Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: Your Earthly Experiences are but the Blink of an Eye
-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Greetings, dearest souls. It is I, Jeshua, speaking for our collective of Masters once again.

I come before you all to issue a message of Love and understanding for where you are at currently along your spiritual growth. Every one of you is bred from the awesome and pure realms of our Heavenly Father, and you have been given assistance from various souls who have incarnated on your world to spread the Light and truth that you can all tap into and begin to understand.

You can understand the teachings that I brought forth and so much more, upon tapping into and discovering your personal inner-held realms. Every one of you has the ability to access a vast tapestry of energy and communication, and upon opening yourselves up to the brimming messages and inspiration the realms of spirit have to offer, you will find yourselves virtually unlimited in what you can Create and experience for yourselves.

You will find the purest troths of energy you have accessed as of yet, and you will find fruitful and brimming communications with myself and a plethora of other souls who are actively interested in the ascension of your Earth and who are and have been doing everything we can in every moment to see you able to assimilate the continually-pure vibrations you’re being given.

An Ordained, Divine Mission
I incarnated on your dear planet to spread the truth and Light I could naturally feel brimming within Myself and like many of you, I recognized that I was on your world to perform an ordained and Divine mission.

I remembered My full identity as a free and spiritual being and My dearest children, I very dearly wish for you to unlock this perspective; this knowledge and understanding, as well. Doing so will truly see you uninhibited and unlimited in your quest for knowledge and spirituality, as your quest for such things has in truth been a quest to unlock and understand deeper parts of your Selves.

So very many souls look to My name and image and what I represent as a type of Divine, spiritual identity which they immerse themselves into, and it is indeed ok to seek solace and guidance in My specific energies; even if one is doing so because they have been falsely led to believe I am the only true and pure conduit for Divine truth and Light to be brought forth.

Indeed, this is not so and again, every one of you can tap into the truth and Light I held and still hold, and work to enlighten and educate those around you who are still temporarily lost in the mucky residue of the third dimensional Earth experience.

Your planet has hosted quite dense energies indeed, and this is why the Light has taken a mass presence on your world in the form of the incarnation of every one of you and of so many others who, like Me, have come to the Earth feeling the natural Light and understanding that the entire collective of humanity truly deserves to feel and know again.