The financial consciousness of planet earth changes into a
higher brighter light exhibiting finer more defined lines of
manifestation.   In the past you have always looked to others for
support and a foot up – now as the worlds face confusion you worry
like an old woman, who asks, ‘Who will be there if I fall?’ Fear lines
your thoughts.

The question, little ones, is why do you want
to fall at all? 
Are you or are you not in charge of creating
your life? Or you just a victim of happenstance?   Why do you want to
fuel your life stream with such down trodden thoughts and creations? 
You are just learning to fly, leaving the nest of what was your safe
space and building a place even the Angels would be jealous of. 

many of you are ready to leap and risk leaving the nest; so many of
you are ready to really learn to fly.  No more straddling the razor
blade fence of indecision.  Grasp what is golden about you and your
world and your decisions.  Hold on for dear life and swing into a
bright shiny future. 

Many have learned to play the part of
martyr and savior, whipping post and slave – now its time to try on
the costume of Deserving.  We see within the souls of so many of you
how life has hurt you, how you’ve been raked over the coals and burnt.
With a higher thought you can whitewash the broken fence of your
heart.  You have the ability to the heal past all soul scars. 

Universe, your God does not hold you to your past.  the universe
 lives in the present moment.  It is time for you to release your past,
for even the very Gods themselves do not hold it against you.  Your
past is held in a holy repository and you have the only key to open
that drawer- even the Creator does not go there.  Nothing of divine
holy light will ever point out the past to you.  Move up and out of
what has caused you pain and sadness and anger.  Do it thought by
thought, decree by decree. 

With a flip of a switch in
your next thought you can either turn on the light or continue to sit
in the dark room developing negatives.  If your heart truly desires
something, just give it to yourself.  First with a thought, a permission
and a deserving to have it and then allow the rest to follow.  If you
want a new car, give it yourself first verbally, out loud.  Whatever
you speak, the Universe hears and mirrors back to you. 

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 –