Solution-Focused: Put your energy to good use

This week, after taking some time off to spend with a friend visiting from London, I was reminded of something important: I need to stay focused on solutions rather than problems.  One morning, after discussing the gulf oil disaster at length, I noticed that I felt exhausted and depressed for the remainder of the day.  When I thought about it, I realized that this has been happening more and more as I’ve watched the story unfold.  It’s so easy to feel hopeless and overwhelmed by the enormity of the damage as well as the response (who actually thinks that pouring toxic chemicals – dispersants – into a vast ocean filled with living beings is a solution?!?).

I know many of you feel the same way.  These are challenging times and it’s heartbreaking to see what’s happening to our planet.  The foolish choices made by some with so little consciousness are infuriating at best.  But, it’s important to remember that focusing on the problem, over and over again, just contributes to the energy going in that direction – toward the problem.  So, I decided to shift my attention to the fix.  Last week I started searching online for people who were creating solutions and I instantly felt hopeful.  I found several ideas and it was a great reminder that there are smart, committed, and conscientious people putting their energy to good use.  

Where are you putting your attention?  Rather than get seduced by the frightening and devastating news of doom and gloom, let’s collectively focus on good news, solutions, and what’s working, shall we?  When we do, we:

Have more energy to do well in the world
Think better thoughts
Increase our level of personal power
Generate smart ideas
Begin to see good everywhere
Feel hopeful and empowered
Become a positive influence on others and on the planet

And, we open ourselves up to wisdom and insight so we, too, can become part of the solution.  

To that end, I invite you to share your good news with us.  Read the Take Action Challenge below for details.

Take Action Challenge

This week, do your own research and feel free to send me links to videos or articles that focus on the positive.  I’ll have a look and, when appropriate, I’ll post them in this newsletter, on my Facebook Page, and on Twitter.  When you find something positively provocative or interesting, send a link to me here: with “solution” in the subject line.  Thanks!

If you like surprises, you’ll love this week’s video.  You can find it here.  Thanks, Andrea!