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Galactic Federation of Light ~ Council of Orion, Jesus June 4,5 2013

Galactic Federation of Light ~ Council of Orion, Jesus June 4,5 2013
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High Council of Orion — Channeled Message — 4th Jun 2013
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
© 2013 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood

John Smallman — Jesus: Blame and Guilt are Illusory Concepts Which Tie you to the Illusion
Thanks to Wes Annac:

Link to John’s web blog:

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