The Ascended Masters: Revelation upon Revelation Awaits Humanity
APR 19 by Wes Annac

The Ascended Masters: Revelation upon Revelation Awaits Humanity
APR 19
Posted by Wes Annac
-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Note from Wes: This is the second part to what was originally one message from the Ascended Masters. I’ve given this message as well as a few posts this morning, but I will be out for today.

You are all acting in accordance with and receiving energies from Gaia’s grid of Light when performing your collective and individual blessings, and the Light that you receive is being increasingly purified as you find yourselves better able to absorb purer encodements of it.

This Light energy will be instrumental in exposing to you and clearing out all of the old third dimensional dross and drama that has kept you in shackles of illusory limitation for so very long, and the awareness being spread at present is garnering a widespread collective awakening to and understanding of not just the injustice that has been wrought on your world for far too long, but of the metaphysical realms that lay beyond your conscious perspective as well as your abilities to interact with them.

Startling Truths & the Filter of Discernment
You are growing into your roles as energetic alchemists, and this will continue as you begin to realize your Divinely-sanctioned powers more and more. An opened heart will see you very easily able to receive the inpouring impressions being given from the higher realms, and we ask each one of you to have an open perspective as we gradually begin to introduce truths through this and other channels that may startle you or initially spark disbelief.

Indeed, things have been said through this scribe that did not go on to reach the public eyes and hearts, because much of the information we have to give is of such a startling nature and of a nature so outside of the paradigm of even the awakening Lightworker public, that we must be careful with the issuance of our communications.

We must work thorough the “filter” if you wish to call it that, of discernment that has been established within each one of our scribes, though this discernment is more than necessary to develop as each one of you dear scribes have, at times, found energies around you that were not of the highest and purest Christed consciousness of us or of the other ascended souls speaking to and through humanity at this time.

There will be so very much to tell you, and some of the most startling truths will indeed be brought about in the disclosure announcements rather than through specific scribes who may not believe what we are saying because of the “too good to be true” mindset and because of the sheer awesomeness and paradigm-expanding nature of much of what we have for you.

Staring Down a Corridor of Experience
In the avenue of advanced technology, revelation upon revelation awaits humanity so that you can all understand what has been hidden from you and rightfully take back your world as you proclaim your sovereignty and freedom as a collective body. The unconsciousness of much of humanity has fed and driven the lower states of consciousness and the tyranny that has been wrought upon the Earth, which is why the missions so many awakening Lightworkers are finding set out for themselves are more important than ever.

At present, you are staring down an entirely new corridor of experience for yourselves to undergo, and while many of you remain comfortable in the old rooms and perceptions you have known for so very long; we ask you not to walk, but to run down this new corridor and to remember all of the features about it that you had previously forgotten.

Look at the pictures on the wall. Look out the window. Even go outside if you wish!

We use this metaphor to display the importance of not hanging on to your old and outdated belief systems or frames of think and feeling, as we encourage you to explore the new metaphysical territory that is now fully yours for the exploring. You will remember so much of what you find, as you have all traversed the higher realms before making your ways to the Earth and you all carry the subconscious memories of these ventures within yourselves.