Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 19 May 2013
Thanks to Méline Lafont:

Arcturian Group welcomes all readers to another message of light and love. We are here to assist all those choosing to ascend into the higher dimensional energy now becoming ever more apparent with each passing day.
Those choosing to ascend must experience the clearing of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy fields which is the release of any old dense energies still being carried from the past (or present).

This can be an uncomfortable process. You may find yourselves experiencing days when you cry, are depressed, or angry for no reason. You may be crying and laughing at the same time while being able to rationally observe the experience much as if you were standing outside of yourself watching. Many (not all) will re-experience some intense emotional energies as they release. Allow them go, not claiming them back in as your personal problem for when you say to yourself; “I am so depressed” or “I need medication, better go get some pills” you hinder the releasing process.

Releases from physical cellular memory will often flow through the body’s weakest area resulting in issues involving a particular area over and over again. Energy release is also done in dreams. An individual may have dreams of some violent activity such as being a fighting warrior and wonder why. These dreams are probably the release of stored cellular memory from actual experiences. Energy may also release in the exact spot of an old injury where cellular memory still holds the traumatic event. People living with excessive fears–water, heights, certain animals, etc. still carry in their cellular memory some traumatic past experience involving these things.

We have discussed clearing in previous messages, but wish to remind you that all who have chosen to move spiritually forward must clear. You cannot take the old and dense energies of the third dimension with you into the new and higher. You are also in the process of opening blocked meridians upon which energy flows as well as clearing the seven chakras and bringing in new ones. Much is going on within you now dear ones, so remember this as you experience these clearings. Try to avoid rushing to some third dimensional medical diagnosis with these experiences but do not hesitate to see a doctor if you are being guided to. Know that many of today’s physical issues for evolving souls is the clearing and release of old energy.