Tag: keepers (page 1 of 2)

Secret of Immortality

The secret of physical immortality is one of the deepest occult secrets of the Light forces that has never been revealed to anybody who has not reached a certain vibrational frequency, a certain inner purity and a certain degree of dedication to the Li...

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A Major Victory for the Open Web

Excerpt from blog.mozilla.org
We just accomplished something very important together. Today, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted for strong net neutrality protections. This happened because millions of people — including many hundreds of thousands in Mozilla’s community — joined together as citizens of the Web to demand those strong protections.

This is an important victory for the world’s largest public resource, the open Web. Net neutrality is a key aspect of enabling innovation from everywhere, and especially from new players and unexpected places. Net neutrality allows citizens and consumers to access new innovations and judge the merit for themselves. It allows individual citizens to make decisions, without gate-keepers who decide which possibilities can become real. Today’s net neutrality rules help us protect this open and innovative potential of the Internet.

Mozilla builds our products to put this openness and opportunity into the hands of individuals. We are organized as a non-profit so that the assets we create benefit everyone. Our products go hand-in-hand with net neutrality; they need net neutrality to bring the full potential of the Internet to all of us.

Today’s net neutrality rules are an important step in protecting opportunity for all. This victory was not inevitable. It occurred because so many people took action, so many people put their voice into the process. To each of you we say “Thank you.” Thank you for taking the time to understand the issue, for recognizing it’s important, and for taking action. Thank you for helping us build openness and opportunity into the very fabric of the Internet.

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  Untersberg is a mountain on German-Austrian border which is one of the key vortex points for the planetary liberation.  For many millennia, many caves on the mountain served as entry points into vast underground tunnel system which led into...

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Wake up Call: Archangel Michael – Dec 30, 10


I am Archangel Michael, and I wish to tell you of something that is taking place in the skies around your planet. There has been an ongoing tirade of energy taking place in the cosmos. With this tirade has been an ongoing example of what it will be like on earth in the coming months. Look to this winter to be one of cleansing and movements within earth’s crust that will dispel any lost incidences of old negativity that may be trapped within the regions in the crust that have sealed over.

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It’s hard sticking to Service To Self…

Having a coffee just now after having done the dishes, and spending almost an hour on cleaning the toilet (including the little room it is in), I came to consider that Service to Self sucks bigtime! Not only must you find a selfish based reason to j...

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Akashic Records for July 2010

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 3 July, 2010)

What energy and experiences can we expect in July 2010?

This month has a lot of forw...

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Important Preparation

Humanity is experiencing a quantum shift this year in every facet of our lives. The end result of this acceleration of energy, vibration, and consciousness will be an extremely positive event for everyone. Unfortunately, due to the challenges surfacing in people’s lives to be healed, many do not realize the opportunity at hand. Instead of empowering their hopes and dreams during this unique opportunity, people are being overwhelmed with fear and feelings of helplessness. For this reason, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers around the world to redouble our efforts. We are One, and we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity.  We are being called to action! The time for us to accept the responsibility of being our sister’s and brother’s keepers is NOW!

I know that many Lightworkers are also feeling overwhelmed. The difference is that regardless of outer appearances we know within the deepest recesses of our hearts that we are going to be God Victorious, and that everything we need to serve the Light on behalf of our fellow Human Beings and all Life on this planet is already within us. We are powerful beyond our knowing and when we join our hearts and minds together we are invincible. This is the level of heart commitment that we are being asked to reach at this time. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to amplify our unified efforts a thousand times a thousand fold.

At this very moment, our I AM Presences are increasing the frequency of vibration within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum we can endure in every 24-hour period. This may feel a little bit stressful, but it is enabling us to receive higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced. Remember, Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based mis-creations of our human egos which are surfacing to be healed. The more Light we can project into this surfacing negativity the faster it will be transmuted, and the sooner the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will tangibly manifest in our lives.

The year 2010 is being heralded as the Year of Manifestation by the Legions of Light serving this planet. After decades of tenacious work by millions of Lightworkers in every conceivable location on Earth, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will allow the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to begin physically manifesting. Pay attention to the positive things that are being brought to your awareness and you will confirm this for yourself. Do not focus on the bombardment of negativity that is designed to polarize people and to perpetuate fear and separation. Focus instead on the evidence of positive changes that are happening everywhere. Where your attention is, there you are. Empower only what you want to co-create in your life not the things that you do not want.

Here are some powerful invocations that have been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. When we say these invocations with deep feeling, we join in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers around the world who are also saying these invocations. Together we create a tremendous Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to heal the maladies manifesting in our individual and our collective lives. This will clear the way for the manifestation of our hopes, our dreams, and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Invoking The Violet Flame

Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I invoke ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame.

On behalf of myself and ALL Humanity, I AM now blazing the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame through every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth that is vibrating at a frequency less than the harmony and balance of God.

Beloved I AM, look into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity and see what yet remains to be balanced by us to any person, place, condition or thing we may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason.

Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the positively qualified energy we have released throughout our Earthly sojourns, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as we have ever done wrong.

Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt we have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.  

Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged us in any way, and balance all debts owed to us by Life everywhere.

I accept this done through the Power of God I AM.   And so it is.


Through the Divinity pulsating in my heart, I consecrate my life now to the reestablishment of my Covenant with God. I clearly know and understand with my new level of Divine Consciousness, that whatever I AM thinking, feeling, saying, or doing I AM empowering, cocreating, and magnetizing into my life.

From this moment forth, I dedicate my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings to empowering and cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. I begin with me, but I know that simultaneously I AM a surrogate serving on behalf of ALL Humanity, for we are all One. As I AM lifted up, all life is lifted up with me.

I invoke the entire Company of Heaven to come forth now. Blessed Ones, please assist me in this holy endeavor, and empower these activities of Light a thousand times a thousandfold.

Beloved Father-Mother God, I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Divine Love as I sojourn through my Earthly experiences.

I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.

I AM co-creating loving relationships in my life.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for being, and I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job.

I AM an example of Divine Family Life, including my place in the family of Humanity.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Potential as a son or daughter, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a woman or man, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, a steward of the Earth, a teacher, a way shower, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of the New Earth.

I AM a living example of  Divine Love, Trust, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Reverence for ALL Life.

I AM able to listen, understand, and communicate openly and honestly with every evolving soul.

I AM effortlessly Ascending into the Divine Heart and Mind of God with every Holy Breath I take.

Within the Causal Body of God, I AM tapping into the Divine Guidance and the viable solutions that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan and my purpose and reason for being.

I AM open to the Divine Guidance of my I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth. I easily communicate with these Beings of Light through open heart and mind telepathic communication.

I AM One with ALL Life, and I communicate openly with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms as well.

I AM daily and hourly fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan
and the Divine Plan for Beloved Mother Earth.

Sealing Affirmation

I now invoke the full-gathered momentum of the Violet Flame to transmute every thought, word, action, or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way interfere with or prevent these patterns of perfection for the New Earth from manifesting tangibly in the world of form.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. 

I accept that these patterns for the New Earth are victoriously manifesting even as I speak.

In God’s most Holy Name, I AM. And so it is!

(These invocations are from the book of invocations, I AM Co-creating the New Earth by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles)

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Day 7 – True Nature

Hi, Blessings on your Journey Brothers and Sisters...  I was unable to post the links to the videos at the end of this post.  They are with the original post at heroesofthenow.com...  And they are really awesome.  Check em out... Maybe Dre can get 'em linked up...  thanks Dre, if you do...  Marc 

I am Love and Kindness, I feel Love and Kindness, I share Love and Kindness, I Love myself completely, I Love all that I am, I Love all Creation.

Look at the Natural world around you.  The animals, birds, trees and stones, all of creation in the Natural world provides the clue.  Look around and see what is happening in the Natural world.  There is only joy, only celebration.  Only Love.  The Natural world shows us our True Nature if we let it.  We are part of that Natural world, but over 1000’s of years we have disconnected from this.  Humanity has come to be the conqueror of Nature, placing ourselves at the top of the chain, very much a domineering force.

We have done innumerable wrongs to our Mother Earth, to the Natural world with our influence.  We have come to a place in time, where the Natural World is suffering and trying to heal.  Our Earth Mother needs to heal and she is.  Many of the Wisdom Keepers are trying to communicate this at this time.  Humanity has been dominating and attempting to control Nature and it hurts all involved.

Today in our practice we go deeper.  We take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc.  We get into our breath and find our center.  We are grateful.  And as this all sinks deeper into our being we can begin to see.  There is a glimmer there, at the core of our beings.  The light, we are aware of it, but perhaps unsure.  In our quest to remember, this is a very important stage.

Here we must start to remember that we always have been a part of the Natural World.  We are no different than the birds singing to me right now through my window.  They are singing a celebration song to the rising sun, happy, joyous, free and filled with Love and Gratitude.  Do you celebrate the dawn of a new day so fully?  What about the spring blooms?  Do the flowers have an agenda, are they trying to conquer anything by rising up out of the ground and doing what comes Naturally?  No, they just do what is natural, growing towards the sun, blooming vibrant beautiful flowers that attract other collaborators within the web of life.  They are a pure expression of Love.  They are in their Nature.

So, today on this seventh day, a number of spiritual significance, we look for our True Nature.  It is right here  all around us if we drop all constructs and allow the Truth to shine bright.  Our True Nature is that of Love and Kindness.  All else is an illusion created over time to keep us from seeing.  We created it with the collective consciousness, it is what it is and now it is crumbling.

When we embrace our True Nature, we can see it much more clearly.  I am Love and Kindness and I take total personal responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions. Anything that I experience or promote through action, thoughts and words that is other than Love and Kindness is part of the illusion.

How do you feel right now?  What kind of experience are you having?  How does your body feel?  Where is your mind and what is it doing?  Journal about these topics.  Explore.  Go deeper and deeper into your being, into your sub-consciousness and shine the illuminating light of consciousness into the shadow places.  What does Love and Kindness mean to you?  Write a mini-essay on this topic for yourself and only yourself.  Make some time today to explore this notion and see if it works for you.  Ask the question… What is my True Nature.  Strip away all the fear, greed, anger, hatred, self-doubt, competition… remove all obstacles from the path and search the depths of your being for the Truth.  How do you feel?

I have come to experience that my True Nature is that of Love and Kindness.  I have seen where I have come off that path and gone against Creation, against my True Nature and have recognized it to be the source of my pain and suffering in those times.  With a deep experience of gratitude, I humbly submit to my True Nature.

  • I am Love and Kindness
  • I feel Love and Kindness
  • I share Love and Kindness
  • I Love myself completely
  • I Love all that I am
  • I Love all Creation.

Check out this 2 part video.  Watch it several times if you are so inclined, there is much wisdom shared.  Find yourself, find your Nature.  Embrace the vibrations of the Universe… Love.

Blessings on your Journey…

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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Akashic Records for April 2010

What energy and experiences can we expect in April of 2010? 

This month it is time to take action.  You have learned a lot.  Most of you have been in what you would call survival mode because so many challenges have arisen.  Many of you have been facing your fears for so long that you have forgotten what it was like to feel free.  With so much to learn, you have only been able to deal with one thing at a time and feeling oftentimes overwhelmed and unable to fully grasp the bigger picture.  There is nothing wrong with you for feeling this.  In fact, almost everyone on Planet Earth has been feeling this for the last several years.  This month it becomes possible for more of you to see the bigger picture or get a sense of what is to come. 

This is an important month to take action in regard to those things for which you have been waiting for so very long.  All of you have a list of things you hope will happen in your lives at some point.  You will also have a list of reasons that you have not done those things yet or those things have not yet come to pass.  This is the month when it is finally time for you to take action toward those things you wish to come into your life.  If you want to have a larger family, take action toward having a larger sense of family.  If you want a better job, take action toward getting a better job.  You will not find that these things come to be all at once, but the shift that occurs this month is that it is now time for you to take action.  Waiting will not serve you in any way at this point.  There is no more information coming.  There is no more skill you need to develop that will enable you to take the next step.  The next step may be to begin to develop a skill.  There is no reason to wait before beginning to develop that skill. 

April 2010 is a month of action.  It is time to make a list of things that you are going to do and do them.  Anything that stands in your way -- a self critical thought, a relationship that takes too much of your time, self sabotaging behaviors -- anything that stands in your way must be removed at this point.  Even if the action you take on any given day is very, very small, it is still vitally important that you take action.  This is a month when you will find that you simply cannot wait anymore to move toward and create the life that you really wish to be living. 

How can we best use the energy this month?

For many of you, the energy will come as a sense of relief or empowerment, especially if you really worked on building your sense of strength and support in your life last month.  What you are likely to feel this month is a sense of relief.  As the strength you have been building begins to take shape and form, as the weakening things in your life that you let go of last month are gone, you will find yourself with more free time with more energy free and available to pursue your dreams.  If you do not find yourselves with the sense that there is more time and energy available for you, is vitally important now that you look at those things that take most of your time and find a way to readjust the way you spend your time so that you do have more free time to pursue your dreams. 

The energy this month can feel really positive for those of you that have been facing your fears and owning up to and embracing the truth about yourself in your life.  You are going to find this month can feel really fun and energizing and like a relief.  Even though it will be a busy, productive, expansive month you will still feel a sense of relief.  It is as if the train is finally rolling out of the station and you can take a deep breath and move on. 

Are there any power days this month?

April 4 is a special kind of portal.  People usually talk about portals as being gateways to the heavens, but a gateway can also be a portal to the earth and that is what this month is.  It is your connection with Planet Earth.  The divine magical and sacred nature of every day life and mundane events is evident today.  On April 4 it is a great time for you to go about your day as a form of sacrament, as a form of meditation, dedicating the work you do on this day to the greater good of humanity and the divine.  This is a day when the sacredness of every day life will be evident and should be recognized and honored. 

April 8 is also an important day.  This day is a turning point.  Pay attention to anything that comes your way.  Know that anything that happens on this day is charged with meaning and you will not know until you get there what the meaning is.  Things will occur on this day that if they had occurred at any other point you may not have noticed.  But because they will occur on this day, they are going to catch your attention. 

It is important that you define for yourself your own sense of meaning.  Even if everyone things something wonderful has happened, if you do not feel wonderful about it, then consider that the event has more meaning for you; that there is something deeper.  Or vice versa.  If everyone tells you that something is terrible but you actually enjoy it, go ahead and define for yourself what the meaning is of the event.  There are deeper levels available on this day that makes it a turning point.  It is like you will understand yourselves in an entirely new way today.  It is almost as if you will wake up a different person.  Explore yourself and explore your life with fresh eyes on April 8.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about April 2010?

This is an important month for animals.  Animals always have messages for humanity, but particularly at this time animals are sending messages.  Animals are changing their behavior in ways that call your attention to humanity's next steps.  Pay attention to the animals in your personal life and also pay attention to animals on a greater scale.  Look for animal messages this month.  Look for ways that animals appear to you both as physical beings but also, an animal might appear in a movie or in a picture or photograph.  Pay attention to any animals that appear to you this month.  They have sacred messages.  This is an important month for working with animal totems and interacting with the wisdom of the animal world.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed. http://www.akashictransformations.com

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Message From Jeshua, March 2010, Expand The Love Of Your Sacred Heart To Unity Consciousness”

Channeler: Michelle Coutant

Hello Dear Ones,
Thank you all! What a beautiful response to the Clarion Call for translations. There are many translated messages on my website now! Many blessings, love, and gratitude for these gifts to our brothers and sisters.


Message From Jeshua, March 2010

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“Expand The Love Of Your Sacred Heart To Unity Consciousness”

Beloved Ones,

There was a time in your past, in the beginning, the inception of your beloved planet, Mother Earth, when she was known as the Garden of Edon. Every aspect and facet of your beautiful planet was clean and pristine, unsullied by the negativity and the density that has since come to pass upon your planet. Rivers ran clear and sparkling, the particles of water dancing in the sunlight, which streamed to you and your planet, as the life force strengthening you, your solar cells and your physical vessels. Your oceans teemed with life, and diversity beyond your imaginings. The whales and dolphins frolicked in love and joy, playing with you as you both enjoyed the purity of your creations in harmony with the Creator. The whales and dolphins are record keepers, as are you, and they have held a most valuable position of love and trust for you, Blessed Ones. They have held the light in your magnificent oceans, lighting up the depths of the waters, bringing the divine particles of light to all areas and aspects of your Divine oceans. All life upon your planet has evolved in perfect and divine order, as you too, have evolved in the most perfect evolution for each of you. You have chosen the lessons you must learn to bring your essence back to the light of your God Self, and you have chosen to experience great pain and suffering to fully insure that you would awaken to your essence, the God within you, for you are God. Every aspect and facet of you is God. Let there be no misunderstanding. You must now integrate this most blessed knowing, so that you may reach to the highest levels and merge with your Divine I Am Presence, your God Self.

As you become once again, one with your I Am Presence, you once again become one with all others, and one with all life. Again, Beloved Ones, it is the integration of this knowing, without out a doubt, which will bring you the unification you desire. Look into the eyes of others, these blessed beings that you share your beloved planet with. See the God in each and every being. As you live each day, every being you encounter is the God Source, just as you are the God Source. See God; see your Self reflected back to you in their eyes. There becomes a new knowing and deepening of your wisdom, and your connection to all Creation, when you begin to integrate this knowing and this knowledge, and it becomes the very essence of you. There is no separation, the separation as you know it has been a grand illusion, a game which you are about to bring to conclusion, and you are each triumphing as you have played the game with great strength and courage.

You are at a most blessed time in the creation of your dreams and heart’s desires, where you have all the abilities, to bring your beautiful and blessed Mother Earth back to perfection. It begins with the deep knowing, again, that you are one with all Creation, and you are the God Source. In this knowing, how can you be any other than one and integrated consciousness with your planet and all life that dwells upon her? Again Dear Ones, look into the eyes of all life, all animals, all living, sentient beings. Can you doubt that these blessed beings are each the God Source also? Each of these creatures is ensouled and is on an evolutionary path of their own. They too are ascending. They need your help, in love and joy. Understand that these blessed souls have a consciousness that is also unity consciousness. There is a consciousness in unity for the birds, for the tigers, for the leopards. All classes of the animal kingdom are directly connected to communicate, just as you, in the human form, communicate with each other.

You must now expand your consciousness to include the unity and the Oneness of all Creation, which begins at home with the unity and oneness of all life on your Mother Earth. Begin to expand your consciousness, by seeing God in each blessed being, be it in the human form, or animal form. Know that the mineral kingdom and your plant kingdom, all have consciousness and have agreed to be here at this time to assist you in your journey of ascension. Know that all is energy, all is consciousness. Every moment of the Now is Sacred and hallowed, a moment to remain in the love of your Sacred Heart and the unity of Oneness with all Creation.

Here in lays your pathway to returning your beloved earth to the perfection she desires and yearns to return to. Here in lies the answer to living in harmony with the blessed animals, and all life upon your planet. Here in lies this most blessed key to the peace and the harmony, and the love of the higher realms, that you so desire to experience upon your planet. Each one of you are a most important part of this process and hold your own key to unlock the divine mission that you, and you alone came here to accomplish. Rest assured that this mission of yours is one of love and joy and delightful co creation in harmony with your brothers and sisters.

Take this step, beloved ones and expand the love of your Sacred Heart, strengthen your will, your resolve, and know that I am here with you in the love of your Sacred Heart.


You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Jeshua through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.

Love and Many Blessings,


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Arrival of the Universal Timekeepers

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A great shift in perception, precipitated by recent global events, has created an opening for a new wave of energy to permeate the planet and by which a new group of enlightened souls can now be born into it.

This has great and timely ramifications for the planet and her people, for these souls are the gatekeepers of ascended consciousness. They are the universal timekeepers of new earth and hold the frequency of exoneration for all who are aligned with the new ways of being and existing.

Essentially, this means that the energy of freedom...the kinship with grace...is now wholly available in and around your sphere and holds the fluid field of potential for the bio-energetic ascension of the human form.

Biological Ascension

Those who are activated and aligned with 5th dimensional frequencies and higher are settling into position, preparing on a cellular level to transcend the limitations of earthly form.  The cells of the human body, which are mostly water, contain the genetic blueprint for biological ascension.  This blueprint is activated when enough of the cell mass is bathed in the light of higher consciousness and the energy vortices have opened sufficiently enough to sustain it.

For those who have adequately increased their light quotient by eliminating fear, this will be a time of transference.  What we mean by this is you will be transferring your carbon-based blueprint to the ascended crystalline blueprint necessary to hold and contain the higher dimensional frequencies that you are now operating within.

This moment of transference is one by which the physical body will adapt to in order to upgrade to the workings of the new human form.  For those in the process of this biological restructuring, we understand that it is rather taxing on the body to make the changeover, however, there is much more to this than meets the eye.

From a deeper, energetic perspective, what is happening is quite miraculous, for each of you are changing over to an entirely new way of existing and operating within the multidimensional matrix of your holographic realities and points of perception.  This new operating system will offer you the ability to do many wondrous and seemingly miraculous things, those which will also be present in the high vibrational children being born on the planet this day and onward.

Birthing, Raising & Teaching the New Children

The purpose of your awakening is not only to clear the way for humanity to follow in the footsteps of the great harbingers of peace, but to be and represent the future of the earth as physical guides to lead the new children who call for you.

The physical activation for those hosts who will be birthing, raising, and/or teaching the advanced souls from this new ray of light will be recognizing an increasing desire for, and connection to, children.  This increasing desire marks the clarion call for all those with contracts to care for and protect these precious and openly loving children from the harsh ways of the old dismantling world.   In some cases you, the guardians, will introduce these fully connected beings into physical existence on the earthly realm for the first time.

This is not only a great honor given exclusively to those who have earned the level of spiritual maturity to guide these masterful souls, but a great responsibility as well, for their gifts of the future must be well honed and protected from outside influences of negativity and fear.  Those with activated contracts to care for these children will intuitively feel a fierce sense of guardianship over these souls, and this is for good reason.

The vibration of earth has risen sufficiently enough for these souls, teachers, and parents-to-be, and you who will be guardians are now safely at the dimensional border waiting at the gate of ascended consciousness to welcome more of your soul family to the earth.  This is a joyous time of great celebration, not only for the caretakers of these new children of light, but for the entire human family.  These children bring with them many enlightened gifts for the evolution of earth and humanity...rejoice in your accomplishments dear way showers!

The Wisdom Keepers

Furthermore, we would like to make it known that those who have increased their vibration to the advanced level and crystalline bio-circuitry have reached a planetary activation level which was the result of the first and second waves of light who incarnated to clear the grids and to anchor and carry the 5th dimensional frequencies.  This planetary activation made possible by this group of souls warrants a true celebration, for it will be because of you that these new children, and thereby the new frequencies, are available to all.

For this great feat of accomplishment, the first wave warriors of light will retire and move up to maintain the collective consciousness as the wisdom keepers.  This group has seeded and sealed the planet with light, maintained their soul integrity through great hardships and now that critical mass has been achieved, these masters in disguise will be seen and acknowledged for who they truly are.

At last, those with their soul lights turned on will no longer fear extinguishment in the face of great darkness and resistance to truth.

And finally we would like to make clear that the arrival at biological ascension is something of great magnitude.  For those who have followed their inner guidance to this moment, you are the way and the light.  There are no words to define your experience, no words to fill the amount of gratitude that is held for each of you by the keepers of light.  We would like to extend our heartfelt love and thankfulness for your selfless dedication and service to the One, and we look forward to rejoicing with each of you in the fulfilling lives you are soon to lead.

Indeed, blessings and virtue always follow great honor.

Until next time, we are the Pleiadian High Council, bidding you farewell and good tidings.

Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at ThinkWithYourHeart.net

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Copyright © 2009 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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