I choose to be one with all that is, in deep peace.  I choose
to move with the flow, to enjoy the feel of the water, to breathe the
water and let it direct my life.  I choose to be one with the stream and
to live in complete harmony with all that is in my world.

Yes, I
see that there is a world outside the stream.  I see that there is a
sky and that there is land.  But I do not yearn for what is not me and
mine.  I do not yearn to be other than what I am.  For here, in this
stream, I have power and presence.  Here in the stream that is my
natural element, I can swim quickly, can dart across the stream and
chase after whatever I wish whenever I wish.  I love living my life,
the life that was given to me at birth.  I love being exactly what and
who I am.  I love my natural environment and the way it moves with me,
through me and around me.

I move with grace and ease here.  I
move without conflict or resistance.  I swim, propelled by the force of
nature.  I steer by using the power that flows.  I am harmony and ease
and deep acceptance of the blessings that are mine.

Quado, do you have anything to add?

Ah, the fish
is so wise.  Why yearn to be other than you are, when there is so much
that one can be within the world that is given you?  Right now, with
life exactly as it is, quiet your mind and your yearnings, still your
regrets and criticisms, and look around.  Like the fish, learn a deep
appreciation of the flow just as it is.

If you are feeling out
of sorts, always ask yourself whether you are thinking of the present. 
It is likely that you are out of sorts because of your focus on the
past and the future, for the present, this moment right now, is always
full of wonder and beauty.  It is always deep with peace.  And you can
be connected with all of that wonder, beauty and peace, simply by
dipping into it, breathing it in and being one with it, like falling
into the heart of a flower, reaching up on the branches of a tree,
riding on the wings of a bird overhead, and swimming with the fish in
the flashing stream.

Fill your heart with love right now, with a
deep love of life, and celebrate being alive in this moment, just as it
is.  Do not allow this moment to pass without living it fully.  Swim;
enjoy the feel of life on your skin.  Be who you are and be glad.

This message Copyright © 2005-8 by Systematíque, Inc. All rights
reserved. http://www.carriehart.com