Light Is Flowing Through Our Veins

September 18, 2011


I wanted to share a bit about what I've recently been feeling and perceiving while awake and asleep. This stage is new to me/us so there will be more information about this stage to come I'm sure. Put simply, I can feel the hormones throughout my body's blood system, brain, and Chakra systems changing now! The other night while asleep and out-of-body I heard the statement that, "Testosterone levels are being reduced in males and females." I immediately thought, well just that alone is going to monumentally help everyone!
What I've been feeling is that something very positive is happening throughout our hormonal and blood systems. Said another way, we've got new Light Energy flowing through us now that's rapidly altering, evolving the hormonal levels and production throughout our physical bodies and brains, which will naturally affect our consciousness also. Stair Steps remember? I believe Lisa Renee talked about this particular process in her September 2011 article and called it "Liquid Light" and "Diamond Sun Crystal Body". [Full article here ]
Here's a quote from Lisa Renee about this:

"For those of us that have made it to the other side, the inner peace and supportive energy has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. (So this means YOU will get here too!) It is very clear that the Liquid Light of the Christ Sun Body is here, and we can feel it "living" inside our body. We are making a new residence for the Diamond Sun Crystal Body within our person and within the planet, and a joyful optimism is emanating from our hearts that we "made it"! We are learning the new "Diamond Sun" sensory language, as this is a new level of energetic communication that has completely changed the way we process information…"
"…Many of us have recently had our 7D crucifixion implants released and are awaiting the monadic attunement in the next weeks to this merkabic circulatory system that runs the Krystic Living Light throughout our body…"

In April 2011 I wrote an article, First The Rewiring, Then The Power Gets Turned On in which I talked about further embodying, "Prototyping" more of the new Light Energies. [Full article here ]
As with everything in the Ascension Process these transformations must unfold incrementally through numerous Stair Steps and stages otherwise too much too fast would harm or destroy our lower frequency bodies, brains, nervous systems, electrical systems, psyche, hormonal/endocrine/Chakra systems and everything else. Too much higher frequency Light poured too fast into a smaller, more dense physical container would energetically and physically rip it apart, so the Ascension Process of us transmuting our physical bodies while we remain in them must happen in incremental Stair Steps so our minds and our bodies survive and repeatedly adjust to the ongoing Process.
But…we've finally reached the point where the higher Light Energies (Source designed and generated higher frequency "architecture" or patterns) is rapidly coming online within those of us who multidimensionally embody and anchor first (the "Prototypers") and is flowing through our hormonal chemistry, our veins, nerves, cells, heart and consciousness and more of us are currently feeling these wonderful upgrades within our bodies and individual realities now. Know that this is just the beginning of many more amazingly wonderful evolutionary/ascension changes happening inside our bodies and consciousness, which is naturally and automatically reflected in our external world realities and the new Group collective. Fear not and continue to let go of all you must today, tomorrow, next week and for however long you/me/us need to do so because nearly incomprehensibly wonderful replacement patterns and materials from Source are currently firing-up in every physical Light-filled cell and drop of our blood.
September 18, 2011
Copyright © 2011–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.