Tag: inter-dimensional travel



4 May 2012

By Soluntra King


THE 1st MAY IS THE WINTER OR SUMMER QUARTER IN THE CELTIC CALENDAR The first day of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and the first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. IN THE SOUTH...

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Arcturian CORRIDOR – Your Multidimensional Reality


Inter-dimensional Communication

Blessings to our grounded ones, We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorporate our Corridor i...

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The Arcturians: It Has Begun


5 September 2011

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awakening, and are fully awakened, to your multidimensional consciousness. Consequ...

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Suzanne Lie – Life ON THE STARSHIP 4


Monday, August 29, 2011 8-29-11

I am feeling a need to return to the Starship again. I have been writing my last newsletter about Inter-dimensional Travel, which took most of my meditative time. It is interesting how difficult i...

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More Arcturian Interviews with Jefferson


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Interview on 05/26/2011

Chapter 6 Part I

Arcturians: Jeffrees, our dear grounded one. Do you have a question for us?

Jefferson: Yes I do. I was wondering why people receive extraterrestrial visi...

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Suzanne Lie – Life on the starship – part 1, 2 & 3


Sunday, August 14, 2011 LIFE ON THE STARSHIP 1

I am feeling like my alternate reality as Kepier on the Starship Athena is slipping away from my consciousness, so I am going to start writing about it. Writing about my multidimens...

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Suzanne Lie: Being a Planet


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear Arcturians,

I know that there is much more in my last message than I was able to write at that time. Can you please assist me to fill in what I have not yet received?

Dearest ONE,

You are...

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011  

I had a meditation in which I had a vision of an area (actually it is a frequency) of space that we are now entering. I heard that we are on the edge of entering this area/frequency of space right ...

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THE RETURN is actually the third book in a trilogy. In the first book was VISIONS FROM VENUS, wrote about my first visit to Earth at the fall of Atlantis. I then strung together several of my past/alternate realities into the tale of ...

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SaLuSa 12-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

The meek shall inherit the Earth, and these are of course those of you who have found your Love and Light within. Not only that, you live by your understanding of what that means where your relationship to other souls are concerned. To see each other as One means you accept that all are from the One Source. Therefore you would no more raise your hand against your brothers and sisters, than smite yourself. True love of others raises all of you together and once you understand the purpose of life, you see there is no gain to be had at their expense. The problem for eons of time is that you have been taught to put Self first in the pursuit for survival. The survival of the fittest and strongest is the Law of the Jungle, and not for Man who has the potential to become a God. You are powerful Beings, who have the capability of reaching levels of Christ consciousness.

What you have been in the cycle of duality is but a shadow of your real Self. Albeit that you have had to experience much negativity to find your Light, but with the intent to lift yourselves up you have succeeded in discovering the true path. You have progressed at such a fast rate in this lifetime; you now stand ready to take a quantum leap forward. Instead of despair and little hope, you have found that the true path is the promise of return to the higher levels of Light. The Earth may have its attractions, but your paradise will not be found in the lower dimensions. Everything that you have ever dreamt of awaits you with the coming of Ascension, and subconsciously you know that to be so and it drives you onwards.

Now you see the last acts of those whose eyes are still shut, and would prevent your upliftment if they could. However, they are doomed to failure and are already in disarray, as they can no longer hold to their plan for total domination of Mankind. In fact, the Illuminati have accepted that their cause is lost, but they still harbor thoughts of somehow restoring their power. We can assure you that they have no chance of doing so. It is the Light that is now the controlling force, and is growing stronger by the day. Allow matters to act themselves out, and as they do so it will become quite clear that the promises made to you will be fulfilled. Indeed, the signs are already beginning to show the destiny for Mankind, and you will find that your sovereignty will be restored.

If you reflect on your experience of duality, you will surely see that there has been a divine plan to release you from it. It was never intended that it should completely engulf you, although many of you have touched the depths but have risen up again. All of your experiences have been placed within the mass consciousness, and each of you will benefit from them as it is unnecessary for each of you to experience everything personally. There will come a time when you will review your many lives, and it is as well that you remember that you chose your experiences. Even now you are moving through your final experiences, to bring your karma to an end.

We of the Galactic Federation do not consider you as lesser Beings, simply because your vibrations are lower than ours. We know that duality was your choice, and that you left the higher vibrations to face its challenges to lift up and find the Light once again. We see you as an ascended Being already, and admire your strength of character to take on such a challenge. When open contact commences, you shall see that our approach to you is as equals. We wish you to work with us and will introduce you to our technologies that we know you will quickly adapt to. Even now your knowledge borders on ours, and it means that once together no time will be lost before we get started. There is so much to do in a relatively short time, yet all will proceed as planned and completed by the end of your cycle.

Is it not strange Dear Ones to think that some 70 years ago, you would not have accepted the possibility that Beings like us existed? You held the idea that we could not reach you, because it would take too many Light Years to do so. Yet in that comparatively short time since, you have learnt about other dimensions, and how we can use them for inter-dimensional travel. Now you accept that intelligent life can reach you from far-flung constellations. Indeed you are also aware of parallel Universes, and your understanding of life expands even further. Life abounds everywhere and yet most of it is invisible to your eyes, as it vibrates too highly to be registered by you. However, when you have ascended the whole Universe opens up to you, and you will meet Beings of all types in addition to those more readily recognized as human.

In your own way you have plenty of excitement and adventures on Earth, but when you have earnt the right to Galactic travel they will be far more fulfilling. Think about what you have learnt from the different races upon Earth, such as their cultures and religious beliefs, then think of it on a Universal scale and imagine how much more there is to consider and understand. On Our ships you will meet some Beings that are not humanoid, and they are also Galactic Federation Members. You tend to judge people from their outer appearance, whereas we see the inner soul and know we are One.

With regard to what we have told you, you will understand that we cannot flood you with information too early on our initial contact. The fact that we really exist will be too much for many people, who have shut their eyes and closed their minds to such a possibility. However, in a gentle way we shall gradually bring out the truth about us, and how you are linked with us from times long gone. Many civilizations have had a hand in your evolution, and more you shall learn in all good time. Think upon it Dear Ones, why is it that in this Universe that all Beings are of the Human form; does this not tell you that the hand of God is in all things?

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as I look upon Earth I see a glorious Light rising up from the grids around it. It tells us in no uncertain terms that it is so powerful, that it cannot possibly be reversed or stopped from fully manifesting. That is the most wonderful sight and your future in the higher dimensions is assured.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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