Sunday, August 14, 2011

I am feeling like my alternate reality as Kepier on the Starship Athena is slipping away from my consciousness, so I am going to start writing about it. Writing about my multidimensional experiences and sharing them with others helps me to remember my true SELF. 3D life can capture us and make us believe that it is real. I don't want that to happen, as I know that if I do, I will get really depressed. Therefore, I am staring a file about Life on the Starship. The first entry will be:


Sleep here on Athena is more like a multidimensional journey. Consciousness does not blink out as it does in third dimensional sleep. Instead, our consciousness is greatly expanded. We only need to sleep about once a week in earth time. However, time is very different here. Therefore, we would measure our need for “sleep,” not in time, but instead in a knowing within that tells us that we are needing to travel inter-dimensionally to visit higher expressions of our SELF for comfort and learning.

Since we are beyond time and space, we do not “leave.” Instead, we merely turn our focus away from the reality of the Starship and focus, instead, on the higher dimensional realities. Again, when functioning beyond time and space, it is difficult to describe that experience of inter-dimensional travel. I would say that the best example would be to say that for a moment of the NOW, which would be measured in the third dimension as a few seconds, we are not available to the duties of the crew because we are visiting and experiencing higher frequencies of reality. Just as you might wake up if something were to need your attention during your sleep, we could return our consciousness back to the Ship if necessary.

I realize that I am speaking as the one that I am in the fifth dimension. Before, it was someplace else or someone else to whom I would go. However, more and more, I am feeling that I really do have two realities at once. I know that I have many realities that resonate to the ONE of no time or space, but while I am still maintaining a physical body, having two realities at one time is more than enough.

In fact, since I have begun this process of integrating the essence of my fifth-dimensional stepping-stone SELF into my physical consciousness, I have been experiencing many changes in my physical body. Yesterday, I had extreme chills in which I was so cold that I was shaking. This never happens to me. I am always too hot. All that I could do was to go to bed and sleep. Sleeping is what I do a lot of in the third dimension. I feel that I need a great deal of sleep there because my earth vessel is changing more and more every day.

I actually feel as though my body is shedding off old levels of density. I have been losing weight, so perhaps that is making me run cold rather than hot. There is also a sensation of dizziness, which comes in quite often. It is not a dizziness where the world goes ‘round and ‘round. It is more of a dizziness that is a blurry sensation. It is like there is cotton in my head. It is more and more difficult to focus strictly on the third dimension. Mundane tasks of the physical world seem like trudging through mud.

I can feel my Core and the rise of the kundalini go up and down with practically no effort now. However, I do not create this experience of becoming Lightbody too often, as I know it would accelerate my transformative process. I'm not sure that my physical body could move any faster with its transformation than it is doing now. More and more I see my physical body as a form in which I live. I am not my physical body, but my physical body is mine, much like my house is mine. I can leave my house and it will still be there when I come back. However, I am not too sure that my physical body will there if I leave it too often. I feel like I have much more to learn about being in two worlds at once, so that I can maintain the health of my physical form.

There are many elements of my SELF that live within my physical body, and all these elements work together as a crew to guide my physical body through third-dimensional life. In the same manner, the crew members of our Starship all work as one being within the biological body of the Starship to move through daily life. As I am speaking about this, I am experiencing a great fuzziness in my head. I need to close my eyes and feel an emanation moving up and down my spine. Just as my physical body is on the edge of the very great transformation, I know that Gaia's body is on the edge of Her transformation.

It appears that third-dimensional life is beginning to unravel. The lies, deceptions, and many indiscretions are coming to the surface to be known by those who are willing to allow the third dimension to transform. Furthermore, as we are transforming we are realizing that we humans are having an effect on our environment. Just as we may feel that our body is changing beyond our conscious control, we also feel that our physical world is changing beyond our control. At the same time, we feel the responsibility of our influence over the shifts in our daily life. Once we can accept and take responsibility for the change within ourselves, we can more easily accept, and even celebrate, that the moment for which we have waited for myriad lifetimes is happening NOW.

As I sit here within this moment, I can feel the two realities in which I live. I know that living in these two realities is expanding my consciousness to the point that the activation of my Lightbody is being greatly accelerated. There are many ways in which we will create ascension. Planet Earth has always had myriad expressions of humanity living as one being on Her body. Just as we have had fights within ourselves, humanity has had fights with others.

Fortunately, we have discovered that if we try to fight, if we try to resist, our process of transformation gets much more unpleasant. Therefore, we are realizing that surrendering to our process and remembering that we are in the process of ascending is the best solution for the uncomfortable and exciting transformations that we are feeling within our form and within our daily lives.

I will close this message by taking a moment to revisit the Starship. Immediately, I sense an excitement and preparation for something that is soon to commence. I take a few moments to align my consciousness with the Ship and see the crew members scurrying around in a fast, yet organized, manner. One of my friends, grabs my arm and says, "Quickly! There is to be a meeting with the entire Federation. We can all observe it on the com-screen in the Lounge."

I rush along with her, wondering how she saw me when I thought I was pure consciousness. However, when I look at myself, I see that I am wearing my form as Kepier. I hear my human one wondering if she/me will be able to see, understand and translate the message that is being relayed to the Ship. I tell her to release her Ego, for that is the only portion of her consciousness that would doubt herself in such a manner.

Within that second, I am my human self once again. I can feel a sense of performance anxiety about whether or not I can receive the message. Also, since I sharing it, I feel a responsibility to "get the message right."

"Come on, hurry." I feel my friend tugging at my (Kepier's) arm. We are at the entrance to the Ship's Lounge, which has become much larger because there are so many people in here at once. Therefore, there is plenty of room for all of us as we settle in to hear the message.

"Members of the Starship Athena, we are joyous to be able to give you this message. I am Xyston, one of the Ambassadors to ascending Earth. As I speak, I am projecting many pictures of Earth, so that you can see how the frequency of the collective members of Her body are rising. We are so overjoyed about the sudden increase in the Light Quotient on the planet that we wanted to share this information with all of you who have worked so tirelessly to awakening your grounded expressions.

There are still many who slumber within their illusions, but more each Earth day are awakening to the awareness that there must be more. They do not know what that "more" is yet, but their curiosity is ignited, and their journey has begun. In fact, we invite you to look around the room to see how many of the crew members have been able to awaken their grounded ones enough for them to join this meeting. Will you all please congratulate these awakened ones?

In that moment, I feel a rush of love, acceptance and congratulations. I am both expressions of my SELF in this moment. I am fully aware that I am writing this event, but I am also aware of my presence on the Ship. That is, me the human one, MUST believe that this experience is true for is the the ME that I have always been deep, deep inside my Soul. I look at the other awakened humans and see the same mix of determination to believe and remnants of doubt. A few of us catch each others eye and we smile. Some of us are humanoid and some of us are not. Then, my attention is drawn again to the screen (actually it is a Holograhic Projection), as the Ambassador continues to speak.

"You are all aware of the complicated chain of events that must be coordinated before we can announce our next step. It is vital the this Ascension is a partnership between Earth's inhabitants, Gaia Herself and us, the members of the Federation. The Ascended Masters, Elohim and Angels are also important in this transition. The lost ones are becoming aware that the ever-increasing resonance of Earth is eroding away at their "power-over" others.

"We ask you all to send these ones your unconditional love. They have been feeling your gift lately, which has greatly confused them. They think only in terms of control and domination and cannot understand love being sent to them for "free." They find their changing environment very uncomfortable and find little comfort in the wealth that they have gathered at the expense of others. We ask that you remind them via your consciousness that money is NOT a component of the fifth dimension. Also, please tell your grounded ones that their financial worries are just one of the many third dimensional illusions.

"I will return you to your duties with knowing that you have made a wonderful contribution to the ascension. In closing, we ask that you remember to maintain an opened line into the aura and body of Gaia. In the same manner, the beings of Earth are sending their attention and intention into the consciousness of us, the many Galactic Beings who surround their planet.

Abundant congratulations to you, the crew member, as well as your grounded expressions."

The transmission ends, and I find myself before my computer typing this message. I know that the experience is real, but the glimmer of doubt still washes over me. I decide to accept that doubt. I will not fight it, but will, instead, send it my unconditional love.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I am feeling a need to return to the Ship now in my consciousness. I begin my return by merging with Kepier once again. I see her on her chair having her meditation. Perhaps, that is what called me to visit the Ship. I imagine that I am sitting on the chair too, which means that I must merge into that body to do so. I refrain from saying her body for in fact it is our body, the body we share while in this fifth dimensional life.

It gives me comfort to return here to this higher frequency of my SELF. There is much I love about the third dimension. No actually, I have discovered how to deeply love the parts of the third dimension that I do love. There is still too much darkness here, but I think the word there, as I have become Kepier. As Kepier, I continue my thoughts from the perspective of the fifth dimension.

From this viewpoint I can look at 3D Earth with a new eye. I look down into that dimension to see that, indeed, the light there has grown greatly. As I do so, I feel the many other members of the Ship who are also following our orders to maintain our loving vigilance over the third dimension, for it greatly needs us at this time. Our grounded ones are awakening enough now to feel our attention, as many of us on the Ship are joyful to direct our expanded consciousness in their direction.

I go back to the meeting and the vision of the many awakening grounded ones who joined us in their fifth dimensional consciousness, even though their earth vessel was still connected to the planet. I understand now that they are practicing their ascension. Many have completed their Final Initiation in which they had to confront and heal their deepest fears. Therefore, they are now soaring forth with their ability to travel inter-dimensionally. In fact, as I expand my consciousness, I become aware that just as my grounded one has joined me, the grounded ones of many of the crewmembers have merged with them, as well.

Our multidimensional Ship is expanding its frequency range to encompass the third dimension. Just as what goes up comes down, what goes down comes up. Therefore, our circle of light/consciousness, which has expanded into the third/fourth dimensions, is now expanding our fifth dimensional ship into the sixth and seventh dimensions. I can feel the formless ones of our Arcturian Group Mind congratulating us for our work. I feel how they, too, they are beginning to inhabit our Ship in preparation for the “grand finale.”

I am aware that my grounded one is listening, so I must remind her that there is no time in our reality. However, there is a quacking of a Cosmic Moment of great transmutation that is building in potential. We can feel this potential within our form with expanded joy and unconditional love. I must tend to my duties now, but before I do, I send these feelings into the hearts and minds of any awakening ones who can receive it. My duties call, but I will bring my grounded one to “work” with me. It will give her a grand opportunity to practice being in two realities at once. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I am on the ship again. I closed my eyes to meditate, and I am instantly here. I say here instead of there, as I am beginning to morph into this reality much easier each time I come here. When if first started this site in the mid 1990’s I had to face my fear of judgment about the radical ideas I was receiving. In fact, I am just now beginning to release some of it, and there are some messages that still seems to “far out.” I guess I am talking myself into believing this experience. My body and primary awareness is in the third dimension typing on this physical computer, but my mind, at least a part of my mind, is on the Starship.

It does not surprise me that I would find myself on a Starship, as it has been an obsession all my life. In fact my return to Kepier began when I first “came out” publicly that I had been abducted by the Zeta as a child in December of 2010. It was then that I remembered that I had first merged with Kepier in the 1994, before I even began this site. Since then my inter-dimensional experiences have greatly accelerated. There is a part of me that doesn’t want to share my experiences on the Ship, but I must be true to what I believe is my Mission of documenting my process of ascension. Therefore, I will continue explaining my experiences on the Ship.

When I arrive at the ship (for I am typing as I am experiences) there is a flurry of activity and a sense of preparation. This time I experience myself as pure consciousness. However, the crewmembers are able to see me in this form and tell me where to find Kepier. I could have found her myself, but I needed to know that they could see me. I also see others like me, who are here as pure consciousness and still hold forms on third dimensional Earth. Since these people are pure consciousness like me, there is no form to see. Nonetheless, I smile as I see that I have been communicating with some of these people via the Internet, which is also communication via pure consciousness. I like not having a visual of their face to distract me from my experience of the FEEL of the person.

I hear inside now that traveling as pure consciousness and merging with the pure consciousness of other inter-dimensional travelers is a component of preparation for ascension. We are all moving our consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond to prepare the place in which our entire being will eventually go. I am now reminded that many of us will go to several places, but since my anchor of physicality is still on Earth, I can only deeply experience one place at a time.

I know now that I chose this Starship to be that place because I often came here as a child. But, of course, I forgot those experiences. I remembered the times I was in the frightening ship of the Zetas, as fear resonates easily to third dimensional Earth especially when I was young just after WWII. Now Earth is resonating more to love, and it is easier to remember these Starship visits. I encourage any of you who read this information to tell people about the fifth dimensional signature frequency/place (place is not really a 5D word) into which you are increasingly visiting. In this way, inter-dimensional travel becomes more “normal.”

I return again to the Starship and find that I am on the Bridge. I see the holographic screen of our surrounding area and see the myriad other Starships that surround ours in the higher dimensions of Gaia’s aura. Our very existence here is extremely helpful to Her planetary ascension because we fill Her aura with peace, calm and unconditional love. Then, Gaia is able to pass that feeling on to Her many inhabitants. The cetaceans are joyful to commune with the Starships. In fact, I feel their beautiful essence and mourn for all the damage that humans have done to them.

In fact, as I perceive Gaia from this perspective, I mourn the many things that we humans have done to them while in our physical vessels. I find that everyone on the Bridge is feeling similar emotions and we join into ONE consciousness to send our loving compassion for Gaia, who has been such a brave Being during Her millions of years of physical expression. Just like her many inhabitants, Gaia no longer feels like she can confine Herself in a physical expression to the third dimension and longs to return to the higher frequencies. In fact, the longing of our grounded ones is directly linked to Gaia’s need for return Home.

I am experiencing the multidimensional nature of the crewmembers. However, they can share my revere while they continue with their duties. As a visitor of pure consciousness, I am free to observe without any responsibilities. In return, they can all read my Soul. Hence, they know who I am and that I am one of their grounded ones practicing my Return. Nonetheless, I realize that I am to leave the Bridge now. I respect this feeling and instantly find myself in the Lounge again.

I need to inform the reader that my visitations are limited by the information that my human brain can translate into English. I can feel inside of me that there are many things going on that I cannot translate into language. In fact, the attempt to do so lowers my frequency to the extent that I can no longer experience the Ship. Therefore, I need to be satisfied with comes through my consciousness and into the computer. Nevertheless, I feel a need to stop typing for a minute and experience the Ship without the need to translate the experience into language. I will return…


I am back, at least the grounded me is back. However, since everything in this journey happened in a multidimensional way this experience may be difficult to translate into 3D language. What I mean by that is that I was having several experiences simultaneously within the same NOW. I was being taught, actually I am being taught, to experience multidimensionally then “save” that experience into a 3D file to be pulled up when I return to the computer and computer brain. I will try to do so now, know that I may be too much of a novice to pull it all up.

It is as if some of the information I received is “saved” on a frequency that I cannot access with my human computer-brain. I understand that the full potential of my multidimensional brain would likely overload the Third Dimensional Operating System of my 3D version brain. Therefore, until my I learn how to us my Multidimensional Operating System, there needs to be a system of saving a “file” on a certain frequency. Then when my consciousness extends to that frequency, I can easily read it. Also, the stored file can slowly download bits of information to be processed when I am ready.

Now I will try to relay my multidimensional experience. The easiest information to remember is what happened at first. After a while, my thinking was too multidimensional for me at this time and the information was saved to a higher frequency file. What I first experienced is that I was in two realties at once, the reality of New Earth and the reality of the Starship. I could simultaneously hold those two experiences at once, but when I tried to hold my physical reality along with those two, or even with one of them, I felt the density of my earth vessel pulling on my consciousness. Then, I could only hold onto one of the fifth dimensional realities along with my physical reality.

Fortunately, I could save some of the experience of being in two fifth dimensional realities at once in my human brain. What I received was that, since there is no time and no space in the fifth dimension, there is no separation. Hence, my 3D observer self could embrace two fifth dimensional reality if I completely release any thoughts of my physical self. While in connection with my physical self I could embrace my grounded self and one or the other of the two fifth dimensional realities.

While my consciousness is connected with my third dimensional thoughts, I could only experience of one of my fifth dimensional reality. On the other hand, when I released any thoughts of my physical reality, I could easily experience both fifth dimensional realities at the same time. I was shown how, initially, we will phase out our one reality for a seconds so that we can visit another. Then, with practice, we will remember how to have two realities running in our consciousness at one time. I think that I, as well as many others, am being trained to remember our multidimensional thinking.

The part of inter-dimensional travel, which I have not mastered, is to hold enough of our awareness in my earth vessel when I return to the third dimension. I have had trouble focusing on the third dimension sometimes, especially if it a mundane, boring action. The problem is that I space out, loose my balance, fall down or forget things. I think that my documentation of my experiences is good for me as it is a way of grounding my Multidimensional SELF into my earth vessel. Therefore, I recommend sharing your experiences with others if you are traveling inter-dimensionally.

The rest that I received is saved into a brain file with a higher frequency and no name. Therefore, I can’t recover it right now. However, I hope that I will be able to read those files when my consciousness again resonates to that frequency. I am getting the metaphor of a huge file cabinet. The information is filed in drawers that are so height that I need a ladder to reach them. I would have to open the drawer, find the correct folder, take out the file and read it. But, since I am balanced on a ladder, I will need to take that file down to my desk where I can sit down, relax and read the information.