Channeler: DL Zeta

An important part of opening to channel is sharpening your skill at
interpreting the downloads you receive. There’s a part of you that works
at the subconscious level to transfer the energetic impulses of a
download into words and images that hold meaning for you.

This part of you will use your knowledge, understandings and
experiences to help you translate the information you channel. The
conscious mind of a channel routinely colors and filters the information
received. The less filtering and coloring of intuitive downloads, the
more “pure” the channel. The more adept you are at understanding
symbols, the less you need to work with channeled information from a
conscious perspective. It in other words, once you’re able to
consciously understand symbols, your inner translator is able to give
you raw, unedited downloads encoded in symbols. By becoming fluent in
the messages your inner translator sends you, you become adept at the
language of your subconscious — the language of your soul.

This fluency over time helps you become telepathic with your higher
self. It can be compared to learning a person’s native language in order
to gain deeper insights into who they are and what they are about. It’s
easy to see how this fluency is more productive that using gestures and
broken sentences to get your message across. Fluency allows you to
better understand the context and subtle meanings contained in a
message. It is not unlike remembering and interpreting your nightly
dreams. As you look at each person, each location, each object in a
dream, you expand your understanding and the subtle complexities of the
message reveal themselves to you.

To become adept in the language of your soul, practice remembering
and interpreting your nightly dreams. In addition, at the end of each
day, write down happenings of your day that stand out in your mind and
interpret these just as you would the images of your nightly dreams.
Both practices will yield important information and insights for your
daily life. They will also help you develop an ongoing dialog with your
higher self and become adept at understanding the downloads it sends

Excerpt from Channeling into the Next Dimension: A Handbook for
Opening Your Psychic Senses by DL Zeta & Peter Phalam
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