Recent event have gotten me to see things differently. My idea in writing my second novel is that beings from the far future are somehow responsible for tweaking our reality so it gets better and better. But why does it have to be the far  future? Anybody who can anticipate, is properly equipped to tweak. And that’s what I see happening: numerous myth and scams have emerged in the past, even more so since our field of interest became global with the advance of computers. We’ve got viruses, russian brides, the dotcom hype, spam, lotteries,  all stories of which we have collectively seen enough experiences to consider them real.

But why are some people literally under siege from viruses and hackers, while others like me couldn’t care less? Why do I always narrowly escape the negatives, even though I hear about others getting taken to the cleaners? Am I that lucky? I used to think myself unlucky for not getting into the big positives, but untill I started considering myself lucky to escape the negatives, I wasn’t really alive. A psychic once asked me this: "When will you stop surviving, and start living?" He was right, and I’ve taken this long to consciously realize it. The moment you stop worrying about losing, you start winning! Big win scenarios are still a dream of mine, but I never could figure out how I’d beat the odds. How to win the lottery? How to become a big name in writing? I never figured it out.

But today I realized something about me: even though nobody would really call me lazy, I actually am: I love beauty (both experiencing and creating it), but I abhor (grind) work. A perfect programmer in other words!  But since I am God, and God is me, is God lazy? Dare I call him that? Well, I shouldn’t, because he created it all! How’s that for a lazy guy, riight? But He (or She)  created it all, and so knows how it works. We on the other hand, are behind the veil, trying to figure it out as we go. And I find that the more I find, the closer I get to finding I’ve really got nothing to lose! And because I no longer have anything to lose, winning becomes unimportant! But then, that might just be the missing ingredient that was needed to create the perfect winner: gives his all, without needing anything in return. Simply  because he knows he’s already won. 

And then al of a sudden you find there’s always someone somewhere to take up the slack: I botched a PC cleanup the other day, accidentally wiping a lady’s mail program from her computer. I did ask her if she used Microsoft Office, while I knew she used Outlook. That Outlook belonged to Office was something I also knew, but at that point was not aware of. When I got home she called, not being able to check her mail. I felt real bad, because she of all people didn’t deserve such a setback. I offered to try and fix it remotely through TeamViewer, but being quite afraid of computers, she refused. So we planned on getting me out there live somewhere this week. But just now I got a call from a gentleman she’d called in, and he had a very straightforward solution he wanted to run by me. I figure this just might work, which means I’ve yet again escaped an unpleasant situation: no need to travel there, and the problem is still fixed. 

So don’t worry, there really is someone out to watch your back!

Love your Light, and our Oneness. 
