crazy map from @nbcnightlynews showing all flights in air over U.S. at 6:30pm tonight. 


I am Archangel Michael, and I wish to tell you of something that is taking place in the skies around your planet. There has been an ongoing tirade of energy taking place in the cosmos. With this tirade has been an ongoing example of what it will be like on earth in the coming months. Look to this winter to be one of cleansing and movements within earth’s crust that will dispel any lost incidences of old negativity that may be trapped within the regions in the crust that have sealed over.

This will continue to take place, for within the confines of Gaia’s equilibrium comes the totality of what is bringing about the continuance of the turmoil on her surface. As these pockets of negative energy disband and release themselves to the winds they will be filled with the light of the Creator. This will bring about the kind of freedom that is referred to as the one that is forever and always. There will be no turning back from this release, for the energies that added to the negativity are leaving the planet and the hearts and souls of all life on Gaia.

This is a revolution in love and peace for all of you. Through the eons of life on planet earth there has been a great deal of stored up energy that has been relegated to places that have been opened to the negativity. With this dissipated and gone forever, there will be no more of that kind of energy to draw upon itself. That means that as Gaia is cleared and as all of you are as well, there will be a freedom that you have not in your time on earth experienced before.

I tell you this because as you are going through the clearing yourselves you are experiencing much turmoil and an elevation of expectation as to who will come and help you through it. That is because we are here, all of us, to stand by you and to assist you through the worst of it. Without your permission in this we would only be able to stand by and watch as you experience the release. Because you saw on a soul level what you would be doing at this point in your evolution, you agreed as a whole body that it would be necessary for our assistance when called for at the time.

We are here now beaming out love brightly to you. We apply to that light our love and our energy of being able to interpret your own ability to rise above what is taking place within each and every one of your physicalness. This is enabling you to determine how much to release at any given time, and in what way. Yes, you are the setters of the map to your freedom. We supply the necessary energies that are not accessible to you at this time.

Realize that before too much longer you will be able to access those energies within you, for they are inherent with you since the beginning of your existence. With so much of that energy lying dormant for so long, we are helping you to energize that very seed that has been with you forever. Now you are reawakening that seed of creation within and in that awakening you are remembering bits and pieces of what it is that you are endowed with.

That will be the creation energy with which you carry through the next phase of your lives on earth. You will be recreating your life on Gaia’s surface and you will be doing it in harmony and co-operation with her. It will be a majestic and incredible happening, for nothing like this has taken place in this universe before. You are the keepers of the flame of re-creation and as you run with the flame of truth you will express in so many ways how it is and what it takes to be who you are, and to live in peace, joy and love forevermore.

I entrust my sword of light to all of you as you come down through the ages of history on planet earth and wipe clean the slate of indecision and futility. You will fill the spaces with all of the love and creativity in the harmony and balance that you are capable of, and that is an infinite amount. So be happy dear ones and experience these next few months with the knowledge that as you clear out all that has been accumulated you are making your way toward the destined outcome that you are sensing now is in your favor.

See all that comes about in the coming months as the celebration of the house and body clearing that exemplifies all that you have been preparing for and will live in a way that is so refreshing as to topple even the worst towers of forbidden fruits there could ever be. You are on the homestretch, and we are here with you all the way to the Promised Land. It is of your making. Celebrate this New Year from this moment on. It will enable you to flow through what is ahead, for you’ll know that at the end of the rainbow is the pot of gold that surpasses all others.

I leave you now to your day, and I encourage you to sing your hearts out and dance to the winds of change for they are your creation and heaven applauds your ingenuity, for the potential expresses in the name of destiny.

Thank you Dear Archangel Michael,


   ~Nancy Tate