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Easter 2010

APRIL 2, 2010

Greetings beloved brothers and sisters.  Today, Good
Friday, starts a sacred time  for the Christian community.  We wish you to
concentrate on the love, and not the pain of this sacred

Jesus the Christ was a master while on earth and is still a
master on this side.  One who came out of love to teach all  the truth about
themselves.  He did not come nor wish  to be adored and proclaimed to be the
only son of God.You are all sons of God, and is is most appropriate that you
use this day to celebrate the truth of his mission, not the death of the
messenger.   He was trying to tell the people that they too are one with
but they were not ready and they took his words to mean that He alone
Divine.  The words; I am the way., the truth, and the Light"  were meant
reveal that  this I  is not the personal sense of I, but that the I of
every man
is Source and resides within his heart center.  All must  realize this
eventually in order to move out of duality and separation.. I is a very
word.   Many mystics would not say this word in a personal sense.

people of that time did not understand the message,  much as many today
interpret his words of truth in a very material, three dimensional 
way.  Please
allow your inner guidance to help you understand teachings and guide you
when they are false. You are getting close to where you do not need the
teachings and journeys of others to tell you how to be spiritual.  Now
is the 
time for  taking back your power beloved ones, those of you who have
given it to
the power hungry and who only see with physical eyes; many of whom
proclaim to
be speaking the true word of God.

The message of Easter is simple,  the
crucifixion of  old material sense  and the resurrection into the truth
reality of man and God.  Try to enjoy this Easter time, but with a sense
of what
it really means, dear ones.  The master Jesus never meant for the world
worship him as the only son of God, his whole message was one of
mankind into a realization of One. He stated it clearly when he said; 
kingdom of God is within you."

The original  teachings of Jesus  have
been corrupted by  churches  and self proclaimed "leaders"  who preach
hate and
prejudice  in the name of Christianity.  This has never been his way, is
not His
way now , nor will it ever be.

Embrace your Divinity and the Divinity
within all living things  in the name of the master Jesus who came, and
out of love in order to help you understand your own Divine Sonship.  He
and still loves all, not as your God, but as your teacher and brother in
Christ Light which all living things  have within.

With love on the
Easter 2010  Arcturian Group            4/2/2010

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