The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Ascension-Effects, A Rapid Evolution and Fourth Dimensional Growth
by Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your conscious experience as you go about it is sustained upon a frequency of reality. The specific octave of consciousness you exist upon breeds an equally-specific type of experience, and as you rise in consciousness you find the density around you growing lighter and lighter.

You will find yourselves beginning to weigh less as you go about your physical ascension processes, and one of the initial symptoms you will notice when your perceptions are kicked into a noticeably high gear will be the seeming weightlessness of your form. Your experiences will brim much more with joy and synchronicities than they do even currently and in general, you will find your moods very easy to lighten.

You will find yourselves sparkling with exuberant, Divine energy and you will attach an energy to yourselves that is recognizable in a plethora of pregnant women who seem to be “glowing” when taking in a new Life and a new soul which, in your most recent decades, will have (likely) come from the higher realms to help the Earth find Her ascension and to help Her collective awaken in time for such an ascension.

In regards to this, the entire collective of humanity is finding an increasingly pure understanding and perspective and while it does not yet seem to be so, we ask you to trust that the inner-workings of the Divine are awakening a plethora of souls who would have otherwise chosen to remain asleep.

Preparing to Feel the Effects of Ascension
The assistance you are all offering is largely helping to initiate the widespread, collective awakening taking place, and we attempt to explain some of the initial ascension-related symptoms you will feel when the purest of energies and perceptions begin to descend down in a partial effort to prepare you for such feelings.

While we do not feel you will be overwhelmed by the time they come about, we simply wish to see you ready and will give as much assistance and guidance along the way of doing so as we possibly can, for our Love for you is so very strong and pure.

We are helping to prepare you to understand the brimming realms of full consciousness you have been working toward for so very long, as every bit of understanding you have gained about the higher realms is not to be scrapped altogether, but upgraded.

You are discovering the higher realms through the filters of your (currently) lower dimensional minds, and your opening hearts are helping you to gain purer and purer glimpses into the higher realms in every moment. You are growing your perceptions of these realms, and along with this will come an easy ability to understand much of what would still seem too complex or complicated for your expanding minds and hearts to comprehend from your current perspective.

Your perceptions are increasing in purity, and your perspective in every moment will begin to reflect this increase as you find yourselves growing and learning exponentially.