
Wednesday, 30 June, 2010  (posted 5 July, 2010)

Note from Selacia: "This message came from The Council of 12 in
response to what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill and
its devastation for life forms in and near those waters is a wake up
call for humanity. The waters of the Earth are pivotal to life here,
and they are connected to all other ecosystems and beings on the
planet. What is occurring is a spiritual crisis. In this message, The
Council of 12 provides their guidance of how to view what is occurring
and what each person can do right now to be a part of positive
solutions. A global healing for the Gulf and other waters of the planet
will be included in the July 10 worldwide Council of 12 channeling
event. You and your friends across the world are most welcome to join
us!" 6/30/10

To have sight without vision leaves you in a precarious state. This
is true for you and also for humanity. It is not enough to simply see
the tragedies occurring in the world–including in the Gulf of Mexico.
See these things, but then also create a vision of healing to address
the underlying causes. Problems caused by humans can be resolved by
humans, especially when people such as you recognize their true role as
Divine Changemakers.
As you walk the path of the Divine Changemaker, you discover how to
live in balance with the forces of nature and to respect all life
including your own. You see that spirit is in everyone and everything.
When spirit becomes the source of your vision, the happenstance of your
life is no longer ordinary. The conventional is transformed into the
For example, you recognize the spiritual forces of the elements. Water
is a basic element now taking the world spotlight because of the oil
spill in the Gulf. Not only is water integral to life itself, it is
representative of gentleness, peace, and joy. It also relates to the
feminine principle and the power of the Divine feminine in the overall
balance of power on Earth. The new Earth you desire to create and
inhabit cannot come into being until humanity embraces and integrates
the Divine feminine.
When humanity rediscovers how to incorporate both Divine feminine and
Divine masculine into all cultures, and these forces are balanced, you
will no longer witness abuses of power and disrespect for nature.
Situations like oil spills–with their complex and long-lasting
consequences-will become things of the past.
People of ancient cultures understood the healing properties of water,
and its ability to help with cleansing, purification, and creating a
sense of comfort. They understood on an experiential level the
sacredness of all life, including elements such as water that make life
When you visit a body of water or bathe in water, you are able to
connect with feelings of stability, relaxation, and ease. This is
because of the underlying spiritual qualities of water. Connecting with
the water reminds you of the eternal and of the creative force
itself-always in motion and creating new pathways while it nourishes
and nurtures. Water is a symbol of new life, and of the quality of
reflection. Water is sacred.
When people lose touch with the sacred, they lose touch with their
essence and the knowing that all of life is connected. The Earth, with
its weather patterns and responses to human made actions, is showing
humanity that it’s time to wake up and remember the sacred. Wake up
calls for transformation are everywhere-from the Gulf to inside your
body as your DNA is reconfigured to hold more light.
Wake up calls are being catalyzed by the Earth itself, as well as by
the higher selves of people like you across the planet. There would be
no need for a wake up call if everything was in balance. Likewise,
there would be no need for a wake up call if humanity’s destiny was
Humanity is waking up, remembering universal truths about what it means
to be spirit in human form. As more people expand their consciousness
and realize it is they who direct what happens next, the Earth’s
destiny shifts. Mass extinctions, like your ancestors experienced, can
be eliminated. Self-directed evolution can replace centuries of
victimhood. Divine Changemakers can be pivotal players in the Earth’s
dance of transformation, helping to shift the balance back into light
through their choices and consciousness.
You are one of these pivotal players. Your energy counts. Don’t be
concerned with the "how," or with the final result as you put in motion
your unique energies as a Divine Changemaker. How you can help right
now may look different from how you imagined. It may look different
from how others are helping. Let go of comparisons. Let go of
self-criticism about whether you are doing enough or doing things
right. When you are unsure about how to best help, tune into your
heart. It will be your heart’s wisdom, based on love, which will guide
you and keep you steady. It will provide you with all the validation
that you need to take the next step.
The balance that you want to create on Earth is really very simple–the
source is love. When love is not present, there is a disturbance of
the intricate connections that facilitate balance. This is what is
happening in the Gulf now. Love is the answer to restore the
connections. It is the spiritual solution to the world’s crisis.
Physical Healing for Waters in the
Gulf of Mexico

On a physical level, the solution to the oil spill in the Gulf must
go beyond surface appearances and band aids. The true solutions will be
found when enough people with the power to act become conscious of how
the waters and other life forms of the planet are connected. There
will need to be an understanding of how vital water really is for
sustaining life. Especially in Western countries where water is often
taken for granted, people will need to learn to respect the gift that
water is.
The ancient peoples knew these things and much more that has been
forgotten. They knew that they were like cells in the larger body that
is planet Earth. Understanding that, they realized that their
consciousness could choose to participate positively or negatively.
In simple terms, that meant they had the option of choosing to be a
part of positive evolution for the whole of humanity. When they made
that choice, they also personally advanced in a positive direction. The
choice spoken of here was not made once, but continuously throughout
life in response to circumstances.
The choice to create in positive ways involves conscious awareness and
thought. It also involves action.
When there is a crisis of large proportions like the oil spill in the
Gulf, people like you on the path of awakening naturally feel a call to
act. You want to do more than simply observe on the sidelines,
wondering what those in charge will do next. The part of you in touch
with your Divine Changemaker role knows that it’s not in your true
nature to be a bystander. There’s no sense of authentic power there.
Below is a checklist of things you can do right now. These things can
have wide reaching impact–in your own life, in your interactions with
others, and in the physical world you call home.
Checklist of Helpful Actions

1. Set your intention to avoid adding to the world’s negativity with
your thoughts, words, and actions. As an example, you don’t want to
waste your precious energy complaining about a disaster or blaming a
person or company for a problem. When you complain or blame, nothing is
resolved. As you broadcast the energies of complaining or blaming, you
send your personal energy into a downward spiral. As you then sit in a
lower energetic frequency, your next thoughts and feelings are clouded
and lack creativity.
2. Focus your mind regularly on visions of healing for the waters and
beings of the Earth. Do this even when the media stops focusing on the
Gulf. Imagine that the waters everywhere are sacred pools of nectar,
and that any contaminated water becomes pure and alive once again.
Visualize life forms in the waters, and those that depend upon the
waters, receiving the assistance needed for healing and restoration. As
part of your visualization, imagine that people who interact with the
waters–including those in businesses–wake up to their responsibility
as caretakers of the Earth. Imagine these people becoming aware of the
sacredness and interconnectedness of all life forms.
3. Seek to find and connect with other Divine Changemakers. Spend time
with these other people who are also on the path of light, so that you
can resource and share a higher frequency experience. Allow your time
with other light workers to help remind you of what is truly important.
Allow your time together to be a refueling, but also an opportunity
for reciprocity and holding space for one another. Practice listening
deeply to what others are saying. Be as present as you can. Decide to
make these potent connections with others even when you feel that you
cannot make time to do it. Time, after all, isn’t something that you
make. Time is something you discover how to utilize to the fullest.
4. Ask yourself regularly what you can do with your personal energy to
help facilitate spiritual transformation. This is your own
transformation, of course, but it is also the shift occurring all around
you. Adopt a habit of being flexible about your optimal role. Know
that your success will come from flexibility and from discovering how
to be where you need to be, when you need to be there. As you are
becoming skilled in this more fluid way of being, be kind to yourself
and others. Being harsh with yourself won’t get you to your goals any
faster. Being harsh with others will build a wall that you don’t want
to have. Successful relationships are built with bridges. Build those
instead, with kindness.
As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we
surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All
Rights Reserved *