Monday, 14 June, 2010  (posted 15 June, 2010)

Do you know that our angels and guides are around us all of the
time, giving us hints, support and guidance on a constant basis? They
often do this in subtle ways, by bringing certain topics, ideas of
thoughts to our attention. This past week I was tired to the point where
I felt drained, totally exhausted and unable to meet my usual
productive schedule. More than once I had to lie down and take a nap. I
couldn’t think clearly and began to think my health was compromised.
"What is wrong with me," I kept asking and I did not receive a direct
answer but I kept thinking about the Philadelphia Experiment movie.

The Philadelphia Experiment was a secret Naval project conducted in
August and October 1943 that attempted to prove Einstein’s Unified
Field theory with respect to electromagnetic energy. The belief was
that with the right frequency, gravity could be ‘bent’ so that solid
objects could be rendered invisible. The experiment was conducted on a
ship, which was made invisible and it was teleported, with disastrous
consequences. Nearly all of the sailors on the ship were killed, mainly
from radiation poisoning. The strength of the magnetic field created
severe mental stress and the survivors lost their minds. Others simply
disappeared and were never seen again. I found an article about it here
How did this explain what was going on with me and what I was feeling?
There is an increase in electromagnetic frequency but this shift in
frequency is not man-made and it involves the entire planet. As time
and space around us collapses we are pushed into a new dimension that
we are spiritually prepared for but our physical body is less
cooperative. Hence the fatigue, depression, sadness, weight gain,
headaches and other symptoms we are experiencing. With each new
download the intensity of the frequency increases in an attempt to
allow our body to adapt to this new state. And each time is a little
easier than the previous one (but not much).
We can’t do anything about the energy shifts, which are here to stay.
What we can do is to stay grounded (which is why we retain water and
gain weight) and sleep or rest when we are tired for this is when we
are being re-calibrated, re-wired and our bodies are working hard to
adjust to these energies. But then we have to act, for this energy is
very responsive to our intention. With each phase comes a new level of
being, glimpses into new dimensions and opportunities for us to begin
practicing using the energies for the next phase of our journey. Right
now we have a foot in both worlds and go back and forth, allowing us to
refine our intention, practice using our power and fine-tune our
co-creative abilities. Use this time to practice, focus and test your
power. Go with the flow is the best guidance because all of our
lifetimes have led to this moment and we can’t quit when we are almost
at the end of this journey.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life
OmniMedia, Inc.