A U.S.cyberspace operations center

It should be apparent to all by now that agencies within the U.S. Department of Defense and also within the U.S. intelligence community are actively engaged in programs that utilize the synthetic telepathy technology. As I have discussed in recent articles, these programs should not be taken lightly, as thousands of U.S. citizens as well as citizens worldwide are currently being harmed in many ways that are currently unimaginable to many. The following is a quiz that may help you better identity the source of the communications you are receiving.

1. Have you been told you are the reincarnation of Jesus, Archangel Michael, Peter the Apostle, Mary, Ashtar, or perhaps Ashtar’s wife or consort, or another ascended being or famous historical figure? Have you been told not to share this secret with anyone?
2.. Are you experiencing tinnitus, or a ringing in one or both ears?

3. Are you experiencing a tingling sensation on the top or back of your head? Sometimes so intense a strong itching sensation can be felt? 

4. Are thoughts going through your mind that you have not initiated?

5. Are you waking up with a sentence, paragraph, or image already etched in your mind?

6. Are you experiencing nightmares, some very graphic and horrifying?

7. Are you experiencing ghost-like sounds or strange noises in your home such as knocking sounds or scratching noises?

8. Are you awakened in the middle of the night for no apparent reason and cannot return to sleep for an hour or hour and a half, or have experienced long nights of insomnia?

9. Do you occasionally feel you said something to someone that you really did not mean to say, or would have not normally said?

10. Do you sometimes feel your friends or family just said something to you that was surprisingly uncommon for them to say?

11. Is your ‘spirit guide’ coaching you to say certain things to another individual?    

12. Are you experiencing dreams where you feel you are being given a choice to act one way or the other, sometimes to either violate a law or choose not to?

13. Do you feel you are being questioned or interrogated somehow in your dreams? Do you feel someone is trying to learn something about you that you do not normally share with others?

14. Have you notices an increase or decrease in your libido?

15. Have you experienced skin conditions that you have never experienced before?

16. Have you experienced sharp and shooting pains in your upper abdomen?

17. Have you vomited uncontrollably for an extended period of time for no apparent reason?

18. Are you experiencing mood swings you had never experienced before, most notably depression?

19. Are you receiving cleverly concealed hidden messages, often presented as an advertisement, pasted into your Internet browser? Messages you are certain were posted just for you?

20. Do you receive ‘telepathic’ communications, of a positive or negative nature, after you have engaged in any kind of drug use, legal or otherwise?

21. Do you feel your spirit guides have led you to a particular Facebook page or website?

22. Do you feel you have experienced periods when you have been psychically connected to someone you know?    

Answer Key

1. I am sorry if this information disappoints you, but my former position as a ‘channel’ of the Galactic Federation has afforded me a behind-the-scenes perspective based on the countless emails and private messages I received from the many who are also receiving synthetic telepathic messages. I received dozens of emails from those who were told by their ‘spirit guides’ they were the reincarnation of Ashtar, dozens more by those who were told they were the reincarnation of Jesus, or Mary, and so on. Each of these many emails also stated that these individuals were told to keep this fact a secret, and it is clear why. I was also told a tall tale that I was the reincarnation of a famous historical figure, and I wish to make it clear once again, the ‘channeled’ messages I received were sent by a U.S. Department of Defense agency or an agency of the U.S. intelligence community.  

2. According to many national health care organizations, reported cases of tinnitus have reached epidemic proportions. The ringing in your ear is simple acoustic feedback, caused when the radio waves, which are sent through G.W.E.N. towers by U.S. government agencies as part of the synthetic telepathy program, reach your ear canal. Spirit guides would likely not utilize radio waves and induce feedback.

3. The tingling on your scalp is caused by electromagnetic radio and electromagnetic microwaves, sent through G.W.E.N. towers and/or other similar wireless technology by U.S. government agencies as part of their mind control and behavioral modification program. These same sensations are commonly felt by electricians, power company employees, and computer network engineers.

4 & 5. This digital content is sent into your brain by U.S. government agencies, to reprogram your brain while you sleep. Ask yourself this; would your loving spirit guide purposely and without your expressed permission send any digital information into your brain while you slept and could have no knowledge this is taking place, with no chance to decline or stop such an intrusion? Do you think your true spirit guide would allow you to believe it is virtuous to allow such an anonymous intrusion? 

6 & 7. If your spirit guide was communicating with you, why would you experience horrific nightmares? The nightmarish imagery is part of the intelligence community’s mind control and re-programming scripts. They simply wish to see how they can better control your behavior through fear inducing tactics. Remember, a person in fear is the easiest to control. These ‘ghostly’ sounds are produced by a simple method of disturbing wood and other surfaces with a bombardment of radio and microwaves. Why, as your spirit guides or benevolent ETs are making contact with you, would ghosts suddenly begin to make their appearance and frighten you? This would make little sense. It only begins to make sense when one realizes its all part of a U.S. government mind control and behavioral modification program.

8. The use of radio wave synthetic telepathy has been well documented to cause insomnia for an average of one hour to an hour and a half. If the government agencies wish to induce sleep deprivation to better exploit you for experimentation, as they have done with me, then they will purposely keep you awake most of the night by periodically sending radio waves through your brain.

9 &10. An important area of research being conducted by U.S. government agencies is the ability to control human behavior through controlling conversation between two or more, even larger groups of people. They simply coordinate their teams to monitor and control the thought processes of unsuspecting people who have gathered to talk in person or even chat on Internet social networks. I personally have extensive experience in this area, and I have taken notes on just which conversations I have engaged in that were manipulated through the use of synthetic telepathic technology. Some of these conversations were as recent as the last few days.

11. Masquerading as an angel or ascended master or benevolent ET, actors used by the U.S. Department of Defense attempt to convince you to say certain things to another person. Ask yourself this; would your true spirit guide impose upon your free will with such requests? What would be the virtue here? What would an incarnate soul learn by allowing his or her spirit guide to make choices and speak for them? Methods of control such as this are tools used by the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence communities, not spirit guides. 

12. This area of government research seeks to learn just what you are capable of and what you would choose to do in different situations. Does this sound like something your spirit guide would be doing to you, and without your conscious awareness and permission? 

13. Another area of research by U.S. government agencies is what is known as dream interrogation. They are testing to see if they can get you to divulge your tightly kept secrets, and you are also being interrogated as to what you have done in your past, what you may do in your future, and what you are capable of. Does this sound like the behavior of your spirit guides to you?

14. Government researchers are using you to determine what can be accomplished by reducing your libido, such as population reductions and control. 

15. One area of the U.S. government behavioral modification experiments are to determine what can be accomplished by causing skin lesions, rashes, irritations, inflammation, and a host of other detrimental effects on your health. A major goal of this area of experimentation is to determine if human relationships can be controlled and manipulated through such tactics. It is also possible some areas of skin damage or health problems could be caused unintentionally, due to side effects of electromagnetic radio and microwave signal. 

16 & 17. One area of government research is to cause you severe pain, to torture you. Through the use of wireless neuroweapon technology, severe pain can be initiated throughout your entire body, though the neuroweapon is in reality only affecting your brain. This same technology can also induce extreme vomiting over a prolonged period of time. I have personally experienced each of these methods of torture on several occasions.   

18. An area of research of the government mind control programs are the tests and experiments concerning your moods, and it has been widely reported that one of the most important areas of research is to see just how far they must torment you or increase your symptoms of depression until you choose to end your life. The suicide rate among victims of this kind of electronic harassment are staggering, and this fact should make it clear to you that these program operators have no sympathy for the individuals lured into their program.  

19. When I began to receive concealed messages of this sort in my Internet browser, my friends warned me time and again. “Spirit guides do not need Google!” I wish I had listened to these wise words of advice. This little trick, that has nothing to do with the paranormal, is accomplished using a simple browser plug-in such as Mozilla’s Fire Bug, a small program that allows you to edit any web page you view. You can experiment with different text and design and even save your work, though your customization can only be seen on your computer, you are not actually hacking anyone’s website. This should make you very aware these government agents are connected to your computer and have access to all your personal and protected files.

20. Although the influence of any kind of drug is not entirely necessary for these government operatives to engage in synthetic telepathy with you, drugs are extremely beneficial to create a strong synthetic telepathic  connection and allow these operatives to take almost complete control over your brain, exploiting you to much greater potential, and without your conscious awareness.

21. As part of the Department of Defense mind control and behavioral modification program, many PCs and Macs, as well as all other devices, Internet browsers, programs and apps, are manipulated by agents who are equipped with back door passwords and easy access to virtually anywhere they want to go. What is so disturbing about this area of the program is that families, friends, romantic partnerships and even marriages are being purposeful and cruelly destroyed as subjects are being conned into believing these new introductions are divinely or spiritually ‘meant to be’. I personally fell for this sick trick, and ended a relationship with someone solely based on the advice of my impostor spirit guide. 

22. The synthetic telepathy technology allows a subjects personal thoughts to be read through wireless technology. These digital communications can easily be forwarded, just as a cell phone text message can be forwarded, almost instantaneously, to the brain of another individual. This simple feat of technology gives the illusion of a psychic connection to another. I have personally experienced this connection, and I have received reports from others through the course of my work who have also been connected in this deceitful manner.
If you answered yes to any of these questions you are very likely a victim of the same mind control and behavioral modification program that has harassed, tormented and tortured me, and you are advised to resist any temptation to willfully engage in such a program  and allow any part of your being to be used in such a way. It is your divine responsibility to protect your eternal soul from harm, and delving into this dangerous area of synthetic telepathic mind control deceit is a failure on your part to protect yourself and your eternal being.

Greg Giles

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