Here is Day 5…  If your are ready for more, follow the link at the end of the post to come to for days 6 and 7…  Blessings on your Journey.  Marc

 Wow, here we are already 5 days into this wonderful Journey, with incredible insight and discovery.  As you can see this practice is somewhat cumulative in nature often being described as peeling the layers of the onion we dig deeper every moment.  Each of our previous days experience becomes foundation for the moment at hand.  We are in the process of re-training ourselves to ’see’ differently as many have been conditioned to see what the governing society wants us to see.  It is an illusion and as we begin to peel away the layers to reveal more information a new world opens to us… We must let it, to be sure… We must want it from the depth of our beings.  It is a commitment to ourselves and we continue now.

Come into your awareness, the practice, right now however you are.  Bring yourself to this present moment and begin to breathe consciously.  Take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc and give yourself some time to meditate.  Find your center, that radiant core from which your being moves with Divine purpose.  Bring all of your awareness to right now, notice all of your surroundings… Open your eyes and look around.  What do you see?  Where are you? at work, the office, at the airport?  How close are you to our Mother Earth?  Are you standing on her now?  Are you grounded?

Write in your journal the sensations you are experiencing now.  Focus your awareness to how grounded you feel.  Allow that to hold whatever meaning it does for you and describe your sensations.  Just open the floodgates and let that pen float across the page or your fingertips fly across the keyboard.  Write it out, now while it is fresh in your experience.

I remember when I was working at a large government office, often I would enter the building at 5:00 am and never touch the Earth for the next 10 hours…  Sure there were windows, but I was inside with all that energy, all those vibrations and no way to ground out and reconnect with the vibrations of our Earth Mother.  When I did go outside, I was completely unaware of any natural surroundings as often I carried the issues from inside to out.  Is this your experience?

After you have finished your journaling, step outside and onto the Earth.  Stand barefoot on the ground if you can and close your eyes.  Align your body comfortably and relax… draw your shoulder blades back and align your center axis. Breathe.  Feel a connection to the Mother extending beyond your feet… roots, energetic roots that go deep, down and into the core of our beautiful planet, our home.  Feel those roots strengthen and grow, allowing energy to exchange between you and Earth’s core.  Feel the vibration of the Universe flowing through her, aligning your vibrations with it.  Allow any negative energies, dark or shadow thoughts and emotions to drain out those roots.  With conscious effortless effort ‘push’ those things you wish to leave out through your roots and allow them to dissipate into the ground…

Open your eyes and notice what you feel.  Look around you for natural Earth relations.  Look for the birds and trees, the grass and flowers.  Hear the freedom songs the birds are singing, inhale the life energy or prana and feel it’s tingle on your skin… Open your nostrils and smell deeply for the purity of the life’s breath.  Find a tree and place your hands on it’s skin… Feel the life energy flowing through this magnificent creation, feel your connection to it.  Look at it’s leaves, introduce yourself…  This tree is your brother or sister, it is part of all creation and perfect in it’s nature.  Find a stone and see it’s elderly wisdom, pick it up and hold it close to your heart.

Today, connect with the Earth.  Share it’s strength and power, feel her pulsing, vibrant and alive with the natural vibrations of the Universe.  This is our home, this planet we stand on.  Root deeply into this awareness.  See all the Earth relations with new sight.  Do the flowers strive to be any more than they are, beauty in the moment… Are the birds singing songs of gossip or ballads of despair?   Does water flow uphill?  Look around and take notice of things you may never have actually been aware of.

Presence yourself in nature today and stand effortlessly and gracefully on your Mother Earth.  Write about this experience on a new page of your journal.  Notice your sensations and thoughts, your clarity and peace of mind.  Do you feel different than before?  Did you feel the release or grounding?  Allow yourself to really explore your experience and share if you are so inclined.

Any time you may be feeling a little off, return to your home… Stand on the Earth and ground…

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now