Blossom Goodchild April 17, 2013

Good morning! Well I have certainly found my mind to be in some miserable places lately … yet today FEELS so much better , so I thought it best to pop in for a chat whilst the going’s good. Someone asked if we would have integration with you within our life time … (don’t know if they were 75 or 15 … guess that could make a difference) yet you surely get the gist ?

Welcome to you and your more chirpy persona. We would answer your question with a definite ‘yes’. Over these next few years the changes that you are all to encounter will be widespread and phenomenal. The more the soul merges with the Higher vibrations the more quickly ‘plans’ can come about.

Yet … do we not have to wait for a certain percentage of ‘man’ to wake up? So many feel that they are being held back because of this.

Yet as the energies rise and remain … so many more WILL wake up. There are many more now that have chosen to. Especially since the month of Dec last year. They FEEL an urge to express themselves differently and matters that were once ‘off the radar’ are beginning to interest them and each in their own time shall ‘come around’.

What one must accept is the duality pull. It is in its heightened position at this stage and hence many are feeling so ‘pulled apart’ … so out of sorts. We would suggest ‘going with the flow’. Neither fight it or deny it … just accept it. Keep within your soulself the Knowledge that this is part of the plan. We would also suggest that there are matters that concern all regarding the cementing of certain ways into their BEING.

What ways do you speak of?

Ways of mastery. Ways of diligence. Ways of taking back control. The more you assist yourselves in harbouring within your Being the ways that are of LIGHT … the ways of TRUTH … the ways that MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD … the ways THAT MAKE YOU KNOW YOU ARE ON TRACK … then the stronger your SELF becomes and in these NEW TIMES … these NEW ENERGIES … you will find by doing so … that you are reaching stars that felt so out of reach.

As you learn and accept the integration of the Higher energies of yourself ‘moving in’ … you will certainly be astounded at ‘WHO YOU HAVE BECOME’.

I understand what you are saying. At the moment I am very aware that what I am ‘putting myself through’ is all for a reason and that when I come out the other side … I will have become the soul that I am creating through these experiences. There is such a KNOWING that we are moving up … yet the signs seem to be pointing in the other direction … on the surface.

And that is exactly right Blossom. All that you are experiencing … all that many of you are experiencing … is TRULY only surface stuff.

Really? … Try telling my face that! For that which I have been experiencing of late seems really deep … some ‘dark night of the soul’ stuff going on … it doesn’t FEEL at all like it is surface.

We would suggest that it has ‘come’ from deep within and is having its final display of ‘holding on’.

Yet it has a pretty deep grasp!

Not at all. Because of where it comes from … your mindset FEELS as if it is of the deepest networking.

Networking? Not sure I get the use of that word.

Because dearest soul …

THIS IS A TIME WHEN YOU ARE RELEASING ALL THAT NO LONGER SERVES. Is it not so that much has accumulated over time regarding issues and feelings and put downs that have deeply scarred?

I guess so. Yet I feel, as do many … that we have dealt with much of these ‘traumas’…for want of a better word.

And you have! Let us put it this way. You may have dealt with them on a deep level and they removed themselves from the deepest place within … to the outer rim if you like . They ‘play around’ now and then … and it can take you by surprise … for you thought you had let them go.
This is what we mean by networking. For it is as if each of ones ‘misdemeanours’ … each ‘trait’ or experience that left a scar to be dealt with … is now on the surface and hanging on for dear life. It is as if they are ‘networking’ amongst themselves in order to ‘gather strength’ for they know they are on their way out … for good.

This is why so many of you are FEELING as you do. The Higher energies that are entering your atmosphere and indeed your BEINGS is STRICTLY making it quite clear they have ‘served their purpose’ and that it is now time to leave. It is up to the individual as to how long they desire the ‘splitting of ways’ to prolong.