a message from Hillis Pugh

Thursday, 14 October, 2010 

Be thankful this day for divine purpose.

As we go through life we carry out multiple purposes and experience
various lessons for each purpose. Through life, each experience
transmutes itself and blends with each previous experience. Each purpose
is a passion filled experience guiding us to our divine purpose. We
learn from what is asked of our heart’s desire. Our heart, the passion
burning in our center guides us to what brings us joy. This joy elevates
our vibration; signaling to us we are practicing our purpose. With the
completion of each purpose comes satisfaction and brings us closer to
the divine purpose.

Take a moment to think about the tasks bringing you joy in your life now. It can be a quiet moment, having moments of freedom, your career, people in your life, learning more about yourself, being a teacher to others, being of service to others or simply just being. Our divine purpose is enjoyment. We have to have enjoyment in all we do, no matter how small or large. Yes there are times where it may seem as if what we are doing is not in alignment with our joy, but think about what it was you asked for to happen in your life. Each situation is wrapped up in the totality of lesson or experience. Yes the Divine Source brought to what was asked in a manner best suited for the moment. Everything happening in our life is to serve a purpose, from lessons or in alignment for the highest good.

Everyone’s purpose is different; however we still reflect joy in what we do and who we are. Joy is simply another form of love. We find joy in different situations or material possessions, all of having special value of sentiment, not excess. At times our joy is someone else joy. Those closest us, feed off the joy radiating from us. When we are joyful, so are others. Joy can stem from any source. It can come from a physical stimulation, such as a hug, or wisdom from sharing information of interest, or simply feeling the joy exuding from another. Joy is created though honoring and acknowledging the source, from its creation. This can be done by showing gratitude. The divine purpose of enjoyment is contagious. If we all show joy of self and what is given through co-creation, then the collective will live in pure enjoyment.

The divine purpose felt in and around our life it’s the gauge allowing us to know we are doing what we are supposed to do in alignment for the highest good of all. When we don’t feel enjoyment from what we do or the blessings received, then we have change course to find the joy and love for what we do and who we are. We bring joy to us, through thoughts and actions reflective in spiritual behaviors. Think of it this way, nature, Mother Earth, takes joy in just being and providing a sustainable living environment for us. Yet we don’t feel this joy unless we are still in the Earth, however, we see it in the divine creations all around us. The Divine Source takes joy in bringing us, the offspring, blessings of what is asked to experience this life and serve the highest good. If the Co-creators of life can take joy in our presence and being, we can do the same. We can have enjoyment for just being who we are and learning from the lessons before us, bringing us enjoyment. Remember our joy is someone else’s joy and we are all connected.

Be thankful this day and everyday for the experiences bringing us joy.
Be thankful this day and everyday for the joy radiating from our heart to all we do and are.
Be thankful this day and everyday for the joy shared among all souls.

The Way What way Which way Your way My way Right way Wrong way A direction proceeded in determining choices signaling to self this is just for you Being open to the way asked and created Looking to higher self and surrendering to what is Feeling worthy of the way created and found within the heart of self This way That way The only way is the one you know being led by your heart

Greetings All, I would like to inform you of a new chapter emerging in Thank Thursday. The chapter will be called What Are You Grateful For. This chapter will include stories from you, the Thank You Thursday audience. I plan on starting the chapter January 2011. I would like to have your permission to publish your story on my blog and hopefully a book. You may also feel free to visit this link  to share your stories. I ask that you contact me to receive the consent form before any post. Thank you for your corporation. I look forward to reading all your stories! Be well, Hillis

All original bodies of work is owned and copyrighted by Hillis Pugh aka PHantasm. http://www.thankyouthursday.blogspot.com/