
by PL Chang and Jacqueline

Many scientists are challenging the idea that we humans have more than two or even three strands of DNA. Some even believe that we may have a total of 12 strands or more. DNA is the acronym used for deoxyribonucleic acid. It contains the codes that act like a blueprint, giving instructions to cells and telling them how to behave. MostDNA is found in the cell nucleus (nuclear DNA), while a small amount is found in the mitochondria (mDNA).

The conventional DNA model is believed to carry the informational code made from four chemical bases. There are about 3 billion bases in the average human DNA and over 99 percent of DNA is the same in all people. This means that a very small portion, less than one percent of DNA, differs from person to person.

Most of us are aware of the two strands DNA model that is formed when nucleotides are arranged in two long strands, forming a spiral called a double helix. The structure of the double helix looks somewhat like a ladder. The way DNA is structured allows it to store more than 700 terabytes of information in a single gram of DNA. That is pretty amazing!

Scientific evidence of three and four strands of DNA

A few years ago, geneticists officially acknowledged the first case of a child with three strands of DNA. This child, named Alfie Clamp, was a two year old boy who became the only person in the world to be diagnosed with three DNA strands. Unfortunately, he was born blind and with severe disabilities. Recently, a Cambridge study is now suggesting that four strands (quadruple helix) of DNA also exist within humans. Some geneticists even believe that the human body has the potential to carry 12 strands of DNA.

There is a large group of geneticists that believes humans are going through a leap of evolution, which is why our DNA is changing faster than normal. These geneticists claim that we are evolving but they aren’t sure what we are evolving into. Some of the 97 percent of our “junk DNA” is also becoming more active, which could be one of the reasons why we are becoming more intuitive and intelligent.

This mutation of DNA from a double helix into a quadruple helix is predicted to have many affects on human life, including added perception and awareness. These mutations could affect our complete awareness as human beings and help us understand one of our most fundamental questions, how was life created or what is the origin of life?

Is DNA the key to spiritual enlightenment?


Many spiritual teachers believe that the activation of our higher strands of DNA will allow our body to process more data and expand our consciousness. The human brain is a miraculous organ that still contains a lot of mysteries. Did you know that a healthy human brain can process more than 400 billion bits of information per second? Did you also know that we are only consciously aware of 2,000 of those 400 billion bits of information at any given time. In other words, our conscious mind allows us to be aware of roughly 1 percent of reality. This means that the rest of the information of reality is processed by our subconscious.

Some geneticists suggest that there is more to DNA than just storing genetic information. They believe that by activating our DNA beyond the two strands, it allows us to anchor high frequency energies that can heal and change our body. As a result, our lifespan could increase and we may even activate certain dormant abilities, such as clairvoyance and telepathy.

There isn’t a concrete way of telling what these mutations in our DNA will bring, but it is essential that we acknowledge the changes of our genes and the evolution of our species, so we can understand why these changes are happening. If scientists and spiritual teachers are correct, then we may be evolving to have three strands of DNA and activating the higher strands could be the key to enlightenment.


In5D Addendum: It is this writer’s opinion that our DNA may be altered in a positive way through a combination of positive thoughts, intentions, sygils and ozone water, as I am currently experimenting in all of these ways on myself.

The following is an exceprt from SCIENTIFIC PROOF! Our DNA Is Mutating!

How can we change our DNA right now?

Dr Masaru Emoto’s research has concluded that water has consciousness.  Based on this premise, I have decided to experiment with water, Ho’oponopono, sigils and positive affirmations.

In February of 2012, I started drinking distilled water.

I also drastically changed my eating habits from your typical processed food, GMO-ladened diet to virtually all organic, including grass fed meat, fresh squeezed juices and homemade smoothies. Initially, I noticed an immediate change in my complexion as well as energy levels but after 7 months or so, I also noticed that I was losing my hair and wondered if that was attributed to drinking distilled water, so I stopped doing this but soon found something even more amazing.

After researching the benefits of ozone water, I decided to buy an ozone generator to infuse my water with extra oxygen. In addition, as per Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research into the consciousness of water, I added affirmations andHo’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness that follows 4 simple mantras:

1. I love you.

2. I’m sorry.

3. Please forgive me.

4. Thank you.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research show us that water has consciousness, so I combined Ho’oponopono with positive self-affirmations.

My affirmation is:

1. My pineal gland is fully open.

2. My chakras are clear and balanced.

3. My DNA codes are fully open to allow me to help myself and others in the best interests of humanity.

I decided to take this one step further after researching the power of sigils. A sigil is an inscribed or painted symbol considered by many to have magical powers.

Many corporate logos use symbols as a way to subconsciously influence us. A perfect example would be the Shell logo, which innocently looks like a shell, but it actually represents the sun and sun-worshipping, which preexisted before many religious belief systems.

Exxon uses symbols and sigils as a way to represent Saturn. In astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. Did you ever wonder why we exchange rings during wedding ceremonies? The rings represent the rings of Saturn (Satan). Look no further than the pre-Christian Christmas-time celebration of Saturnalia, which was a week of debauchery and drunkenness.

In this world of polarity and duality, the same practices can be done with pure intent.

I decided to make a sigil glass that contained all of my affirmations. This is what it looks like:

I buy 5 gallon jugs of BPA free spring water from Zephyrhills and dispense it from a water cooler. Even my dog drinks this water! I have an ozone machine by the water dispenser.
The particular ozone machine that I use is a A2Z Ozone Aqua 6 Multi Purpose Ozone Generator because it gives me the biggest bang for the buck with a 600 mg/h ozone output.

After pouring water into my sigil glass, I speak my affirmations to the water, then I apply Ho’oponopono. I finish by saying, “Please send these messages to every cell in my body. Namaste.

It is important to keep in mind that the ozone leaves the water relatively quickly, so your best bet is to drink it as quickly as possible.  Some reports say that it only lasts up to an hour or two before dissipating.

Since writing the above excerpt, I have also added a picture that includes what I looked like at a younger age along with the binary code that says, “All of my codons are open”… which looks like this:

011000010110110001101100001000000110111101100110001000000110110101111001 001000000110001101101111011001000110111101101110011100110010000001100001 01110010011001010010000001101111011100000110010101101110

I have also eliminated the first two affirmations and only say, “All of my codons are open” both forward and reversed. I still use ozone water and my sigil glass.

Perhaps I’m wasting my time but if people don’t experiment like this, then we’ll never know. If anything changes for the better, the readers of In5D will be the first to know!