! Do you see? That’s what they feared so much since the launch of this program. They did not want you doing what you have done your entire lives, which is demand proof of something, especially of claims so illogical as the outrageous ones made in these channeled messages. Yet so many of us fell for this discernment trick. Our powers of discernment have obviously failed us all. Need proof? (Good!) How many of you followed my work channeling the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command until I finally woke up and unmasked the hoaxers? Our discernment failed us all miserably, because it was designed to do just that, its just a trick hoaxers inserted into this program. Snap out of it! Demand proof from here on out. Base your opinions on careful analysis and critical thinking based upon the tangible evidence available to you, not a feeling, as the hoaxers are very cunning, and carefully select words to prey upon your emotions.

Use fully your intellect and your intelligence, rely on your experience, your logic and your common sense when analyzing these ‘other worldly communications’ as a whole, as one subject. Stop playing into the hands of the government agencies behind all this and allow them to keep us divided. We are subjects of the same government program! Stop pledging your allegiance to one channel or another, then switching allegiance when you begin to smell something rotten. You are smelling something rotten because you you are beginning to figure something out, you are  beginning to see through the charade, you are subconsciously allowing your brain to do what it does best, because you are now beginning to keep your emotions in check, because the newness and original excitement of these messages is beginning to fade. That’s why all these ‘channeled’ messages keep the flow of  sensational claims and promises flowing. How many times have you been promised money? Every channel I have followed has promised money. Has any one of you received one dime? These messages have been promising money for decades! Decades! Its just a trick to keep you excited and emotional.

The following is a way that each of you can prove the origins of each and every one of these so-called channeled messages based on fact, on research, on logic and good old common sense. Doesn’t that sound refreshing? Doesn’t that sound so right, after being subjected to so many years of mind control propaganda? 

The U.S. government agencies that are behind this program of mind control, commissioned the scripts used as the channeled messages to be written by a very particular group. This group of minions, this gang, this cult, has been used to do the dirty work for world governments and the enormously wealthy and powerful individuals who own this world, going back hundreds of years now. This group has a meeting place in every city and hundreds of small towns all throughout the U.S. and across the globe, infiltrating deeply every vital institution in our society. They call themselves Freemasons. They are so fiercely proud of themselves and their many accomplishments, that they stamp their colors, their symbols and their language on almost every piece of literature they allow to be published, into every movie they green light, into every T.V. show that airs, into every cartoon your children enjoy, into every T.V. commercial you watch, into every music video you dance to, in every sporting event you cheer, in every major parade that marches, on every rocket blasted into space, and most importantly, in every channeled message you have read. That’s right, you read that correctly. Now if you understood their language, if you recognized their symbols and their codes and their colors and their flag, like I do, then you can confirm, positively confirm, that all of these channeled messages are not penned by extraterrestrial appendage, but by the hand of a Masonic initiate or minion thereof, as even minions have minions. 

Cleverly embedded within a series of messages channeled by Miss Barbara Marciniak, who I am convinced is an honorable woman who dedicated much of her life to help make our world a better place, are pieces of evidence indicating she has fallen for the same trickery as I. She cannot be blamed, as who would suspect well funded government agencies would convert simple cell phone technology to achieve synthetic telepathy, a technological feat discussed in Sunday’s entry of this blog. If Barbara had understood the Masonic language, perhaps she would never have published her Pleadian channelings Bringers of the Dawn, and I would never had been lured into this trap, as that is where it all started for me after I stumbled upon her work while surfing the web some years ago. But I do not lay blame on Barbara, as I believe our lives are direct consequences of our choices.

The minions, masquerading as Pleiadians, didn’t take very long to stamp their Masonic mark on these bogus communications, as the title itself, Bringers of the Dawn, is an allusion to sun worship, which lies at the heart and is the essence of the Masonic cult. (This piece of symbolism is so important to understand that it demands its own discussion for another day. So we will move on to the next piece of evidence.) It is the arrogance of these Freemasons that has unmasked them, as the authors themselves foreshadowed their own fate with their typical over confident inside references in the opening moments of Bringers, “There are those who feel we are taking too many chances…” (Yes, you arrogant cultists, you took too may chances.) 

Of the most prominent symbols of Freemasonry is the number 33, signifying the 33rd and highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. A number of U.S. presidents, military leaders and corporate leaders are 33rd degree Freemasons. (Enter ’33rd degree’ into any search engine and confirm this for yourself. Prove it to yourself! The number 33 is prominently displayed throughout the world in movies and television shows, and on masonic badges and shields, and even at Disney Land theme park, Anaheim California, as creator Walt Disney was believed to have been a 33rd degree Freemason.    

Albert Pike is regarded as one of the most influential Freemasons

Club 33 is a private club located in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland

The 33, a newly released major motion picture boasting the Masonic 33

In Bringers of the Dawn, the Masonic hoaxers masquerading as Pleiadians encourage humans to spin 33 times in a circle, as many times as three times per day, as this act was promised to accelerate your spiritual growth, a ludicrous notion which clearly demonstrates the sheer arrogance of these Freemasons, as they so firmly believe they can mock others in such a way and no one will ever catch on. The ’33’ reference was written into the script because Freemasons feel compelled to shamelessly stamp every work of theirs, hoax or not, with their signature. Plus, its simply a wise marketing decision. Imagine how successful minion recruitment day must be when your promo reel boasts the Masonic brand sprayed like graffiti all over the world. Their symbols are literally everywhere. What they are saying is, ‘We own the entire world, we own you, and you are too stupid to even know it!’

The following clip is a segment of the audio version of Bringers of the Dawn, narrated by Barbara Marciniak herself, wherein the Masonic 33 is yet again prominently displayed.

Spinning: Accelerate your spiritual growth

It was not ascended Pleiadian extraterrestrials speaking telepathically to Barbara Marciniak who advised humanity to spin 33 times, it was a group of smart-ass Freemasons contracted to help perpetrate this hoax by an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense and/or the U.S. intelligence community. All that is needed is simple cell phone technology to fool Miss Marciniak into believing she is receiving genuine communications from the stars. This sheer lack of respect, this insult, delivered with the clear intent to mock, to humiliate all of us as we spin like fools around and around in our homes should also serve as a clear indication to all that these hoaxed ‘channeled messages’ have not been written and delivered with any intent to help or assist humanity in any way, but to use us. This level of content for potential listeners or readers of Miss Marciniak’s work Bringers of the Dawn should act as a wake up call and clearly demonstrate to all that they are seen as subjects, as targets, as lab rats of a program, a program which is a major part of an agenda of mass mind control. 
Tomorrow we will discuss the work of arguably the most popular channel in the entire world, and it will give me no pleasure I assure you to point out the embedded pieces of Masonic symbolism in her work. 
Greg Giles
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